Exemple #1
            public MeshContent Process()
                newMesh = new MeshContent();
                newMesh.Name = splitter.mesh.Name + splitter.currentIndex.ToString();
                SortedDictionary<string, object> faceBones = new SortedDictionary<string, object>();
                GeometryContent newGeom = new GeometryContent();
                while (index < geom.Indices.Count - 1)
                    int[] faceIndices = new int[]

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        BoneWeightCollection weightCollection = weightChannel[
                            geom.Indices[index + i]];
                        foreach (BoneWeight weight in weightCollection)
                            if (!meshBones.ContainsKey(weight.BoneName) &&
                                faceBones.Add(weight.BoneName, null);
                    if (meshBones.Count + faceBones.Count > splitter.maxBones)
                        vertexEndIndex = index;

                    foreach (string s in faceBones.Keys)
                        meshBones.Add(s, null);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (oldToNewDict.ContainsKey(faceIndices[i]))

                            int newIndex = newMesh.Positions.Count;

                            oldToNewDict.Add(faceIndices[i], newIndex);

                    index += 3;
                    vertexEndIndex = index;
                return newMesh;
        // Converts color channel from Vector4 to Color and premultiplies with alpha if required.
        private void ProcessColorChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex)
            var channels = geometry.Vertices.Channels;
              catch (NotSupportedException exception)
            var channel = channels[vertexChannelIndex];
            string message = String.Format(
              "Vertex channel \"{0}\" has wrong content type. Actual type: {1}. Expected type: {2}.",
              channel.Name, channel.ElementType, typeof(Vector4));
            throw new InvalidContentException(message, exception);

              if (_modelDescription == null || _modelDescription.PremultiplyVertexColors)
            var channel = channels.Get<Color>(vertexChannelIndex);
            for (int i = 0; i < channel.Count; i++)
              Color color = channel[i];
              channel[i] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
Exemple #3
 private VertexChannel<BoneWeightCollection> GetWeightChannel(GeometryContent geom)
     foreach (VertexChannel channel in geom.Vertices.Channels)
         if (channel.Name == VertexChannelNames.Weights())
             return (VertexChannel<BoneWeightCollection>)channel;
     return null;
 private void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int channelIndex)
     // Get the base name of a vertex channel (e.g. "Colors" for "Colors1").
       string baseName = VertexChannelNames.DecodeBaseName(geometry.Vertices.Channels[channelIndex].Name);
       if (baseName != null)
     if (baseName == "Color")
       ProcessColorChannel(geometry, channelIndex);
     else if (baseName == "Weights")
       ProcessWeightsChannel(geometry, channelIndex);
Exemple #5
 public static MyreMeshContent CreateMyreMesh(GeometryContent geometry, Dictionary<string, MyreMaterialContent> materials)
     return new MyreMeshContent
         Name = geometry.Parent.Name ?? "",
         BoundingSphere = geometry.Vertices.Positions.Count == 0 ? new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Zero, 0) : BoundingSphere.CreateFromPoints(geometry.Vertices.Positions),
         Materials = materials,
         IndexBuffer = geometry.Indices,
         VertexBuffer = geometry.Vertices.CreateVertexBuffer(),
         VertexCount = geometry.Vertices.VertexCount,
         TriangleCount = geometry.Indices.Count / 3,
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            string vertexChannelName = geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name;

            if (acceptableVertexChannelNames.Contains(vertexChannelName))
                base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);
Exemple #7
            public MeshSplitPart(
                MeshSplitter splitter,
                GeometryContent geom,
                int vertexStartIndex)
                this.index = vertexStartIndex;
                this.splitter = splitter;

                this.oldToNewDict = new SortedDictionary<int, int>();
                this.vertexStartIndex = vertexStartIndex;
                this.vertexEndIndex = vertexStartIndex;
                this.geom = geom;
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            String vertexChannelName = geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name;

            // if this vertex channel has an acceptable names, process it as normal.
            if (m_AcceptableVertexChannelNames.Contains(vertexChannelName))
                base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);
            // otherwise, remove it from the vertex channels; it's just extra data
            // we don't need.
        private static void CalculateTangentFrames(GeometryContent geometry, string textureCoordinateChannelName, string tangentChannelName, string binormalChannelName)

              var indices = geometry.Indices;
              var positions = geometry.Vertices.Positions.Select(p => (Vector3F)p).ToArray();
              var normals = geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal()).Select(n => (Vector3F)n).ToArray();
              var textureCoordinates = geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector2>(textureCoordinateChannelName).Select(n => (Vector2F)n).ToArray();

              Vector3F[] tangents;
              Vector3F[] bitangents;
              DirectXMesh.ComputeTangentFrame(indices, positions, normals, textureCoordinates, out tangents, out bitangents);

