public static bool Compare(VirtualTreeDisplayData operand1, VirtualTreeDisplayData operand2)
     Debug.Assert(false); // There is no need to compare these
     return false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns structure describing how this branch should be displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">Index into this branch</param>
        /// <param name="column">Column index</param>
        /// <param name="requiredData">The data that must be filled in</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     Structure to be filled with display information.  By default,
        ///     No icon is specified, and read-only and creator nodes are grayed out.
        /// </returns>
        protected virtual VirtualTreeDisplayData GetDisplayData(int row, int column, VirtualTreeDisplayDataMasks requiredData)
            var data = new VirtualTreeDisplayData(-1);

            // account for row insertion index
            if (_insertingIndex != -1
                && row > _insertingIndex)

            var count = ElementCount;

            if ((requiredData.Mask & VirtualTreeDisplayMasks.StateImage) != 0
                && row < count)
                var columnDescriptor = _columns[column];

                if (columnDescriptor.ColumnIsCheckBox)
                    var checkState = columnDescriptor.GetCheckBoxValue(GetElement(row));

                    if (checkState != CheckBoxState.Unsupported)
                        // set state index
                        data.StateImageIndex = (short)checkState;

            if (row >= count)
                // display creator nodes in gray
                data.GrayText = true;
            else if (_lastText != null
                     && _lastText.Length > 0)
                // use lastText here as an optimization.  If there's no text, there's no
                // reason to call derived classes to check the value, as GrayText setting is
                // irrelevant
                var supportedState = GetValueSupported(row, column);
                // display non-editable nodes in gray
                if ((supportedState & TreeGridDesignerValueSupportedStates.DisplayReadOnly) != 0)
                    data.GrayText = true;
            return data;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Retrieves display data for the header row.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual VirtualTreeDisplayData GetDisplayData(int row, int column, VirtualTreeDisplayDataMasks requiredData)
            var data = new VirtualTreeDisplayData(-1);

            if (column == 0)
                data.Bold = true;

            if ((requiredData.Mask & VirtualTreeDisplayMasks.StateImage) != 0
                && row < _currentBranches.Count)
                var columnDescriptor = _columns[column];

                if (columnDescriptor.ColumnIsCheckBox)
                    var checkState = GetCheckBoxValue(row, column);

                    if (checkState != CheckBoxState.Unsupported)
                        // set state index
                        data.StateImageIndex = (short)checkState;

            return data;
Exemple #4
 public static bool Compare(VirtualTreeDisplayData operand1, VirtualTreeDisplayData operand2)
     Debug.Assert(false); // There is no need to compare these
        private void DrawIndentLines(
            Graphics graphics, Color backColor, Color foreColor, int absIndex, int nativeColumn, VirtualTreeItemInfo info,
            VirtualTreeDisplayData tdd, int remainingWidth, int adjustedItemHeight, ref int textLeft)
            var level = info.Level;
            var expandable = HasButtons && info.Expandable;
            var expanded = expandable && info.Expanded;

            Brush brush = null;
                // Fill the background with the given backColor.
                EnsureBrush(ref brush, backColor);

                if (0 == (myStyleFlags & VTCStyleFlags.MaskHasIndentBitmaps))
                    if (level > 0)
                        textLeft = level * myIndentWidth;
                        graphics.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, textLeft, adjustedItemHeight);
                    int iRow;
                    var iColumn = 0;
                    if (!HasLines) // HasLines and HasRootLines are synchronized, only HasButtons (and possibly HasRootButtons) is set
                        if (HasRootButtons && (nativeColumn == 0 || !info.SimpleCell))
                        if (level > 0)
                            textLeft = level * myIndentWidth;
                            if (info.Blank)
                                if (tdd.Image != -1)
                                    textLeft += myImageWidth;
                                if (tdd.StateImageIndex != -1)
                                    textLeft += myImageWidth;
                            // We're just looking at buttons
                            if (expandable)
                                iColumn = 0;
                                iRow = expanded ? 1 : 0;
                                var destRect = new Rectangle(textLeft - myIndentWidth, 0, myIndentWidth, adjustedItemHeight);
                                if (destRect.Left < remainingWidth)
                                    // Ensure indent image doesn't draw outside bounding rectangle for this column
                                    if (destRect.Right > remainingWidth)
                                        destRect.Width = remainingWidth - destRect.X;
                                        GetIndentBitmap(backColor, foreColor), destRect, 0, iRow * myItemHeight, destRect.Width,
                                        adjustedItemHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        if (level > 0)
                            graphics.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, level * myIndentWidth, adjustedItemHeight);
                        // Determine the row to blit based on expansion state
                        // The rows are laid out {no expansion, plus, minus}
                        // The columns are laid out {level bmp, middle, bottom, top, single}
                        iRow = expandable ? (expanded ? 2 : 1) : 0;

