Exemple #1
        public MetadataReference CreateReference(ImmutableArray <string> aliases, bool embedInteropTypes, DocumentationProvider documentationProvider)
            if (this.IsEmpty)

            // first see whether we can use native memory directly.
            var stream = this.storage.ReadStream();
            var supportNativeMemory = stream as ISupportDirectMemoryAccess;

            if (supportNativeMemory != null)
                // this is unfortunate that if we give stream, compiler will just re-copy whole content to
                // native memory again. this is a way to get around the issue by we getting native memory ourselves and then
                // give them pointer to the native memory. also we need to handle lifetime ourselves.
                var referenceWithNativeMemory = new MetadataImageReference(
                    AssemblyMetadata.Create(ModuleMetadata.CreateFromImage(supportNativeMemory.GetPointer(), (int)stream.Length)),
                    documentation: documentationProvider,
                    aliases: aliases,
                    embedInteropTypes: embedInteropTypes,
                    display: this.assemblyName);

                // tie lifetime of stream to metadata reference we created. native memory's lifetime is tied to
                // stream internally and stream is shared between same temporary storage. so here, we should be
                // sharing same native memory for all skeleton assemblies from same project snapshot.
                lifetime.GetValue(referenceWithNativeMemory, _ => stream);


            // otherwise, we just let it use stream. unfortunately, if we give stream, compiler will
            // internally copy it to native memory again. since compiler owns lifetime of stream,
            // it would be great if compiler can be little bit smarter on how it deals with stream.
            return(new MetadataImageReference(
                       documentation: documentationProvider,
                       aliases: aliases,
                       embedInteropTypes: embedInteropTypes,
                       display: this.assemblyName));
Exemple #2
        public MetadataReference CreateReference(ImmutableArray<string> aliases, bool embedInteropTypes, DocumentationProvider documentationProvider)
            if (this.IsEmpty)
                return null;

            // first see whether we can use native memory directly.
            var stream = this.storage.ReadStream();
            var supportNativeMemory = stream as ISupportDirectMemoryAccess;
            if (supportNativeMemory != null)
                // this is unfortunate that if we give stream, compiler will just re-copy whole content to 
                // native memory again. this is a way to get around the issue by we getting native memory ourselves and then
                // give them pointer to the native memory. also we need to handle lifetime ourselves.
                var referenceWithNativeMemory = new MetadataImageReference(
                    AssemblyMetadata.Create(ModuleMetadata.CreateFromImage(supportNativeMemory.GetPointer(), (int)stream.Length)),
                    documentation: documentationProvider,
                    aliases: aliases,
                    embedInteropTypes: embedInteropTypes,
                    display: this.assemblyName);

                // tie lifetime of stream to metadata reference we created. native memory's lifetime is tied to
                // stream internally and stream is shared between same temporary storage. so here, we should be 
                // sharing same native memory for all skeleton assemblies from same project snapshot.
                lifetime.GetValue(referenceWithNativeMemory, _ => stream);

                return referenceWithNativeMemory;

            // otherwise, we just let it use stream. unfortunately, if we give stream, compiler will
            // internally copy it to native memory again. since compiler owns lifetime of stream,
            // it would be great if compiler can be little bit smarter on how it deals with stream.
            return new MetadataImageReference(
                documentation: documentationProvider,
                aliases: aliases,
                embedInteropTypes: embedInteropTypes,
                display: this.assemblyName);
Exemple #3
        public void TestAddMetadataReferences()
            var csharpReference = new MetadataImageReference(GetResourceBytes(@"CSharpProject.dll").AsImmutable());
            var solution = CreateSolution();
            var project1 = ProjectId.CreateNewId();
            solution = solution.AddProject(project1, "foo", "foo.dll", LanguageNames.CSharp);
            solution = solution.AddMetadataReference(project1, mscorlib);