              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tangentChannelName))
            geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(tangentChannelName, tangents.Select(t => (Vector3)t));

              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(binormalChannelName))
            geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(binormalChannelName, bitangents.Select(b => (Vector3)b));
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function creates a new geometry object,
        /// and sets it to use our billboard effect.
        /// </summary>
        static GeometryContent CreateVegetationGeometry(string textureFilename,
                                                        float width, float height,
                                                        float windAmount,
                                                        ContentIdentity identity)
            GeometryContent geometry = new GeometryContent();

            // Add the vertex channels needed for our billboard geometry.
            VertexChannelCollection channels = geometry.Vertices.Channels;

            // Add a vertex channel holding normal vectors.
            channels.Add<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal(), null);

            // Add a vertex channel holding texture coordinates.
            channels.Add<Vector2>(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), null);

            // Add a second texture coordinate channel, holding a per-billboard
            // random number. This is used to make each billboard come out a
            // slightly different size, and to animate at different speeds.
            channels.Add<float>(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(1), null);

            // Create a material for rendering the billboards.
            EffectMaterialContent material = new EffectMaterialContent();

            // Point the material at our custom billboard effect.
            string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(identity.SourceFilename);

            string effectFilename = Path.Combine(directory, "Billboard.fx");

            material.Effect = new ExternalReference<EffectContent>(effectFilename);

            // Set the texture to be used by these billboards.
            textureFilename = Path.Combine(directory, textureFilename);

            material.Textures.Add("Texture", new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(textureFilename));

            // Set effect parameters describing the size and
            // wind sensitivity of these billboards.
            material.OpaqueData.Add("BillboardWidth", width);
            material.OpaqueData.Add("BillboardHeight", height);
            material.OpaqueData.Add("WindAmount", windAmount);

            geometry.Material = material;

            return geometry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge vertices with the same <see cref="VertexContent.PositionIndices"/> and
        /// <see cref="VertexChannel"/> data within the specified
        /// <see cref="GeometryContent"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">Geometry to be processed.</param>
        public static void MergeDuplicateVertices(GeometryContent geometry)
            if (geometry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("geometry");

            var verts   = geometry.Vertices;
            var hashMap = new Dictionary <int, List <VertexData> >();

            var indices = new IndexUpdateList(geometry.Indices);
            var vIndex  = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < geometry.Indices.Count; i++)
                var iIndex = geometry.Indices[i];
                var iData  = new VertexData
                    Index         = iIndex,
                    PositionIndex = verts.PositionIndices[vIndex],
                    ChannelData   = new object[verts.Channels.Count]

                for (var channel = 0; channel < verts.Channels.Count; channel++)
                    iData.ChannelData[channel] = verts.Channels[channel][vIndex];

                var hash = iData.ComputeHash();

                var merged = false;
                List <VertexData> candidates;
                if (hashMap.TryGetValue(hash, out candidates))
                    for (var candidateIndex = 0; candidateIndex < candidates.Count; candidateIndex++)
                        var c = candidates[candidateIndex];
                        if (!iData.ContentEquals(c))

                        // Match! Update the corresponding indices and remove the vertex
                        indices.Update(iIndex, c.Index);
                        merged = true;
                    if (!merged)
                    // no vertices with the same hash yet, create a new list for the data
                    hashMap.Add(hash, new List <VertexData> {

                if (!merged)

            // update the indices because of the vertices we removed
        private NodeContent CreateBasicMesh()
            var input = new NodeContent
                Name = "Root",
                Identity = new ContentIdentity("dummy", GetType().Name),
                Transform = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(60)) *
                            Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(40)) *

                var mesh = new MeshContent()
                    Name = "Mesh1",
                    Transform = Matrix.Identity,
                var geom = new GeometryContent()
                    Name = "Geom1",

                var mesh2 = new MeshContent()
                    Name = "Mesh2",
                    Transform = Matrix.Identity,
                mesh2.Positions.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                mesh2.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                mesh2.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

                var material = new BasicMaterialContent
                    Name = "Material1",
                    Alpha = 0.5f,
                    DiffuseColor = Color.Red.ToVector3(),
                    VertexColorEnabled = true,

                var geom2 = new GeometryContent()
                    Name = "Geom2",
                    Material = material,


            return input;
Exemple #13
 public static void MergeDuplicateVertices(GeometryContent geometry)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private string GetExternalMaterial(MeshContent mesh, GeometryContent geometry)
            if (_modelDescription != null)
            var meshDescription = _modelDescription.GetMeshDescription(mesh.Name);
            if (meshDescription != null)
              int index = mesh.Geometry.IndexOf(geometry);
              if (0 <= index && index < meshDescription.Submeshes.Count)
            return meshDescription.Submeshes[index].Material;

