void ResolvePendingCatchpoint(Catchpoint cp, TypeMirror type)
            BreakInfo bi = GetBreakInfo(cp);

            InsertCatchpoint(cp, bi, type);
            SetBreakEventStatus(cp, true);
 void InsertBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp, BreakInfo bi)
     bi.Req               = vm.SetBreakpoint(bi.Location.Method, bi.Location.ILOffset);
     bi.Req.Enabled       = bi.Enabled;
     breakpoints [bi.Req] = bi;
     OnBreakpointBound(bp, (BreakpointEventRequest)bi.Req);
        void InsertCatchpoint(Catchpoint cp, BreakInfo bi, TypeMirror excType)
            var request = bi.Req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest(excType, true, true);

            request.Count  = cp.HitCount;
            bi.Req.Enabled = bi.Enabled;
        void ResolvePendingBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp, Location l)
            BreakInfo bi = GetBreakInfo(bp);

            if (bi != null)
                bi.Location = l;
                InsertBreakpoint(bp, bi);
                SetBreakEventStatus(bp, true);
        protected override void OnRemoveBreakEvent(object handle)
            if (exited)
            BreakInfo bi = (BreakInfo)handle;

            if (bi.Req != null)
                bi.Req.Enabled = false;
        protected override void OnEnableBreakEvent(object handle, bool enable)
            if (exited)
            BreakInfo bi = (BreakInfo)handle;

            bi.Enabled = enable;
            if (bi.Req != null)
                bi.Req.Enabled = enable;
                if (!enable)
        protected override object OnInsertBreakEvent(BreakEvent be, bool activate)
            if (exited)
            BreakInfo bi = new BreakInfo();

            bi.Enabled    = activate;
            bi.BreakEvent = be;

            if (be is Breakpoint)
                Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint)be;
                bi.Location = FindLocation(bp.FileName, bp.Line);
                if (bi.Location != null)
                    InsertBreakpoint(bp, bi);
                    SetBreakEventStatus(be, false);
            else if (be is Catchpoint)
                var        cp = (Catchpoint)be;
                TypeMirror type;
                if (types.TryGetValue(cp.ExceptionName, out type))
                    InsertCatchpoint(cp, bi, type);
                    SetBreakEventStatus(be, false);
		void InsertBreakpoint (Breakpoint bp, BreakInfo bi)
			EventRequest request;
			request = vm.SetBreakpoint (bi.Location.Method, bi.Location.ILOffset);
			request.Enabled = bp.Enabled;
			bi.Requests.Add (request);
			breakpoints[request] = bi;
			if (bi.Location.LineNumber != bp.Line)
				bi.AdjustBreakpointLocation (bi.Location.LineNumber);
		protected override BreakEventInfo OnInsertBreakEvent (BreakEvent ev)
			if (exited)
				return null;

			var bi = new BreakInfo ();
			if (ev is FunctionBreakpoint) {
				var fb = (FunctionBreakpoint) ev;
				bool generic;
				bi.Location = FindLocationByFunction (fb.FunctionName, fb.ParamTypes, fb.Line, out generic);
				if (bi.Location != null) {
					fb.SetResolvedFileName (bi.Location.SourceFile);
					bi.FileName = fb.FileName;
					InsertBreakpoint (fb, bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
					// Note: if the type or method is generic, there may be more instances so don't assume we are done resolving the breakpoint
					if (generic)
						pending_bes.Add (bi);
				} else {
					int dot = fb.FunctionName.LastIndexOf ('.');
					if (dot != -1)
						bi.TypeName = fb.FunctionName.Substring (0, dot);
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);
			} else if (ev is Breakpoint) {
				var bp = (Breakpoint) ev;
				bool insideLoadedRange;
				bool generic;
				bi.Location = FindLocationByFile (bp.FileName, bp.Line, out generic, out insideLoadedRange);
				bi.FileName = bp.FileName;
				if (bi.Location != null) {
					InsertBreakpoint (bp, bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
					// Note: if the type or method is generic, there may be more instances so don't assume we are done resolving the breakpoint
					if (generic)
						pending_bes.Add (bi);
				} else {
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					if (insideLoadedRange)
						bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, null);
						bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);
			} else if (ev is Catchpoint) {
				var cp = (Catchpoint) ev;
				TypeMirror type;

				if (!types.TryGetValue (cp.ExceptionName, out type)) {
					// Same as in FindLocationByFile (), fetch types matching the type name
					if (vm.Version.AtLeast (2, 9)) {
						foreach (TypeMirror t in vm.GetTypes (cp.ExceptionName, false))
							ProcessType (t);
				if (types.TryGetValue (cp.ExceptionName, out type)) {
					InsertCatchpoint (cp, bi, type);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
				} else {
					bi.TypeName = cp.ExceptionName;
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);