                        // Determine the column to blit based on the position in the list
                        //						if (relIndex == (branch.ItemCount - 1))
                        if (info.LastBranchItem)
                            // Last item
                            //							if (HasRootLines && (branch.ItemCount == 1))
                            //							if (info.Blank)
                            //							{
                            //								skipGlyph = true;
                            //								levelAdjust = 1;
                            //							}
                            //							else
                            if (info.FirstBranchItem)
                                iColumn = (level == 0) ? 4 : 2;
                                iColumn = 2;
                            //						else if (info.Blank)
                            //						{
                            //							levelAdjust = 1;
                            //							if (info.Expanded)
                            //							{
                            //								iColumn = 0;
                            //								iRow = 0;
                            //							}
                            //							else
                            //							{
                            //								skipGlyph = true;
                            //							}
                            //						}
                            //							if ((relIndex == 0) && HasRootLines)
                            if (info.FirstBranchItem
                                && HasRootLines
                                && (nativeColumn == 0 || !info.SimpleCell))
                                iColumn = (level == 0) ? 3 : 1;
                                iColumn = 1;

                        var iStartColumn = 0;
                        if ((absIndex & 1) == 1
                            && (myItemHeight & 1) == 1)
                            // in the odd item height case, use different bitmaps in alternating rows to keep the gridlines looking good.
                            // see comment in CreateIndentBmp() for more info.
                            iStartColumn = (HasRootLines || HasRootButtons) ? 5 : 3;
                        iColumn += iStartColumn;

                        // Blit in the level bitmaps. This is trickier than it looks because
                        // a check is required at each level to see if the parent root lines
                        // are required.
                        if (GetAnyStyleFlag(VTCStyleFlags.HasRootLines | VTCStyleFlags.HasRootButtons)
                            && (nativeColumn == 0 || !info.SimpleCell))

                        if (level > 0)
                            var bmp = GetIndentBitmap(backColor, foreColor);
                            var cxSrc = myIndentWidth;
                            var cySrc = myItemHeight;
                            textLeft = level * cxSrc;
                            var skipGlyph = false;
                            var destRect = new Rectangle((level - 1) * cxSrc, 0, cxSrc, cySrc);

                            if (info.Blank)
                                if (tdd.Image != -1)
                                    textLeft += myImageWidth;
                                if (tdd.StateImageIndex != -1)
                                    textLeft += myImageWidth;
                                iColumn = iStartColumn;
                                iRow = 0;
                                if (info.LastBranchItem)
                                    skipGlyph = true;
                                if (info.Expanded)
                                    destRect.Offset(cxSrc, 0);
                                    if (destRect.Left < remainingWidth)
                                        // Ensure indent image doesn't draw outside bounding rectangle for this column.
                                        if (destRect.Right <= remainingWidth)
                                            graphics.DrawImage(bmp, destRect, iColumn * cxSrc, 0, cxSrc, cySrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                                bmp, new Rectangle(destRect.X, destRect.Y, remainingWidth - destRect.X, destRect.Height),
                                                iColumn * cxSrc, 0, remainingWidth - destRect.X, cySrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                    destRect.Offset(-cxSrc, 0);

                            var xSrc = iColumn * cxSrc;
                            var ySrc = iRow * myItemHeight; //cySrc;

