public void DeleteDoctor()
            int doctorIDForTest;
            int createdSpecialtyID;

            IHttpActionResult result;
            CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<DoctorModel> createdContentResult;
            OkNegotiatedContentResult<DoctorModel> OkcontentResult;

            // Create a new test specialty, and get its specialty ID
            using (var specialtyController = new SpecialtiesController())
                var specialty = new SpecialtyModel
                    SpecialtyName = "Very Special Doctor"
                result = specialtyController.PostSpecialty(specialty);
                CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<SpecialtyModel> specialtyContentResult =
                createdSpecialtyID = specialtyContentResult.Content.SpecialtyID;

            // Create a new test doctor, and get its doctor ID
            using (var DoctorController = new DoctorsController())
                var newDoctor = new DoctorModel
                    FirstName = "Alex",
                    LastName = "Smith",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    SpecialtyID = createdSpecialtyID,
                    Telephone = "111-111-1111",
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Today
                result = DoctorController.PostDoctor(newDoctor);
                createdContentResult =
                doctorIDForTest = createdContentResult.Content.DoctorID;

            //Call the procedure to delete the doctor, which sets its archived indicator to true
            using (var docController = new DoctorsController())
                result = docController.DeleteDoctor(doctorIDForTest);

                // Verify that HTTP result is OK
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult<DoctorModel>));
                // Verify that the returned DoctorModel object has archived indicator set to true
                OkcontentResult =

            // Get the doctor and verify that the doctor has archived indicator set to true
            using (var DocController = new DoctorsController())
                result = DocController.GetDoctor(doctorIDForTest);
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult<DoctorModel>));
                OkcontentResult =

            // Remove the doctor from the database with actual deletion, not archiving
            using (MedAgendaDbContext db = new MedAgendaDbContext())
                Doctor dbDoctor = db.Doctors.Find(doctorIDForTest);

            // Delete the test specialty
            using (var specialtyController = new SpecialtiesController())
                result = specialtyController.DeleteSpecialty(createdSpecialtyID);