Exemple #1
 public Scenario(string title, string source)
     : this(title, source, new Feature())
     Feature = new Feature();
     Title = title;
     _steps = new List<StringStep>();
     _examples = new List<Example>();
Exemple #2
 public Scenario(string title, string source, Feature feature, int sourceLine)
     Feature = feature;
     Title = title;
     Source = source;
     SourceLine = sourceLine;
     _steps = new List<StringStep>();
     _examples = new List<Example>();
 public IEnumerable<ClassificationSpan> CreateScenarioClassification(Feature feature, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     return feature.Scenarios
         .Select(scenario =>
                         var snapshotSpan = CreateClassification(scenario.SourceLine, scenario.Title, snapshot);
                         return (snapshotSpan.HasValue) ? new ClassificationSpan(snapshotSpan.Value, ClassificationRegistry.ScenarioTitle) : null;
         .Where(c => c != null);
Exemple #4
//        public void SetupFeature(
//            NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature feature)
//        {
//            base.Feature = feature;
//        }

        protected override NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature CreateFeature()
            NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature featureTest =
                new NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature(this.featureName)

//        public void SetupFeature(
//            NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature feature)
//        {
//            base.Feature = feature;
//        }
        protected override NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature CreateFeature()
            NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature featureTest =
                new NBehave.Narrator.Framework.Feature(this.featureName)

            return featureTest;
 public void RunScenario()
     HelperClass.GivenWasCalled = false;
     var feature = new Feature("Hello");
         .Given("something to call")
         .And("something else")
         .When("method should be called")
         .Then("this should work");
		public void ShouldRetrieveProducts()
			var context = new RequestContext();

			var story = new Feature("Should retrieve products");
			story.AddScenario("Should retrieve all public and Company's products when User works for Company")
				.Given("User works for Company 1", () => context.UserWorksForCompany(1))
				.And("$productName belongs to Company $companyId", () => context.ProductBelongsToCompany("Product 1", 1))
				.And("$productName belongs to Company $companyId", () => context.ProductBelongsToCompany("Product 2", 2))
				.And("$productName is public", () => context.ProductIsPublic("Product 3"))
				.When("retrieve products for User", context.RetrieveProductsForUser)
				.Then("retrieved products are: $productNames",
				      () => context.RetrievedProductsAre(Strings.Create("Product 1", "Product 3")));

			story.AddScenario("Should retrieve only public products when User does not work for any Company")
				.Given("user does not work for any company", context.UserDoesNotWorkForAnyCompany)
				.And("$productName belongs to company $companyId", () => context.ProductBelongsToCompany("Product 1", 1))
				.And("$productName belongs to company $companyId", () => context.ProductBelongsToCompany("Product 2", 2))
				.And("$productName is public", () => context.ProductIsPublic("Product 3"))
				.When("retrieve products for User", context.RetrieveProductsForUser)
				.Then("retrieved products are: $productNames", () => context.RetrievedProductsAre(Strings.Create("Product 3")));
 public FeatureGherkinText(Feature feature)
     this.feature = feature;
Exemple #9
 public virtual void FeatureStarted(Feature feature)
 public void Should_use_And_for_second_Given()
     var feature = new Feature("Hello");
     var scenarioBuilder = feature.AddScenario();
     var fragment = scenarioBuilder.Given("foo");
     var scenario = feature.Scenarios[0].ToString();
         "Scenario: " + Environment.NewLine +
         "  Given foo" + Environment.NewLine +
         "  And bar", scenario);
 private IList<ClassificationSpan> SelectClassifiable(Feature feature, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     ClassificationSpan f = GherkinClassifier.CreateFeatureClassification(feature, snapshot);
     var classificationSpans = new List<ClassificationSpan>();
     classificationSpans.AddRange(GherkinClassifier.CreateScenarioClassification(feature, snapshot).ToList());
     return classificationSpans;
Exemple #12
 public StoryBuilder(Feature feature)
     _feature = feature;
 public ClassificationSpan CreateFeatureClassification(Feature feature, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     var snapshotSpan = CreateClassification(feature.SourceLine, feature.Title, snapshot);
     return (snapshotSpan.HasValue) ? new ClassificationSpan(snapshotSpan.Value, ClassificationRegistry.FeatureTitle) : null;
 public void RunScenario()
     var feature = new Feature("Hello");
             .Given("something to call")
             .And("something else")
             .When("method should be called")
             .Then("this should work");
 public void Should_use_And_for_second_Then()
     var feature = new Feature("Hello");
     var scenarioBuilder = feature.AddScenario();
     var fragment = scenarioBuilder.Given("foo");
     var whenFragment = fragment.When("bar");
     var thenFragment = whenFragment.Then("moo");
     var scenario = feature.Scenarios[0].ToString();
         "Scenario: " + Environment.NewLine +
         "  Given foo" + Environment.NewLine +
         "  When bar" + Environment.NewLine +
         "  Then moo" + Environment.NewLine +
         "  And moo-moo", scenario);
Exemple #16
 public FeatureContext(Feature feature)
     Feature = feature;
Exemple #17
 public FeatureContext(Feature feature, IEnumerable<string> tags)
     : this(feature)
Exemple #18
 private void CreateFeatureElement(Feature feature)
     IProjectFile featureFile = FindFile(feature);
     _parent = new NBehaveFeatureTestElement(feature.Title, featureFile, _unitTestProvider, _projectModel);
Exemple #19
 public Scenario(string title, string source, Feature feature)
     : this(title, source, feature, -1)
Exemple #20
        private IProjectFile FindFile(Feature feature)
            ICollection<IProjectItem> proj = _solution.FindProjectItemsByLocation(new FileSystemPath(feature.Source));

            string featureFileName = Path.GetFileName(feature.Source.ToLower());
            foreach (var item in proj)
                var project = item.GetProject();
                var file = project.GetAllProjectFiles().SingleOrDefault(_ => Path.GetFileName(_.Location.FullPath.ToLower()) == featureFileName);
                if (file != null)
                    return file;
            return null;
 public override void FeatureStarted(Feature feature)
     listener.WriteLine("\tFeature: " + feature.Title, Category.Output);
Exemple #22
 private void BuildScenarios(Feature feature)
     foreach (var scenario in feature.Scenarios)
Exemple #23
 public AsAFragment(Feature feature)
     _builder = new StoryBuilder(feature);
Exemple #24
 public ScenarioResult(Feature feature, string scenarioTitle)
     FeatureTitle = feature.Title;
     ScenarioTitle = scenarioTitle;
     _actionStepResults = new List<StepResult>();
 public ScenarioExampleResult(Feature feature, string scenarioTitle, IEnumerable<StringStep> stringSteps, IEnumerable<Example> examples)
     : base(feature, scenarioTitle)
     Examples = examples;
        public void Should_call_method_with_attribute_in_ActionStepsClass()
            bool givenWasCalled = false;
            bool andWasCalled = false;
            bool whenWasCalled = false;
            bool thenWasCalled = false;

            var feature = new Feature("Hello");
                .Given("something to call", () => givenWasCalled = true)
                .And("something else", () => andWasCalled = true)
                .When("method should be called", () => whenWasCalled = true)
                .Then("this should work", () => thenWasCalled = true);

            Assert.IsTrue(givenWasCalled, "Given step was not invoked");
            Assert.IsTrue(andWasCalled, "And step was not invoked");
            Assert.IsTrue(whenWasCalled, "When step was not invoked");
            Assert.IsTrue(thenWasCalled, "Then step was not invoked");