            // For CSharp Reference
            solution = solution.AddMetadataReference(project1, csharpReference);
            var assemblyReference = (IAssemblySymbol)solution.GetProject(project1).GetCompilationAsync().Result.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(csharpReference);
            var namespacesAndTypes = assemblyReference.GlobalNamespace.GetAllNamespacesAndTypes(CancellationToken.None);
            var foundSymbol = from symbol in namespacesAndTypes
                              where symbol.Name.Equals("CSharpClass")
                              select symbol;
            Assert.Equal(1, foundSymbol.Count());
            solution = solution.RemoveMetadataReference(project1, csharpReference);
            assemblyReference = (IAssemblySymbol)solution.GetProject(project1).GetCompilationAsync().Result.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(csharpReference);

Exemple #4
        public override bool Execute()
            var files = InputFiles.Select(f => new SourceFile {
                Name = f.ItemSpec,
                SyntaxTree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(File.ReadAllText(f.ItemSpec))

            // Creation of the assembly reference should be done this way:
            // var mscorlib = new MetadataFileReference(typeof(object).Assembly.Location);
            // But this creates a "path not absolute" exception on mono in GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol() below.
            // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26355922/creating-roslyn-metadatafilereference-bombs-on-mono-linux

            var mscorlibMetadata = AssemblyMetadata.CreateFromImageStream(new FileStream(typeof(object).Assembly.Location, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
            var mscorlib = new MetadataImageReference (mscorlibMetadata);

            var datalibMetadata = AssemblyMetadata.CreateFromImageStream(new FileStream(typeof(CommandBehavior).Assembly.Location, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
            var datalib = new MetadataImageReference (datalibMetadata);

            var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                files.Select(f => f.SyntaxTree),
                new[] { mscorlib, datalib }
            foreach (var file in files) {
                file.SemanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(file.SyntaxTree);

            var corlibSymbol = (IAssemblySymbol)compilation.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(mscorlib);
            _excludedTypes = new HashSet<ITypeSymbol> {

            // First pass: find methods with the [GenerateAsync] attribute
            foreach (var file in files)
                foreach (var m in file.SyntaxTree.GetRoot()
                    // Syntactically filter out any method without [GenerateAsync] (for performance)
                    if (m.AttributeLists.SelectMany(al => al.Attributes).All(a => a.Name.ToString() != "GenerateAsync")) {

                    var methodSymbol = file.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(m);

                    var cls = m.FirstAncestorOrSelf<ClassDeclarationSyntax>();
                    var ns = cls.FirstAncestorOrSelf<NamespaceDeclarationSyntax>();

                    Dictionary<ClassDeclarationSyntax, HashSet<MethodInfo>> classes;
                    if (!file.NamespaceToClasses.TryGetValue(ns, out classes))
                        classes = file.NamespaceToClasses[ns] = new Dictionary<ClassDeclarationSyntax, HashSet<MethodInfo>>();

                    HashSet<MethodInfo> methods;
                    if (!classes.TryGetValue(cls, out methods))
                        methods = classes[cls] = new HashSet<MethodInfo>();

                    var methodInfo = new MethodInfo
                        DeclarationSyntax = m,
                        Symbol = methodSymbol,
                        Transformed = m.Identifier.Text + "Async",
                        WithOverride = false

                    var attr = methodSymbol.GetAttributes().Single(a => a.AttributeClass.Name == "GenerateAsync");
                    if (attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value != null)
                        methodInfo.Transformed = (string)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                    if (((bool) attr.ConstructorArguments[1].Value))
                        methodInfo.WithOverride = true;

            Log.LogMessage("Found {0} methods marked for async rewriting",
                           files.SelectMany(f => f.NamespaceToClasses.Values).SelectMany(ctm => ctm.Values).SelectMany(m => m).Count());

            // Second pass: transform
            foreach (var f in files)
                Log.LogMessage("Writing out {0}", f.TransformedName);
                File.WriteAllText(f.TransformedName, RewriteFile(f).ToString());

            OutputFiles = files.Select(f => new TaskItem(f.TransformedName)).ToArray();

            return true;