              // Fallback:
              // The model description does not define a material file. Try to use the texture name
              // as a fallback.
              if (geometry != null && geometry.Material != null && geometry.Material.Textures.ContainsKey("Texture"))
            string textureFile = geometry.Material.Textures["Texture"].Filename;
            string materialFile = Path.ChangeExtension(textureFile, ".drmat");

            if (File.Exists(materialFile))
              return materialFile;

              return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates vertex normals by accumulation of triangle face normals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geom">The geometry which will recieve the normals.</param>
        /// <param name="overwriteExistingNormals">Overwrite or skip over geometry with existing normals.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We use a "Mean Weighted Equally" method generate vertex normals from triangle
        /// face normals.  If normal cannot be calculated from the geometry we set it to zero.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void CalculateNormals(GeometryContent geom, bool overwriteExistingNormals)
            VertexChannel <Vector3> channel;

            // Look for an existing normals channel.
            if (!geom.Vertices.Channels.Contains(VertexChannelNames.Normal()))
                // We don't have existing normals, so add a new channel.
                channel = geom.Vertices.Channels.Add <Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal(), null);
                // If we're not supposed to overwrite the existing
                // normals then we're done here.
                if (!overwriteExistingNormals)

                channel = geom.Vertices.Channels.Get <Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal());

            var positionIndices = geom.Vertices.PositionIndices;

            Debug.Assert(positionIndices.Count == channel.Count, "The position and channel sizes were different!");

            // Accumulate all the triangle face normals for each vertex.
            var normals = new Vector3[positionIndices.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < geom.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                var ia = geom.Indices[i + 0];
                var ib = geom.Indices[i + 1];
                var ic = geom.Indices[i + 2];

                var aa = geom.Vertices.Positions[ia];
                var bb = geom.Vertices.Positions[ib];
                var cc = geom.Vertices.Positions[ic];

                var faceNormal = Vector3.Cross(cc - bb, bb - aa);
                var len        = faceNormal.Length();
                if (len > 0.0f)
                    faceNormal = faceNormal / len;

                    // We are using the "Mean Weighted Equally" method where each
                    // face has an equal weight in the final normal calculation.
                    // We could maybe switch to "Mean Weighted by Angle" which is said
                    // to look best in most cases, but is more expensive to calculate.
                    // There is also an idea of weighting by triangle area, but IMO the
                    // triangle area doesn't always have a direct relationship to the
                    // shape of a mesh.
                    // For more ideas see:
                    // "A Comparison of Algorithms for Vertex Normal Computation"
                    // by Shuangshuang Jin, Robert R. Lewis, David West.

                    normals[positionIndices[ia]] += faceNormal;
                    normals[positionIndices[ib]] += faceNormal;
                    normals[positionIndices[ic]] += faceNormal;

            // Normalize the gathered vertex normals.
            for (var i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
                var normal = normals[i];
                var len    = normal.Length();
                if (len > 0.0f)
                    normals[i] = normal / len;
                    // TODO: It would be nice to be able to log this to
                    // the pipeline so that it can be fixed in the model.

                    // TODO: We could maybe void this by a better algorithm
                    // above for generating the normals.

                    // We have a zero length normal.  You can argue that putting
                    // anything here is better than nothing, but by leaving it to
                    // zero it allows the caller to detect this and react to it.
                    normals[i] = Vector3.Zero;

            // Set the new normals on the vertex channel.
            for (var i = 0; i < channel.Count; i++)
                channel[i] = normals[geom.Indices[i]];
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether alpha premultiply of vertex color is enabled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// <see langword="true"/> if alpha premultiply of vertex colors is enabled; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
        /// </value>
        [DisplayName("Premultiply Vertex Colors")]
        [Description("If enabled, vertex color channels are converted to premultiplied alpha format.")]
        public virtual bool PremultiplyVertexColors
          get { return _premultiplyVertexColors; }
          set { _premultiplyVertexColors = value; }
        private bool _premultiplyVertexColors = true;

        #endregion Other

        #if ANIMATION

        // Convert BoneWeightCollection to Byte4 (bone indices) and Vector4 (bone weights).
        private void ConvertBoneWeights(BoneWeightCollection boneWeightCollection, Byte4[] boneIndices, Vector4[] boneWeights, int vertexIndex, GeometryContent geometry)
            // Normalize weights. (Number of weights should be MaxBonesPerVertex. Sum should be 1.)

