Exemple #1
 public RevitObject(string family, string type, List <RevitParameter> parameters, LyrebirdPoint origin, LyrebirdPoint orient)
     FamilyName  = family;
     TypeName    = type;
     Parameters  = parameters;
     Origin      = origin;
     Orientation = orient;
 public RevitObject(string family, string type, List<RevitParameter> parameters, LyrebirdPoint origin, LyrebirdPoint orient)
     FamilyName = family;
     TypeName = type;
     Parameters = parameters;
     Origin = origin;
     Orientation = orient;
        private LyrebirdCurve GetLBCurve(Curve crv)
            LyrebirdCurve lbc = null;

            List<LyrebirdPoint> points = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
            if (crv.IsLinear())
                // standard linear element
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtStart.X, crv.PointAtStart.Y, crv.PointAtStart.Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtEnd.X, crv.PointAtEnd.Y, crv.PointAtEnd.Z));
                lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(points, "Line");
            else if (crv.IsCircle())
                crv.Domain = new Interval(0, 1);
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtStart.X, crv.PointAtStart.Y, crv.PointAtStart.Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.25).X, crv.PointAt(0.25).Y, crv.PointAt(0.25).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.5).X, crv.PointAt(0.5).Y, crv.PointAt(0.5).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.75).X, crv.PointAt(0.75).Y, crv.PointAt(0.75).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtEnd.X, crv.PointAtEnd.Y, crv.PointAtEnd.Z));
                lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(points, "Circle");
            else if (crv.IsArc())
                crv.Domain = new Interval(0, 1);
                // standard arc element
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtStart.X, crv.PointAtStart.Y, crv.PointAtStart.Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.5).X, crv.PointAt(0.5).Y, crv.PointAt(0.5).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtEnd.X, crv.PointAtEnd.Y, crv.PointAtEnd.Z));
                lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(points, "Arc");
                // Spline
                // Old line: if (crv.Degree >= 3)
                if (crv.Degree == 3)
                    NurbsCurve nc = crv as NurbsCurve;
                    if (nc != null)
                        List<LyrebirdPoint> lbPoints = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
                        List<double> weights = new List<double>();
                        List<double> knots = new List<double>();

                        foreach (ControlPoint cp in nc.Points)
                            LyrebirdPoint pt = new LyrebirdPoint(cp.Location.X, cp.Location.Y, cp.Location.Z);
                            double weight = cp.Weight;
                        for (int k = 0; k < nc.Knots.Count; k++)
                            double knot = nc.Knots[k];
                            // Add a duplicate knot for the first and last knot in the Rhino curve.
                            // Revit needs 2 more knots than Rhino to define a spline.
                            if (k == 0 || k == nc.Knots.Count - 1)

                        lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(lbPoints, weights, knots, nc.Degree, nc.IsPeriodic) { CurveType = "Spline" };
                    const double incr = 1.0 / 100;
                    List<LyrebirdPoint> pts = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
                    List<double> weights = new List<double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                        Point3d pt = crv.PointAtNormalizedLength(i * incr);
                        LyrebirdPoint lbp = new LyrebirdPoint(pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z);

                    lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(pts, "Spline") { Weights = weights, Degree = crv.Degree };

            return lbc;
        private List<RevitObject> AssignOrientation(List<RevitObject> currentList, GH_Structure<GH_Vector> orientations)
            List<RevitObject> current = currentList;
            List<RevitObject> tempObj = new List<RevitObject>();
            for (int i = 0; i < orientations.Branches.Count; i++)
                RevitObject ro = current[i];
                    Vector3d v = orientations[i][0].Value;

                    LyrebirdPoint p = new LyrebirdPoint {X = v.X, Y = v.Y, Z = v.Z};
                    ro.Orientation = p;
                catch (Exception exception)
            return tempObj;
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bool runCommand = false;
            GH_Structure<GH_Point> origPoints = new GH_Structure<GH_Point>();
            GH_Structure<GH_Point> adaptPoints = new GH_Structure<GH_Point>();
            GH_Structure<GH_Curve> curves = new GH_Structure<GH_Curve>();
            GH_Structure<GH_Vector> orientations = new GH_Structure<GH_Vector>();
            GH_Structure<GH_Vector> faceOrientations = new GH_Structure<GH_Vector>();
            DA.GetData(0, ref runCommand);
            DA.GetDataTree(1, out origPoints);
            DA.GetDataTree(2, out adaptPoints);
            DA.GetDataTree(3, out curves);
            DA.GetDataTree(4, out orientations);
            DA.GetDataTree(5, out faceOrientations);

            // Make sure the family and type is set before running the command.
            if (runCommand && (familyName == null || familyName == "Not Selected"))
                message = "Please select a family/type by double-clicking on the component before running the command.";
            else if (runCommand)
                // Get the scale
                GHInfo ghi = new GHInfo();
                GHScale scale = ghi.GetScale(Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc);

                // Send to Revit
                LyrebirdChannel channel = new LyrebirdChannel(appVersion);

                if (channel != null)
                    string documentName = channel.DocumentName();
                    if (documentName != null)
                        // Create RevitObjects
                        List<RevitObject> obj = new List<RevitObject>();

