        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 18JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Creates a polyline from encoded strings of aggregated points and levels.
         * ZoomFactor and  NumLevels  these two values determine the precision
         * of the levels within an encoded polyline.
         * @param _color the _color of the polyline.
         * @param _weight Width of the line in pixels.
         * @param _opacity the _opacity of the polyline.
         * @param points a string containing the encoded latitude and longitude
         *  coordinates.
         * @param ZoomFactor  the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom levels
         * in the encoded levels string.
         * @param levels a string containing the encoded polyline zoom level groups.
         * @param NumLevels the number of zoom levels contained in the encoded
         * levels string.
         * @return Geo polyline object.
        public static GeoPolyline FromEncoded(int color, int weight, double opacity,
                                              String points, int zoomFactor, String levels, int numLevels)
            ArrayList trk = PolylineEncoder.CreateDecodings(points);

            GeoLatLng[] array = new GeoLatLng[trk.Count];
            var         temp  = trk.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                array[i] = (GeoLatLng)temp[i];
            GeoPolyline polyline = new GeoPolyline(array, color, weight, opacity);

            polyline._levels    = PolylineEncoder.DecodeLevel(levels);
            polyline.ZoomFactor = zoomFactor;
            polyline.NumLevels  = numLevels;
Exemple #2
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 18JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Creates a polygon from encoded strings of aggregated points and _levels.
         * _zoomFactor and  _numLevels  these two values determine the precision
         * of the _levels within an encoded polygon.
         * @param _strokeColor the color of the polygon.
         * @param _strokeWeight Width of the line in pixels.
         * @param _strokeOpacity the opacity of the polygon.
         * @param _fillColor the inner color of the polygon.
         * @param _fillOpacity the inner opacity of the polygon.
         * @param points a string containing the encoded latitude and longitude
         *  coordinates.
         * @param _zoomFactor  the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom _levels
         * in the encoded _levels string.
         * @param _levels a string containing the encoded polygon zoom level groups.
         * @param _numLevels the number of zoom _levels contained in the encoded _levels string.
         * @return Geo polygon object.
        public static GeoPolygon FromEncoded(int strokeColor, int strokeWeight,
                                             double strokeOpacity, int fillColor, double fillOpacity,
                                             String points, int zoomFactor, String levels, int numLevels)
            ArrayList trk = PolylineEncoder.CreateDecodings(points);

            GeoLatLng[] array = new GeoLatLng[trk.Count];
            var         temp  = trk.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                array[i] = (GeoLatLng)temp[i];
            GeoPolygon polygon = new GeoPolygon(array, strokeColor, strokeWeight, strokeOpacity,
                                                fillColor, fillOpacity);

            polygon._levels     = PolylineEncoder.DecodeLevel(levels);
            polygon._zoomFactor = zoomFactor;
            polygon._numLevels  = numLevels;