PutDoc() public méthode

Update or insert a new document into the database
public PutDoc ( string docId, string data ) : void
docId string ID of the document to store or update
data string string data for the associated document
Résultat void
Exemple #1
        public void ReplicationTest()
            RemoteDB remoteDB = new RemoteDB();

            //DocInfo[] info = remoteDB.GetAllDocuments("", "test");

            NouchDB nouchDB = new NouchDB();
            //nouchDB.Delete(new Options());
            //string res = RevsDiff(nouchDB, remoteDB, info);
            //res = "{\"keys\":" + res + "}";

            long lastSync = nouchDB.GetLastSync("");

            JsonData  docs = remoteDB.GetChanges("", "test", true, lastSync);

            foreach (JsonData result in docs["results"])
                string id = (string) result["id"];
                string rev = (string) result["changes"][0]["rev"];
            //    //result.Remove("_rev");
            //    //result.Remove("_id");

                string doc = result["doc"].ToJson() ;

                    nouchDB.PutDoc(id, doc, rev);
                catch (Exception ee)

            Debug.WriteLine("Document sync: " + docs["results"].Count);
            nouchDB.SetLastSync("",(int) docs["last_seq"]);

Exemple #2
        public void SimpleInsertAndUpdate()
            NouchDB nouchDB = new NouchDB();

            //nouchDB.Delete(new Options());

            var customer = new Customer { name = "Joe Bloggs", age = 31 };

            string input = JsonMapper.ToJson(customer);
            nouchDB.PutDoc("doc_id1", input);
            string output = nouchDB.GetDoc("doc_id1");
            Assert.AreEqual(input, output);

            string res = nouchDB.Info();

            var customer2 = new Customer { name = "Fred", age = 55 };
            input = JsonMapper.ToJson(customer2);
            nouchDB.PutDoc("doc_id1", input);
            output = nouchDB.GetDoc("doc_id1");
            Assert.AreEqual(input, output);

            List<int> obj = JsonMapper.ToObject<List<int>>(nouchDB.Info());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, obj[0]); // 1 doc
            Assert.AreEqual(2, obj[1]); // 2 sequences