              // Convert BoneWeights object to bone indices and bone weights.
              for (int i = 0; i < boneWeightCollection.Count; i++)
            BoneWeight boneWeight = boneWeightCollection[i];
            int boneIndex = _skeleton.GetIndex(boneWeight.BoneName);
            if (boneIndex == -1)
              string message = String.Format(
            "Vertex references unknown bone name \"{0}\".",
              throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

            _tempIndices[i] = boneIndex;
            _tempWeights[i] = boneWeight.Weight;

              // Clear unused indices/weights.
              for (int i = boneWeightCollection.Count; i < MaxBonesPerVertex; i++)
            _tempIndices[i] = 0;
            _tempWeights[i] = 0f;

              boneIndices[vertexIndex] = new Byte4(_tempIndices[0], _tempIndices[1], _tempIndices[2], _tempIndices[3]);
              boneWeights[vertexIndex] = new Vector4(_tempWeights[0], _tempWeights[1], _tempWeights[2], _tempWeights[3]);
        // Converts a channel of type BoneWeightCollection to two new channels:
        // Byte4 indices + Vector4 weights
        private void ProcessWeightsChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex)
            #if ANIMATION
              if (_skeleton == null)
            // No skeleton? Remove BoneWeightCollection.

              if (_skeleton.NumberOfBones > 255)
            string message = String.Format(
              "Too many bones in skeleton. Actual number of bones: {0}. Allowed number of bones: {1}.",
              _skeleton.NumberOfBones, 255);
            throw new InvalidContentException(message, _rootBone.Identity);

              var channels = geometry.Vertices.Channels;
              var channel = channels[vertexChannelIndex];
              var boneWeightChannel = channel as VertexChannel<BoneWeightCollection>;
              if (boneWeightChannel == null)
            string message = String.Format(
              "Vertex channel \"{0}\" has wrong content type. Actual type: {1}. Expected type: {2}.",
              channel.Name, channel.ElementType, typeof(BoneWeightCollection));
            throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

              // Create two channels (Byte4 indices + Vector4 weights) from a BoneWeight channel.
              Byte4[] boneIndices = new Byte4[boneWeightChannel.Count];
              Vector4[] boneWeights = new Vector4[boneWeightChannel.Count];
              for (int i = 0; i < boneWeightChannel.Count; i++)
            // Convert bone weights for vertex i.
            var boneWeightCollection = boneWeightChannel[i];
            if (boneWeightCollection == null)
              string message = String.Format(
            "NULL entry found in channel \"{0}\". Expected element type: {1}.",
            boneWeightChannel.Name, typeof(BoneWeightCollection));
              throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

            ConvertBoneWeights(boneWeightCollection, boneIndices, boneWeights, i, geometry);

              // The current channel has the name "WeightsN", where N is the usage index.
              // Get the usage index.
              int usageIndex = VertexChannelNames.DecodeUsageIndex(boneWeightChannel.Name);

              // Store the converted bone information in two new channels called "BlendIndicesN"
              // and "BlendWeightsN".
              string blendIndices = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices, usageIndex);
              if (channels.Contains(blendIndices))
            string message = String.Format(
              "Cannot store converted blend indices for vertex channel \"{0}\", because a vertex channel called \"{1}\" already exists.",
              boneWeightChannel.Name, blendIndices);
            throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

              string blendWeights = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight, usageIndex);
              if (channels.Contains(blendWeights))
            string message = String.Format(
              "Cannot store converted blend weights for vertex channel \"{0}\", because a vertex channel called \"{1}\" already exists.",
              boneWeightChannel.Name, blendWeights);
            throw new InvalidContentException(message, geometry.Parent.Identity);

              // Insert the new channels after "WeightsN" and remove "WeightsN".
              channels.Insert(vertexChannelIndex + 1, blendIndices, boneIndices);
              channels.Insert(vertexChannelIndex + 2, blendWeights, boneWeights);
        /// <summary>
        /// Go through the vertex channels in the geometry and replace the 
        /// BoneWeightCollection objects with weight and index channels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">The geometry to process.</param>
        /// <param name="vertexChannelIndex">The index of the vertex channel to process.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The processor context.</param>
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            bool boneCollectionsWithZeroWeights = false;
            if (geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name == VertexChannelNames.Weights())
                int meshIndex = (int)geometry.Parent.OpaqueData["MeshIndex"];
                BoneIndexer indexer = indexers[meshIndex];
                // Skin channels are passed in from importers as BoneWeightCollection objects
                VertexChannel<BoneWeightCollection> vc =
                int maxBonesPerVertex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < vc.Count; i++)
                    int count = vc[i].Count;
                    if (count > maxBonesPerVertex)
                        maxBonesPerVertex = count;

                // Add weights as colors (Converts well to 4 floats)
                // and indices as packed 4byte vectors.
                Color[] weightsToAdd = new Color[vc.Count];
                Byte4[] indicesToAdd = new Byte4[vc.Count];

                // Go through the BoneWeightCollections and create a new
                // weightsToAdd and indicesToAdd array for each BoneWeightCollection.
                for (int i = 0; i < vc.Count; i++)

                    BoneWeightCollection bwc = vc[i];

                    if (bwc.Count == 0)
                        boneCollectionsWithZeroWeights = true;

                    int count = bwc.Count;
                    if (count>maxBonesPerVertex)
                        maxBonesPerVertex = count;

