Exemple #1
 private QueryResponse(
     IEnumerable <CosmosElement> result,
     int count,
     long responseLengthBytes,
     CosmosQueryResponseMessageHeaders responseHeaders,
     HttpStatusCode statusCode,
     RequestMessage requestMessage,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics,
     string errorMessage,
     Error error)
     : base(
         statusCode: statusCode,
         requestMessage: requestMessage,
         errorMessage: errorMessage,
         error: error,
         headers: responseHeaders,
         diagnostics: diagnostics)
     this.CosmosElements      = result;
     this.Count               = count;
     this.ResponseLengthBytes = responseLengthBytes;
     this.memoryStream        = new Lazy <MemoryStream>(() => CosmosElementSerializer.ToStream(
        private static string GetMessageHelper(
            HttpStatusCode statusCode,
            Headers headers,
            string responseBody,
            CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();


            // Include the diagnostics for exceptions where it is critical
            // to root cause failures.
            if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout ||
                statusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError ||
                statusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable ||
                (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound && headers.SubStatusCode == SubStatusCodes.ReadSessionNotAvailable))
                stringBuilder.Append("; Diagnostics:");

Exemple #3
        internal static QueryResponse CreateSuccess(
            IEnumerable <CosmosElement> result,
            int count,
            long responseLengthBytes,
            CosmosQueryResponseMessageHeaders responseHeaders,
            CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
            if (count < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count must be positive");

            if (responseLengthBytes < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("responseLengthBytes must be positive");

            QueryResponse cosmosQueryResponse = new QueryResponse(
                result: result,
                count: count,
                responseLengthBytes: responseLengthBytes,
                responseHeaders: responseHeaders,
                diagnostics: diagnostics,
                statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK,
                errorMessage: null,
                error: null,
                requestMessage: null);