                        #region OriginPoint Based
                        if (origPoints != null && origPoints.Branches.Count > 0)
                            List<RevitObject> tempObjs = new List<RevitObject>();
                            // make sure the branches match the datacount
                            if (origPoints.Branches.Count == origPoints.DataCount)
                                for (int i = 0; i < origPoints.Branches.Count; i++)
                                    GH_Point ghpt = origPoints[i][0];
                                    LyrebirdPoint point = new LyrebirdPoint
                                        X = ghpt.Value.X,
                                        Y = ghpt.Value.Y,
                                        Z = ghpt.Value.Z

                                    RevitObject ro = new RevitObject
                                        Origin = point,
                                        FamilyName = familyName,
                                        TypeName = typeName,
                                        Category = category,
                                        CategoryId = categoryId,
                                        GHPath = origPoints.Paths[i].ToString(),
                                        GHScaleFactor = scale.ScaleFactor,
                                        GHScaleName = scale.ScaleName

                                obj = tempObjs;
                                // Inform the user they need to graft their inputs.  Only one point per branch
                                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Warning:\n\nEach Branch represents an object, " +
                                    "so origin point based elements should be grafted so that each point is on it's own branch.");

                        #region AdaptiveComponents
                        else if (adaptPoints != null && adaptPoints.Branches.Count > 0)
                            // generate adaptive components
                            List<RevitObject> tempObjs = new List<RevitObject>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < adaptPoints.Branches.Count; i++)
                                RevitObject ro = new RevitObject();
                                List<LyrebirdPoint> points = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
                                for (int j = 0; j < adaptPoints.Branches[i].Count; j++)
                                    LyrebirdPoint point = new LyrebirdPoint(adaptPoints.Branches[i][j].Value.X, adaptPoints.Branches[i][j].Value.Y, adaptPoints.Branches[i][j].Value.Z);
                                ro.AdaptivePoints = points;
                                ro.FamilyName = familyName;
                                ro.TypeName = typeName;
                                ro.Origin = null;
                                ro.Category = category;
                                ro.CategoryId = categoryId;
                                ro.GHPath = adaptPoints.Paths[i].ToString();
                                ro.GHScaleFactor = scale.ScaleFactor;
                                ro.GHScaleName = scale.ScaleName;
                            obj = tempObjs;


                        #region Curve Based
                        else if (curves != null && curves.Branches.Count > 0)
                            // Get curves for curve based components

                            // Determine if we're profile or line based
                            if (curves.Branches.Count == curves.DataCount)
                                // Determine if the curve is a closed planar curve
                                Curve tempCrv = curves.Branches[0][0].Value;
                                if (tempCrv.IsPlanar(0.00000001) && tempCrv.IsClosed)
                                    // Closed planar curve
                                    List<RevitObject> tempObjs = new List<RevitObject>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < curves.Branches.Count; i++)
                                        Curve crv = curves[i][0].Value;
                                        List<Curve> rCurves = new List<Curve>();
                                        bool getCrvs = CurveSegments(rCurves, crv, true);
                                        if (rCurves.Count > 0)
                                            RevitObject ro = new RevitObject();
                                            List<LyrebirdCurve> lbCurves = new List<LyrebirdCurve>();
                                            for (int j = 0; j < rCurves.Count; j++)
                                                LyrebirdCurve lbc;
                                                lbc = GetLBCurve(rCurves[j]);
                                            ro.Curves = lbCurves;
                                            ro.FamilyName = familyName;
                                            ro.Category = category;
                                            ro.CategoryId = categoryId;
                                            ro.TypeName = typeName;
                                            ro.Origin = null;
                                            ro.GHPath = curves.Paths[i].ToString();
                                            ro.GHScaleFactor = scale.ScaleFactor;
                                            ro.GHScaleName = scale.ScaleName;
                                    obj = tempObjs;

                                else if (!tempCrv.IsClosed)
                                    // Line based.  Can only be arc or linear curves
                                    List<RevitObject> tempObjs = new List<RevitObject>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < curves.Branches.Count; i++)

                                        Curve ghc = curves.Branches[i][0].Value;
                                        // Test that there is only one curve segment
                                        PolyCurve polycurve = ghc as PolyCurve;
                                        if (polycurve != null)
                                            Curve[] segments = polycurve.Explode();
                                            if (segments.Count() != 1)
                                        if (ghc != null)
                                            //List<LyrebirdPoint> points = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
                                            LyrebirdCurve lbc = GetLBCurve(ghc);
                                            List<LyrebirdCurve> lbcurves = new List<LyrebirdCurve> { lbc };

                                            RevitObject ro = new RevitObject
                                                Curves = lbcurves,
                                                FamilyName = familyName,
                                                Category = category,
                                                CategoryId = categoryId,
                                                TypeName = typeName,
                                                Origin = null,
                                                GHPath = curves.Paths[i].ToString(),
                                                GHScaleFactor = scale.ScaleFactor,
                                                GHScaleName = scale.ScaleName