                    // Add the appropriate bone indices based on the bone names in the
                    // BoneWeightCollection
                    Vector4 bi = new Vector4();
                    bi.X = count > 0 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[0].BoneName) : (byte)0;
                    bi.Y = count > 1 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[1].BoneName) : (byte)0;
                    bi.Z = count > 2 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[2].BoneName) : (byte)0;
                    bi.W = count > 3 ? indexer.GetBoneIndex(bwc[3].BoneName) : (byte)0;

                    indicesToAdd[i] = new Byte4(bi);
                    Vector4 bw = new Vector4();
                    bw.X = count > 0 ? bwc[0].Weight : 0;
                    bw.Y = count > 1 ? bwc[1].Weight : 0;
                    bw.Z = count > 2 ? bwc[2].Weight : 0;
                    bw.W = count > 3 ? bwc[3].Weight : 0;
                    weightsToAdd[i] = new Color(bw);

                // Remove the old BoneWeightCollection channel
                // Add the new channels
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add<Byte4>(VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices.ToString(), indicesToAdd);
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add<Color>(VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight.ToString(), weightsToAdd);
                // No skinning info, so we let the base class process the channel
                base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);
            if (boneCollectionsWithZeroWeights)
                context.Logger.LogWarning("", geometry.Identity,
                    "BonesWeightCollections with zero weights found in geometry.");
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            String vertexChannelName = geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name;

            //If this channel has an acceptable names, process it as normal.
            if (AcceptableVertexChannelNames.Contains(vertexChannelName))
                base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);
        //Process Vertex Channel
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            //Get the Vertex Channel Name to be processed
            string vertexChannelName = geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name;

            //If this vertex channel has an acceptable name, process it as normal, else remove it
            if (acceptableVertexChannelNames.Contains(vertexChannelName))
                base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);
        public void DefaultEffectTest()
            NodeContent input;
                input = new NodeContent();

                var mesh = new MeshContent()
                    Name = "Mesh1"
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
                mesh.Positions.Add(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

                var geom = new GeometryContent();

                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), new[]
                    new Vector2(0,0),
                    new Vector2(1,0),
                    new Vector2(1,1),

                var wieghts = new BoneWeightCollection();
                wieghts.Add(new BoneWeight("bone1", 0.5f));
                geom.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), new[]


                var bone1 = new BoneContent { Name = "bone1", Transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0,1,0) };

                var anim = new AnimationContent()
                    Name = "anim1",
                    Duration = TimeSpan.Zero
                input.Animations.Add(anim.Name, anim);

            var processorContext = new TestProcessorContext(TargetPlatform.Windows, "dummy.xnb");
            var processor = new ModelProcessor
                DefaultEffect = MaterialProcessorDefaultEffect.SkinnedEffect,                

            var output = processor.Process(input, processorContext);

            // TODO: Not sure why, but XNA always returns a BasicMaterialContent 
            // even when we specify SkinnedEffect as the default.  We need to fix
            // the test first before we can enable the assert here.

            //Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SkinnedMaterialContent), output.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Material);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function adds a single new billboard sprite to the output geometry.
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateBillboard(MeshContent mesh, GeometryContent geometry,
                                       Vector3 position, Vector3 normal)
            VertexContent vertices = geometry.Vertices;
            VertexChannelCollection channels = vertices.Channels;

            // First, create a vertex position entry for this billboard. Each
            // billboard is going to be rendered a quad, so we need to create four
            // vertices, but at this point we only have a single position that is
            // shared by all the vertices. The real position of each vertex will be
            // computed on the fly in the vertex shader, thus allowing us to
            // implement effects like making the billboard rotate to always face the
            // camera, and sway in the wind. As input the vertex shader only wants to
            // know the center point of the billboard, and that is the same for all
            // the vertices, so only a single position is needed here.
            int positionIndex = mesh.Positions.Count;


            // Second, create the four vertices, all referencing the same position.
            int index = vertices.PositionIndices.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

            // Third, add normal data for each of the four vertices. A normal for a
            // billboard is kind of a silly thing to define, since we are using a
            // 2D sprite to fake a complex 3D object that would in reality have many
            // different normals across its surface. Here we are just using a copy
            // of the normal from the ground underneath the billboard, which can be
            // used in our lighting computation to make the vegetation darker or
            // lighter depending on the lighting of the underlying landscape.
            VertexChannel<Vector3> normals;
            normals = channels.Get<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal());

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                normals[index + i] = normal;

            // Fourth, add texture coordinates.
            VertexChannel<Vector2> texCoords;
            texCoords = channels.Get<Vector2>(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0));

            texCoords[index + 0] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            texCoords[index + 1] = new Vector2(1, 0);
            texCoords[index + 2] = new Vector2(1, 1);
            texCoords[index + 3] = new Vector2(0, 1);