			 * TypeLoad events lead to too much wire traffic + suspend/resume work, so
			 * filter them using the file names used by pending breakpoints.
			if (vm.Version.AtLeast (2, 9)) {
				var sourceFileList = pending_bes.Where (b => b.FileName != null).Select (b => b.FileName).ToArray ();
				if (sourceFileList.Length > 0) {
					//HACK: explicitly try lowercased drivename on windows, since csc (when not hosted in VS) lowercases
					//the drivename in the pdb files that get converted to mdbs as-is
					//FIXME: we should really do a case-insensitive request on Win/Mac, when sdb supports that
					if (IsWindows) {
						int originalCount = sourceFileList.Length;
						Array.Resize (ref sourceFileList, originalCount * 2);
						for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
							string n = sourceFileList[i];
							sourceFileList[originalCount + i] = char.ToLower (n[0]) + n.Substring (1);
					if (typeLoadReq == null) {
						typeLoadReq = vm.CreateTypeLoadRequest ();
					typeLoadReq.Enabled = false;
					typeLoadReq.SourceFileFilter = sourceFileList;
					typeLoadReq.Enabled = true;
				var typeNameList = pending_bes.Where (b => b.TypeName != null).Select (b => b.TypeName).ToArray ();
				if (typeNameList.Length > 0) {
					// Use a separate request since the filters are ANDed together
					if (typeLoadTypeNameReq == null) {
						typeLoadTypeNameReq = vm.CreateTypeLoadRequest ();
					typeLoadTypeNameReq.Enabled = false;
					typeLoadTypeNameReq.TypeNameFilter = typeNameList;
					typeLoadTypeNameReq.Enabled = true;

			return bi;
		void ResolvePendingCatchpoint (BreakInfo bi, TypeMirror type)
			InsertCatchpoint ((Catchpoint) bi.BreakEvent, bi, type);
			bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
		void ResolvePendingBreakpoint (BreakInfo bi, Location l)
			bi.Location = l;
			InsertBreakpoint ((Breakpoint) bi.BreakEvent, bi);
			bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
		void InsertBreakpoint (Breakpoint bp, BreakInfo bi)
			bi.Req = vm.SetBreakpoint (bi.Location.Method, bi.Location.ILOffset);
			bi.Req.Enabled = bi.BreakEvent.Enabled;
			breakpoints [bi.Req] = bi;
			if (bi.Location.LineNumber != bp.Line)
				bi.AdjustBreakpointLocation (bi.Location.LineNumber);
		static bool BreakpointMatchesAssembly (EventRequest breakpointRequest, BreakInfo breakpointInfo, string location)
			return (breakpointRequest.Enabled && (
				string.IsNullOrEmpty (breakpointInfo.AssemblyLocation) ||
				breakpointInfo.AssemblyLocation.Equals(location, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
		void InsertBreakpoint (Breakpoint bp, BreakInfo bi)
			bi.Req = vm.SetBreakpoint (bi.Location.Method, bi.Location.ILOffset);
			bi.Req.Enabled = bi.Enabled;
			breakpoints [bi.Req] = bi;
			OnBreakpointBound (bp, (BreakpointEventRequest) bi.Req);
		protected override BreakEventInfo OnInsertBreakEvent (BreakEvent ev)
			if (exited)
				return null;

			var bi = new BreakInfo ();
			if (ev is Breakpoint) {
				var bp = (Breakpoint) ev;
				bool inisideLoadedRange;
				bi.FileName = bp.FileName;
				bi.Location = FindLocation (bp.FileName, bp.Line, out inisideLoadedRange);
				if (bi.Location != null) {
					InsertBreakpoint (bp, bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
				else {
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					if (inisideLoadedRange)
						bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, null);
						bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);
			} else if (ev is Catchpoint) {
				var cp = (Catchpoint) ev;
				TypeMirror type;

				if (!types.TryGetValue (cp.ExceptionName, out type)) {
					// Same as in FindLocation (), fetch types matching the type name
					if (vm.Version.AtLeast (2, 9)) {
						foreach (TypeMirror t in vm.GetTypes (cp.ExceptionName, false))
							ProcessType (t);
				if (types.TryGetValue (cp.ExceptionName, out type)) {
					InsertCatchpoint (cp, bi, type);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
				} else {
					bi.ExceptionName = cp.ExceptionName;
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);