 private QueryResponse(
     IEnumerable <CosmosElement> result,
     int count,
     long responseLengthBytes,
     CosmosQueryResponseMessageHeaders responseHeaders,
     HttpStatusCode statusCode,
     RequestMessage requestMessage,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics,
     string errorMessage,
     Error error,
     Lazy <MemoryStream> memoryStream,
     CosmosSerializationFormatOptions serializationOptions)
     : base(
         statusCode: statusCode,
         requestMessage: requestMessage,
         errorMessage: errorMessage,
         error: error,
         headers: responseHeaders,
         diagnostics: diagnostics)
     this.CosmosElements             = result;
     this.Count                      = count;
     this.ResponseLengthBytes        = responseLengthBytes;
     this.memoryStream               = memoryStream;
     this.CosmosSerializationOptions = serializationOptions;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an instance of CosmosOperationCanceledException
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="originalException">The original operation canceled exception</param>
 /// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
 public CosmosOperationCanceledException(
     OperationCanceledException originalException,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     : base(originalException.CancellationToken)
     this.originalException = originalException ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(originalException));
     this.Diagnostics       = diagnostics ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(diagnostics));
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an instance of CosmosOperationCanceledException
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="originalException">The original operation canceled exception</param>
 /// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
 public CosmosOperationCanceledException(
     OperationCanceledException originalException,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     : base(originalException.CancellationToken)
     this.originalException          = originalException ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(originalException));
     this.Diagnostics                = diagnostics ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(diagnostics));
     this.tokenCancellationRequested = originalException.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested;
     this.toStringMessage            = this.CreateToStringMessage();
     this.lazyMessage                = this.CreateLazyMessage();
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the CosmosResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal ItemResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     T item,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers     = headers;
     this.Resource    = item;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the HttpResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal ThroughputResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     ThroughputProperties throughputProperties,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers     = headers;
     this.Resource    = throughputProperties;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
 protected ReadFeedResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     ICollection <T> resource,
     Headers responseMessageHeaders,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.Count       = resource.Count;
     this.Headers     = responseMessageHeaders;
     this.Resource    = resource;
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the HttpResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal UserResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     UserProperties userProperties,
     User user,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers     = headers;
     this.Resource    = userProperties;
     this.User        = user;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the HttpResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal ContainerResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     ContainerProperties containerProperties,
     Container container,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers     = headers;
     this.Resource    = containerProperties;
     this.Container   = container;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the CosmosResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal ItemResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     T item,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics,
     RequestMessage requestMessage)
     this.StatusCode     = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers        = headers;
     this.Resource       = item;
     this.Diagnostics    = diagnostics;
     this.RequestMessage = requestMessage;
 internal ReadFeedResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     IEnumerable <T> resources,
     int resourceCount,
     Headers responseMessageHeaders,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.Count       = resourceCount;
     this.Headers     = responseMessageHeaders;
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
     this.Resource    = resources;
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the HttpResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal DatabaseResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     DatabaseProperties databaseProperties,
     Database database,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers     = headers;
     this.Resource    = databaseProperties;
     this.Database    = database;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
 internal BatchResponse(
     HttpStatusCode statusCode,
     SubStatusCodes subStatusCode,
     string errorMessage,
     double requestCharge,
     string activityId,
     CosmosDiagnostics cosmosDiagnostics,
     ServerBatchRequest serverRequest,
     CosmosSerializer serializer)
     : this(statusCode, subStatusCode, errorMessage, requestCharge, retryAfter, activityId, cosmosDiagnostics, serverRequest.Operations, serializer)
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// A private constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 /// This will prevent memory leaks when handling the HttpResponseMessage
 /// </summary>
 internal PermissionResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     PermissionProperties permissionProperties,
     Permission permission,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers     = headers;
     this.Resource    = permissionProperties;
     this.Permission  = permission;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
Exemple #17
 // A non-public constructor to ensure the factory is used to create the object.
 // This will prevent memory leaks when handling the HttpResponseMessage.
 internal ClientEncryptionKeyResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     Headers headers,
     ClientEncryptionKeyProperties keyProperties,
     ClientEncryptionKey key,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode          = httpStatusCode;
     this.Headers             = headers;
     this.Resource            = keyProperties;
     this.ClientEncryptionKey = key;
     this.Diagnostics         = diagnostics;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="ResponseMessage"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="statusCode">The HttpStatusCode of the response</param>
 /// <param name="requestMessage">The <see cref="Cosmos.RequestMessage"/> object</param>
 /// <param name="errorMessage">The reason for failures if any.</param>
 /// <param name="error">The inner error object</param>
 /// <param name="headers">The headers for the response.</param>
 /// <param name="diagnostics">The diagnostics for the request</param>
 internal ResponseMessage(
     HttpStatusCode statusCode,
     RequestMessage requestMessage,
     string errorMessage,
     Error error,
     Headers headers,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.StatusCode     = statusCode;
     this.RequestMessage = requestMessage;
     this.ErrorMessage   = errorMessage;
     this.Error          = error;
     this.Headers        = headers;
     this.Diagnostics    = diagnostics;
 protected ReadFeedResponse(
     HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode,
     CosmosArray cosmosArray,
     CosmosSerializerCore serializerCore,
     Headers responseMessageHeaders,
     CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
     this.Count       = cosmosArray.Count;
     this.Headers     = responseMessageHeaders;
     this.StatusCode  = httpStatusCode;
     this.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
     this.Resource    = CosmosElementSerializer.GetResources <T>(
         cosmosArray: cosmosArray,
         serializerCore: serializerCore);
 private TransactionalBatchResponse(
     HttpStatusCode statusCode,
     SubStatusCodes subStatusCode,
     string errorMessage,
     double requestCharge,
     string activityId,
     CosmosDiagnostics cosmosDiagnostics,
     IReadOnlyList <ItemBatchOperation> operations,
     CosmosSerializerCore serializer)
     this.StatusCode     = statusCode;
     this.SubStatusCode  = subStatusCode;
     this.ErrorMessage   = errorMessage;
     this.Operations     = operations;
     this.SerializerCore = serializer;
     this.RequestCharge  = requestCharge;
     this.RetryAfter     = retryAfter;
     this.ActivityId     = activityId;
     this.Diagnostics    = cosmosDiagnostics;
Exemple #21
        internal static QueryResponse CreateFailure(
            CosmosQueryResponseMessageHeaders responseHeaders,
            HttpStatusCode statusCode,
            RequestMessage requestMessage,
            string errorMessage,
            Error error,
            CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
            QueryResponse cosmosQueryResponse = new QueryResponse(
                result: Enumerable.Empty <CosmosElement>(),
                count: 0,
                responseLengthBytes: 0,
                responseHeaders: responseHeaders,
                diagnostics: diagnostics,
                statusCode: statusCode,
                errorMessage: errorMessage,
                error: error,
                requestMessage: requestMessage);

        internal static QueryResponse CreateSuccess(
            IEnumerable <CosmosElement> result,
            int count,
            long responseLengthBytes,
            CosmosQueryResponseMessageHeaders responseHeaders,
            CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics,
            CosmosSerializationFormatOptions serializationOptions)
            if (count < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count must be positive");

            if (responseLengthBytes < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("responseLengthBytes must be positive");

            Lazy <MemoryStream> memoryStream = new Lazy <MemoryStream>(() => CosmosElementSerializer.ToStream(

            QueryResponse cosmosQueryResponse = new QueryResponse(
                result: result,
                count: count,
                responseLengthBytes: responseLengthBytes,
                responseHeaders: responseHeaders,
                diagnostics: diagnostics,
                statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK,
                errorMessage: null,
                error: null,
                requestMessage: null,
                memoryStream: memoryStream,
                serializationOptions: serializationOptions);

Exemple #23
        internal static QueryResponse CreateFailure(
            CosmosQueryResponseMessageHeaders responseHeaders,
            HttpStatusCode statusCode,
            RequestMessage requestMessage,
            string errorMessage,
            Error error,
            CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)
            QueryResponse cosmosQueryResponse = new QueryResponse(
                result: new List <CosmosElement>(),
                count: 0,
                responseLengthBytes: 0,
                responseHeaders: responseHeaders,
                diagnostics: diagnostics,
                statusCode: statusCode,
                errorMessage: errorMessage,
                error: error,
                requestMessage: requestMessage,
                memoryStream: null,
                serializationOptions: null);

 public void AppendDiagnostics(CosmosDiagnostics diagnostics)