            // Fifth, add a per-billboard random value, which is the same for
            // all four vertices. This is used in the vertex shader to make
            // each billboard a slightly different size, and to be affected
            // differently by the wind animation.
            float randomValue = (float)random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1;

            VertexChannel<float> randomValues;
            randomValues = channels.Get<float>(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(1));

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                randomValues[index + i] = randomValue;

            // Sixth and finally, add indices defining the pair of
            // triangles that will be used to render the billboard.
            geometry.Indices.Add(index + 0);
            geometry.Indices.Add(index + 1);
            geometry.Indices.Add(index + 2);

            geometry.Indices.Add(index + 0);
            geometry.Indices.Add(index + 2);
            geometry.Indices.Add(index + 3);
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specified geometry is a skinned mesh.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geometry">The <see cref="GeometryContent"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="geometry"/> is a skinned mesh; otherwise,
 /// <see langword="false"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public static bool IsSkinned(GeometryContent geometry)
     return geometry.Vertices
        private List<DRMorphTargetContent> BuildMorphTargets(GeometryContent geometry, List<MeshContent> inputMorphTargets, int index)
            int[] vertexReorderMap = _vertexReorderMaps[index];

              var morphTargets = new List<DRMorphTargetContent>();
              foreach (var inputMorphTarget in inputMorphTargets)
            int numberOfVertices = geometry.Vertices.VertexCount;
            var morphGeometry = inputMorphTarget.Geometry[index];

            // Copy relative positions and normals into vertex buffer.
            var positions = morphGeometry.Vertices.Positions;
            var normals = morphGeometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal());
            Vector3[] data = new Vector3[numberOfVertices * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
              int originalIndex = vertexReorderMap[i];
              data[2 * i] = positions[originalIndex];
              data[2 * i + 1] = normals[originalIndex];

            // Determine if morph target is empty.
            bool isEmpty = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
              // File formats and preprocessing can introduce some inaccuracies.
              // --> Use a relative large epsilon. (The default Numeric.EpsilonF is too small.)
              const float epsilon = 1e-4f;
              if (!Numeric.IsZero(data[i].LengthSquared(), epsilon * epsilon))
              "Morph target \"{0}\", submesh index {1}: Position/normal delta is {2}.",
              inputMorphTarget.Name, index, data[i].Length()));

            isEmpty = false;

            if (!isEmpty)
              // (Note: VertexStride is set explicitly in CreateMorphTargetVertexBuffer().)
              // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
              int vertexOffset = _morphTargetVertexBuffer.VertexData.Length / _morphTargetVertexBuffer.VertexDeclaration.VertexStride.Value;
            12,     // The size of one Vector3 in data is 12.

              morphTargets.Add(new DRMorphTargetContent
            Name = inputMorphTarget.Name,
            VertexBuffer = _morphTargetVertexBuffer,
            StartVertex = vertexOffset,

              return (morphTargets.Count > 0) ? morphTargets : null;
Exemple #25
        static void ProcessGeometry(GeometryContent geometry, int parentIndex,
                            string shapeNm,
                            ShapeN_SkinDContent_Writing output)
            // find and process the geometry's bone weights
            for (int i = 0; i < geometry.Vertices.Channels.Count; i++)
                string channelName = geometry.Vertices.Channels[i].Name;
                string baseName = VertexChannelNames.DecodeBaseName(channelName);


            // retrieve the four vertex channels we require for CPU skinning. we ignore any
            // other channels the model might have.
            string normalNm = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.Normal, 0);
            string texCoordNm = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0);
            string blendWeightNm = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight, 0);
            string blendIndexNm = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices, 0);

            string positionNm = VertexChannelNames.EncodeName(VertexElementUsage.Position, 0);

            //var tmp = geometry.Vertices.Channels[positionNm] as VertexChannel<Vector3>;
            VertexChannel<Vector3> normals;
            VertexChannel<Vector2> texCoords;
            VertexChannel<Vector4> blendWeights;
            VertexChannel<Vector4> blendIndices;

            normals =
                geometry.Vertices.Channels[normalNm] as VertexChannel<Vector3>;

            if (geometry.Vertices.Channels.Contains(texCoordNm))
                texCoords =
                    geometry.Vertices.Channels[texCoordNm] as VertexChannel<Vector2>;

            if (geometry.Vertices.Channels.Contains(blendWeightNm))
                blendWeights =
                    geometry.Vertices.Channels[blendWeightNm] as VertexChannel<Vector4>;

            if (geometry.Vertices.Channels.Contains(blendIndexNm))
                blendIndices =
                    geometry.Vertices.Channels[blendIndexNm] as VertexChannel<Vector4>;