			 * TypeLoad events lead to too much wire traffic + suspend/resume work, so
			 * filter them using the file names used by pending breakpoints.
			if (vm.Version.AtLeast (2, 9)) {
				var sourceFileList = pending_bes.Where (b => b.FileName != null).Select (b => b.FileName).ToArray ();
				if (sourceFileList.Length > 0) {
					if (typeLoadReq == null) {
						typeLoadReq = vm.CreateTypeLoadRequest ();
					typeLoadReq.Enabled = false;
					typeLoadReq.SourceFileFilter = sourceFileList;
					typeLoadReq.Enabled = true;
				var typeNameList = pending_bes.Where (b => b.ExceptionName != null).Select (b => b.ExceptionName).ToArray ();
				if (typeNameList.Length > 0) {
					// Use a separate request since the filters are ANDed together
					if (typeLoadTypeNameReq == null) {
						typeLoadTypeNameReq = vm.CreateTypeLoadRequest ();
					typeLoadTypeNameReq.Enabled = false;
					typeLoadTypeNameReq.TypeNameFilter = typeNameList;
					typeLoadTypeNameReq.Enabled = true;

			return bi;
		void InsertCatchpoint (Catchpoint cp, BreakInfo bi, TypeMirror excType)
			EventRequest request;
			request = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (excType, true, true);
			request.Count = cp.HitCount; // Note: need to set HitCount *before* enabling
			request.Enabled = cp.Enabled;
			bi.Requests.Add (request);
		protected override object OnInsertBreakEvent (BreakEvent be, bool activate)
			if (exited)
				return null;
			BreakInfo bi = new BreakInfo ();
			bi.Enabled = activate;
			bi.BreakEvent = be;
			if (be is Breakpoint) {
				Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint) be;
				bi.Location = FindLocation (bp.FileName, bp.Line);
				if (bi.Location != null)
					InsertBreakpoint (bp, bi);
				else {
					pending_bes.Add (bp);
					SetBreakEventStatus (be, false, null);
			} else if (be is Catchpoint) {
				var cp = (Catchpoint) be;
				TypeMirror type;
				if (types.TryGetValue (cp.ExceptionName, out type)) {
					InsertCatchpoint (cp, bi, type);
				} else {
					pending_bes.Add (be);
					SetBreakEventStatus (be, false, null);
			return bi;
		protected override BreakEventInfo OnInsertBreakEvent (BreakEvent ev)
			if (exited)
				return null;
			BreakInfo bi = new BreakInfo ();
			if (ev is Breakpoint) {
				Breakpoint bp = (Breakpoint) ev;
				bool inisideLoadedRange;
				bi.Location = FindLocation (bp.FileName, bp.Line, out inisideLoadedRange);
				if (bi.Location != null) {
					InsertBreakpoint (bp, bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
				else {
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					if (inisideLoadedRange)
						bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, null);
						bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);
			} else if (ev is Catchpoint) {
				var cp = (Catchpoint) ev;
				TypeMirror type;
				if (types.TryGetValue (cp.ExceptionName, out type)) {
					InsertCatchpoint (cp, bi, type);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null);
				} else {
					pending_bes.Add (bi);
					bi.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, null);
			return bi;
		void InsertCatchpoint (Catchpoint cp, BreakInfo bi, TypeMirror excType)
			var request = bi.Req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (excType, true, true);
			request.Count = cp.HitCount;
			bi.Req.Enabled = bi.Enabled;
		void InsertBreakpoint (Breakpoint bp, BreakInfo bi)
			bi.Req = vm.SetBreakpoint (bi.Location.Method, bi.Location.ILOffset);
			bi.Req.Enabled = bi.Enabled;
			breakpoints [bi.Req] = bi;