Exemple #1
        private static void Export(Toon dataToon)
            var msgResult = MessageBox.Show(@"Would you like to enter a description for people to see?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (msgResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Enter a description for your build.", "Build Description", "Enter your description here", InputBox.InputBoxIcon.Info, inputBox_Validating);
                dataToon.Description = result.OK ? result.Text : "None";
                dataToon.SubmittedBy = MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("BotUser", "username");
                dataToon.SubmittedOn = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                dataToon.Description = "None";
                dataToon.SubmittedBy = MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("BotUser", "username");
                dataToon.SubmittedOn = $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()} {DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}";
Exemple #2
        private static void BuildSubmit(Toon dataToon)
            var client  = new RestClient(BOT_API_ENDPOINT);
            var request = new RestRequest("v2/builds/submit", Method.POST); //

            request.AddHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
            request.AddHeader("access_token", MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("BotUser", "access_token"));
                MemberId      = dataToon.MemberId,
                MemberName    = dataToon.MemberName,
                Server        = dataToon.Server,
                ServerChannel = dataToon.ServerChannel,
                AppName       = dataToon.AppName,
                AppVersion    = dataToon.AppVersion,
                Name          = dataToon.Name,
                Level         = dataToon.Level,
                Archetype     = dataToon.Archetype,
                Primary       = dataToon.Primary,
                Secondary     = dataToon.Secondary,
                Stats         = dataToon.Stats,
                DataLink      = dataToon.DataLink,
                Description   = dataToon.Description,
                SubmittedBy   = dataToon.SubmittedBy,
                SubmittedOn   = dataToon.SubmittedOn
            var response = client.Execute(request);

            if (response.Content == "Build submitted successfully")
                MessageBox.Show($"Error Code: {response.StatusCode}\r\nResponse: {response.Content}\r\nRecommendation: Please reach out to the RebornTeam to resolve this issue.", @"MidsBot Error Response");
Exemple #3
        public static void GatherData(Dictionary <string, List <string> > selectedStats, string server, string channel)
            var data = new Toon
                MemberId      = MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("User", "id"),
                MemberName    = MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("User", "username"),
                Server        = server,
                ServerChannel = channel,
                AppName       = MidsContext.AppName,
                AppVersion    = $"{MidsContext.AppVersion}",
                Name          = MidsContext.Character.Name,
                Level         = ToonLevel(),
                Archetype     = MidsContext.Character.Archetype.DisplayName,
                Primary       = MidsContext.Character.Powersets[0].DisplayName,
                Secondary     = MidsContext.Character.Powersets[1].DisplayName,
                Stats         = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                DataLink      = $"[Click Here to Download]({ShrinkTheDatalink(MidsCharacterFileFormat.MxDBuildSaveHyperlink(false, true))})"

            var gatherData     = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();
            var totalStat      = MidsContext.Character.Totals;
            var displayStat    = MidsContext.Character.DisplayStats;
            var statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var damTypes       = Enum.GetNames(Enums.eDamage.None.GetType());

            #region DefenseStats
            for (var index = 0; index < totalStat.Def.Length; index++)
                var convMath = totalStat.Def[index] * 100f;
                if (!(convMath > 0))
                var stat = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(convMath):0.##}%";
                statDictionary.Add(damTypes[index], stat);
            gatherData.Add("Defense", statDictionary);
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            #region ResistanceStats
            for (var index = 0; index < totalStat.Res.Length; index++)
                var convMath = totalStat.Res[index] * 100f;
                if (!(convMath > 0))
                var stat = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(convMath):0.##}%";
                statDictionary.Add(damTypes[index], stat);
            gatherData.Add("Resistance", statDictionary);
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var acc = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.BuffAcc * 100f):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Accuracy", acc }
            gatherData.Add("Accuracy", statDictionary);

            var dmg = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.BuffDam * 100f):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Damage", dmg }
            gatherData.Add("Damage", statDictionary);

            var endRdx = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.BuffEndRdx * 100f):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Endurance Reduction", endRdx }
            gatherData.Add("Endurance Reduction", statDictionary);

            var endMax = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.EndMax + 100f):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Endurance Maximum", endMax }
            gatherData.Add("Endurance Maximum", statDictionary);

            var endRec = $"{displayStat.EnduranceRecoveryPercentage(false):###0}% ({Convert.ToDecimal(displayStat.EnduranceRecoveryNumeric):0.##}/s)";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Endurance Recovery", endRec }
            gatherData.Add("Endurance Recovery", statDictionary);

            var endUse = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(displayStat.EnduranceUsage):0.##}/s";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Endurance Usage", endUse }
            gatherData.Add("Endurance Usage", statDictionary);

            var elusive = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.Elusivity * 100):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Elusivity", elusive }
            gatherData.Add("Elusivity", statDictionary);

            var toHit = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.BuffToHit * 100):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "ToHit", toHit }
            gatherData.Add("ToHit", statDictionary);

            var globalRech = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(totalStat.BuffHaste * 100):0.##}%";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Haste", globalRech }
            gatherData.Add("Haste", statDictionary);

            var maxHP = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(displayStat.HealthHitpointsPercentage):0.##}% ({Convert.ToDecimal(displayStat.HealthHitpointsNumeric(false)):0.##}HP)";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Hitpoints Maximum", maxHP }
            gatherData.Add("Hitpoints Maximum", statDictionary);

            var regenHP = $"{Convert.ToDecimal(displayStat.HealthRegenPercent(false)):0.##}% ({Convert.ToDecimal(displayStat.HealthRegenHPPerSec):0.##}/s)";
            statDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Hitpoints Regeneration", regenHP }
            gatherData.Add("Hitpoints Regeneration", statDictionary);

            foreach (var kvp in selectedStats)
                switch (kvp.Key)
                case "Defense":
                    foreach (var stat in gatherData[kvp.Key])
                        foreach (var item in kvp.Value)
                            if (item == stat.Key)
                                data.Stats.Add($"{stat.Key} {kvp.Key}", stat.Value);

                case "Resistance":
                    foreach (var stat in gatherData[kvp.Key])
                        foreach (var item in kvp.Value)
                            if (item == stat.Key)
                                data.Stats.Add($"{stat.Key} {kvp.Key}", stat.Value);

                case "Misc":
                    foreach (var item in kvp.Value)
                        foreach (var stat in gatherData[item])
                            if (item == stat.Key)
                                data.Stats.Add(stat.Key, stat.Value);