            // create our array of vertices
            int triangleCount = geometry.Indices.Count / 3;
            VertexData[] verticesData = new VertexData[geometry.Vertices.VertexCount];
            Vector3[] vertice = new Vector3[verticesData.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < verticesData.Length; i++)
                verticesData[i] = new VertexData
                    Position = geometry.Vertices.Positions[i],
                    Normal = normals[i],
                    //TextureCoordinate = texCoords[i],
                    //BlendWeights = blendWeights[i],
                    //BlendIndices = blendIndices[i]
                vertice[i] = verticesData[i].Position;

            BoundingSphere[] bSpheres = new BoundingSphere[1]
            // Add the new piece of geometry to our output model.

                verticesData, bSpheres);
        protected override void ProcessVertexChannel(GeometryContent geometry, int vertexChannelIndex, ContentProcessorContext context)
            bool isWeights = geometry.Vertices.Channels[vertexChannelIndex].Name == VertexChannelNames.Weights();

              base.ProcessVertexChannel(geometry, vertexChannelIndex, context);

              if (isWeights)
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a VertexContent instance.
 /// </summary>
 internal VertexContent(GeometryContent geom)
     positionIndices = new VertexChannel<int>("PositionIndices");
     positions = new IndirectPositionCollection(geom, positionIndices);
     channels = new VertexChannelCollection(this);
Exemple #28
        public static MeshContent BuildMesh(MMDModel1 model, string filename)
            MeshContent buildingMesh = new MeshContent();
            foreach (var vec in model.Vertexes)

            long FaceIndex = 0;
            Dictionary<ushort, int> vertMap = new Dictionary<ushort, int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Materials.Length; i++)
                GeometryContent geometry = new GeometryContent();
                BasicMaterialContent material = new BasicMaterialContent();
                geometry.Material = material;
                material.VertexColorEnabled = false;//頂点カラー無し
                material.Alpha = model.Materials[i].Alpha;
                material.DiffuseColor = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Materials[i].DiffuseColor);
                material.EmissiveColor = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Materials[i].MirrorColor);
                material.SpecularColor = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Materials[i].SpecularColor);
                material.SpecularPower = model.Materials[i].Specularity;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName))
                    material.Texture = new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(NormalizeFilepath(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName, filename));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName))
                    if (Path.GetExtension(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName).ToLower() == ".sph")
                        material.OpaqueData.Add("UseSphere", 1);
                    else if (Path.GetExtension(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName).ToLower() == ".spa")
                        material.OpaqueData.Add("UseSphere", 2);
                        throw new InvalidContentException("スフィアマップは*.sph, *.spaのみ指定可能です: " + model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName);
                    material.Textures.Add("Sphere", new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(ProcessSphere(NormalizeFilepath(model.Materials[i].SphereTextureFileName, filename))));
                    material.OpaqueData.Add("UseSphere", 0);
                string toonTexPath = ToonTexManager.Instance.GetToonTexPath(model.Materials[i].ToonIndex, model.ToonFileNames, filename);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toonTexPath))
                    material.Textures.Add("ToonTex", new ExternalReference<TextureContent>(toonTexPath));
                    material.OpaqueData.Add("UseToon", true);
                    material.OpaqueData.Add("UseToon", false);
                material.OpaqueData.Add("Edge", (model.Materials[i].EdgeFlag != 0));
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Normal(0), typeof(Vector3), null);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName))
                    geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.TextureCoordinate(0), typeof(Vector2), null);
                geometry.Vertices.Channels.Add(VertexChannelNames.Weights(0), typeof(BoneWeightCollection), null);

                for (long j = FaceIndex; j < FaceIndex + model.Materials[i].FaceVertCount; j++)
                    ushort VertIndex = model.FaceVertexes[j];
                    int geoVertIndex;
                    if (!vertMap.TryGetValue(VertIndex, out geoVertIndex))
                        geoVertIndex = geometry.Vertices.Add(VertIndex);
                        vertMap.Add(VertIndex, geoVertIndex);
                        int channelIndex = 0;
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector3>(channelIndex++)[geoVertIndex] = MMDXMath.ToVector3(model.Vertexes[VertIndex].NormalVector);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Materials[i].TextureFileName))
                            geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector2>(channelIndex++)[geoVertIndex] = MMDXMath.ToVector2(model.Vertexes[VertIndex].UV);
                        BoneWeightCollection boneWeight = new BoneWeightCollection();
                        int boneNum = model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneNum[0];
                        if (boneNum >= 0 && boneNum < model.Bones.Length)
                            boneWeight.Add(new BoneWeight(model.Bones[boneNum].BoneName, model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneWeight / 100f));
                        boneNum = model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneNum[1];
                        if (boneNum >= 0 && boneNum < model.Bones.Length)
                            boneWeight.Add(new BoneWeight(model.Bones[boneNum].BoneName, 1.0f - model.Vertexes[VertIndex].BoneWeight / 100f));
                        geometry.Vertices.Channels.Get<BoneWeightCollection>(channelIndex++)[geoVertIndex] = boneWeight;