                            if (!skipGlyph
                                && destRect.Left < remainingWidth)
                                // Do the initial glyph.  Ensure indent image doesn't draw outside bounding rectangle for this column.
                                if (destRect.Right <= remainingWidth)
                                    graphics.DrawImage(bmp, destRect, xSrc, ySrc, cxSrc, cySrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                        bmp, new Rectangle(destRect.X, destRect.Y, remainingWidth - destRect.X, destRect.Height), xSrc, ySrc,
                                        remainingWidth - destRect.X, cySrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                            if (level > 1)
                                // Move back to the parent glyph, reset cySrc and destRect to non-adjusted item height.
                                xSrc = iStartColumn * cxSrc;
                                cySrc = destRect.Height = myItemHeight;

                                //								int parentRelIndex;
                                //								int dummyLevel;
                                //								IBranch parentBranch;
                                var parentIndex = absIndex;
                                VirtualTreeItemInfo parentInfo;
                                while (--level > 0)
                                    destRect.Offset(-cxSrc, 0);
                                    parentIndex = myTree.GetParentIndex(parentIndex, nativeColumn);

                                    if (destRect.Left < remainingWidth)
                                        parentInfo = myTree.GetItemInfo(parentIndex, nativeColumn, true);
                                        //									if ((parentRelIndex + 1) == parentBranch.ItemCount)
                                        if (parentInfo.LastBranchItem)
                                            graphics.FillRectangle(brush, destRect.X, destRect.Y, cxSrc, adjustedItemHeight);
                                                // fill adjusted rectangle so we don't paint over gridlines.
                                            // Ensure indent image doesn't draw outside bounding rectangle for this column.
                                            if (destRect.Right <= remainingWidth)
                                                graphics.DrawImage(bmp, destRect, xSrc, ySrc, cxSrc, cySrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                                    bmp, new Rectangle(destRect.X, destRect.Y, remainingWidth - destRect.X, destRect.Height),
                                                    xSrc, ySrc, remainingWidth - destRect.X, cySrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                CleanBrush(ref brush, backColor);
 private void DoDrawImageAndOverlays(
     Graphics graphics, VirtualTreeDisplayData tdd, int itemHeight, bool selected, Color controlBackColor)
     var xOffset = (int)graphics.Transform.OffsetX;
     var yOffset = ((int)graphics.Transform.OffsetY) + (itemHeight - myImageHeight) / 2;
     tdd.ImageList.Draw(graphics, xOffset, yOffset, selected ? tdd.SelectedImage : tdd.Image);
     int overlayIndex = tdd.OverlayIndex;
     var overlayIndices = tdd.OverlayIndices;
     if (overlayIndex != -1)
         if (overlayIndices == null)
             // Use the index directly
             tdd.ImageList.Draw(graphics, xOffset, yOffset, overlayIndex);
         else if (overlayIndex != 0)
             // Use the index as a list of bits into the indices array.
             // Do this typed if possible. It returns an IList to be CLS
             // compliant.
             int[] indicesArray;
             IList<int> typedList;
             int indicesCount;
             int curIndex;
             int curBit;
             indicesCount = overlayIndices.Count;
             curBit = 1 << (indicesCount - 1);
             if (null != (indicesArray = overlayIndices as int[]))
                 for (curIndex = indicesCount - 1; curIndex >= 0; --curIndex)
                     if (0 != (curBit & overlayIndex))
                         tdd.ImageList.Draw(graphics, xOffset, yOffset, indicesArray[curIndex]);
                     curBit >>= 1;
             else if (null != (typedList = overlayIndices as IList<int>))
                 for (curIndex = indicesCount - 1; curIndex >= 0; --curIndex)
                     if (0 != (curBit & overlayIndex))
                         tdd.ImageList.Draw(graphics, xOffset, yOffset, typedList[curIndex]);
                     curBit >>= 1;
                 for (curIndex = indicesCount - 1; curIndex >= 0; --curIndex)
                     if (0 != (curBit & overlayIndex))
                         tdd.ImageList.Draw(graphics, xOffset, yOffset, (int)overlayIndices[curIndex]);
                     curBit >>= 1;
     if (tdd.Cut)
         using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, controlBackColor)))
             graphics.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, myImageWidth + 1, myImageHeight + 1);
 private static StringAlignment GetLabelTextAlignment(ref VirtualTreeDisplayData tdd)
     // TODO: center alignment
     return 0 != (tdd.State & VirtualTreeDisplayStates.TextAlignFar) ? StringAlignment.Far : StringAlignment.Near;