                FaceIndex += model.Materials[i].FaceVertCount;
            //MeshHelper.MergeDuplicatePositions(buildingMesh, 0);
            return buildingMesh;
Exemple #29
        public static void CalculateTangentFrames(GeometryContent geom, string textureCoordinateChannelName, string tangentChannelName, string binormalChannelName)
            var verts = geom.Vertices;
            var indices = geom.Indices;
            var channels = geom.Vertices.Channels;

            var normals = channels.Get<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal(0));
            var uvs = channels.Get<Vector2>(textureCoordinateChannelName);

            Vector3[] tangents, bitangents;
            CalculateTangentFrames(verts.Positions, indices, normals, uvs, out tangents, out bitangents);

            // All the indices are 1:1 with the others, so we 
            // can just add the new channels in place.

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tangentChannelName))
                channels.Add(tangentChannelName, tangents);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(binormalChannelName))
                channels.Add(binormalChannelName, bitangents);
Exemple #30
        private void Split(GeometryContent geom)
            int vertexStart = 0;
            MeshSplitPart part;
            while (vertexStart < geom.Indices.Count)
                part = new MeshSplitPart(this, geom, vertexStart);

                MeshContent newMesh = part.Process();
                vertexStart = part.VertexEndIndex;
                newMesh.Transform = mesh.Transform;


Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates vertex normals by accumulation of triangle face normals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geom">The geometry which will recieve the normals.</param>
        /// <param name="overwriteExistingNormals">Overwrite or skip over geometry with existing normals.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We use a "Mean Weighted Equally" method generate vertex normals from triangle 
        /// face normals.  If normal cannot be calculated from the geometry we set it to zero.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void CalculateNormals(GeometryContent geom, bool overwriteExistingNormals)
            // Look for an existing normals channel.
            var channel = geom.Vertices.Channels.Get<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal());
            if (channel == null)
                // We don't have existing normals, so add a new channel.
                channel = geom.Vertices.Channels.Add<Vector3>(VertexChannelNames.Normal(), null);
                // If we're not supposed to overwrite the existing
                // normals then we're done here.
                if (!overwriteExistingNormals)

            var positionIndices = geom.Vertices.PositionIndices;
            Debug.Assert(positionIndices.Count == channel.Count, "The position and channel sizes were different!");

            // Accumulate all the triangle face normals for each vertex.
            var normals = new Vector3[positionIndices.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < geom.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                var ia = geom.Indices[i + 0];
                var ib = geom.Indices[i + 1];
                var ic = geom.Indices[i + 2];

                var aa = geom.Vertices.Positions[ia];
                var bb = geom.Vertices.Positions[ib];
                var cc = geom.Vertices.Positions[ic];                
                var faceNormal = Vector3.Cross(cc - bb, bb - aa);
                var len = faceNormal.Length();
                if (len > 0.0f)
                    faceNormal = faceNormal / len;

                    // We are using the "Mean Weighted Equally" method where each
                    // face has an equal weight in the final normal calculation.
                    // We could maybe switch to "Mean Weighted by Angle" which is said
                    // to look best in most cases, but is more expensive to calculate.
                    // There is also an idea of weighting by triangle area, but IMO the
                    // triangle area doesn't always have a direct relationship to the 
                    // shape of a mesh.
                    // For more ideas see:
                    // "A Comparison of Algorithms for Vertex Normal Computation"
                    // by Shuangshuang Jin, Robert R. Lewis, David West.

                    normals[positionIndices[ia]] += faceNormal;
                    normals[positionIndices[ib]] += faceNormal;
                    normals[positionIndices[ic]] += faceNormal;

            // Normalize the gathered vertex normals.
            for (var i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
                var normal = normals[i];
                var len = normal.Length();
                if (len > 0.0f)
                    normals[i] = normal / len;
                    // TODO: It would be nice to be able to log this to
                    // the pipeline so that it can be fixed in the model.

                    // TODO: We could maybe void this by a better algorithm
                    // above for generating the normals.
                    // We have a zero length normal.  You can argue that putting
                    // anything here is better than nothing, but by leaving it to
                    // zero it allows the caller to detect this and react to it.
                    normals[i] = Vector3.Zero;

            // Set the new normals on the vertex channel.
            for (var i = 0; i < channel.Count; i++)
                channel[i] = normals[positionIndices[i]];
Exemple #32
 internal VertexContent(GeometryContent parent)
     this.positionIndices = new VertexChannel<int>("PositionIndices");
     this.positions = new IndirectPositionCollection(parent, this.positionIndices);
     this.channels = new VertexChannelCollection(this);