                                    obj = tempObjs;
                                // Make sure all of the curves in each branch are closed
                                bool allClosed = true;
                                DataTree<CurveCheck> crvTree = new DataTree<CurveCheck>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < curves.Branches.Count; i++)
                                    List<GH_Curve> ghCrvs = curves.Branches[i];
                                    List<CurveCheck> checkedcurves = new List<CurveCheck>();
                                    GH_Path path = new GH_Path(i);
                                    for (int j = 0; j < ghCrvs.Count; j++)
                                        Curve c = ghCrvs[j].Value;
                                        if (c.IsClosed)
                                            AreaMassProperties amp = AreaMassProperties.Compute(c);
                                            if (amp != null)
                                                double area = amp.Area;
                                                CurveCheck cc = new CurveCheck(c, area);
                                            allClosed = false;
                                    if (allClosed)
                                        // Sort the curves by area
                                        checkedcurves.Sort((x, y) => x.Area.CompareTo(y.Area));
                                        foreach (CurveCheck cc in checkedcurves)
                                            crvTree.Add(cc, path);

                                if (allClosed)
                                    // Determine if the smaller profiles are within the larger
                                    bool allInterior = true;
                                    List<RevitObject> tempObjs = new List<RevitObject>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < crvTree.Branches.Count; i++)
                                            List<int> crvSegmentIds = new List<int>();
                                            List<LyrebirdCurve> lbCurves = new List<LyrebirdCurve>();
                                            List<CurveCheck> checkedCrvs = crvTree.Branches[i];
                                            Curve outerProfile = checkedCrvs[0].Curve;
                                            double outerArea = checkedCrvs[0].Area;
                                            List<Curve> planarCurves = new List<Curve>();
                                            double innerArea = 0.0;
                                            for (int j = 1; j < checkedCrvs.Count; j++)
                                                innerArea += checkedCrvs[j].Area;
                                            // Try to create a planar surface
                                            IEnumerable<Curve> surfCurves = planarCurves;
                                            Brep[] b = Brep.CreatePlanarBreps(surfCurves);
                                            if (b.Count() == 1)
                                                // Test the areas
                                                double brepArea = b[0].GetArea();
                                                double calcArea = outerArea - innerArea;
                                                double diff = (brepArea - calcArea) / calcArea;

                                                if (diff < 0.1)
                                                    // The profiles probably are all interior
                                                    foreach (CurveCheck cc in checkedCrvs)
                                                        Curve c = cc.Curve;
                                                        List<Curve> rCurves = new List<Curve>();
                                                        bool getCrvs = CurveSegments(rCurves, c, true);

                                                        if (rCurves.Count > 0)
                                                            int crvSeg = rCurves.Count;
                                                            foreach (Curve rc in rCurves)
                                                                LyrebirdCurve lbc;
                                                                lbc = GetLBCurve(rc);
                                                    RevitObject ro = new RevitObject();
                                                    ro.Curves = lbCurves;
                                                    ro.FamilyName = familyName;
                                                    ro.Category = category;
                                                    ro.CategoryId = categoryId;
                                                    ro.TypeName = typeName;
                                                    ro.Origin = null;
                                                    ro.GHPath = crvTree.Paths[i].ToString();
                                                    ro.GHScaleFactor = scale.ScaleFactor;
                                                    ro.GHScaleName = scale.ScaleName;
                                                    ro.CurveIds = crvSegmentIds;
                                                allInterior = false;
                                                message = "Warning:\n\nEach Branch represents an object, " +
                                                "so curve based elements should be grafted so that each curve is on it's own branch, or all curves on a branch should " +
                                                "be interior to the largest, outer boundary.";
                                            allInterior = false;
                                            // Inform the user they need to graft their inputs.  Only one curve per branch
                                            message = "Warning:\n\nEach Branch represents an object, " +
                                                "so curve based elements should be grafted so that each curve is on it's own branch, or all curves on a branch should " +
                                                "be interior to the largest, outer boundary.";
                                    if (tempObjs.Count > 0)
                                        obj = tempObjs;

                        // Orientation
                        if (orientations != null && orientations.Branches.Count > 0)
                            List<RevitObject> tempList = AssignOrientation(obj, orientations);
                            obj = tempList;

                        // face orientation
                        if (faceOrientations != null && faceOrientations.Branches.Count > 0)
                            List<RevitObject> tempList = AssignFaceOrientation(obj, faceOrientations);
                            obj = tempList;

                        // Parameters...
                        if (Params.Input.Count > 6)
                            List<RevitObject> currentObjs = obj;
                            List<RevitObject> tempObjs = new List<RevitObject>();
                            for (int r = 0; r < currentObjs.Count; r++)
                                RevitObject ro = currentObjs[r];
                                List<RevitParameter> revitParams = new List<RevitParameter>();
                                for (int i = 6; i < Params.Input.Count; i++)

                                    RevitParameter rp = new RevitParameter();
                                    IGH_Param param = Params.Input[i];
                                    string paramInfo = param.Description;
                                    string[] pi = paramInfo.Split(new[] { "\n", ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                    string paramName = null;
                                        paramName = pi[1].Substring(1);
                                        string paramStorageType = pi[5].Substring(1);
                                        rp.ParameterName = paramName;
                                        rp.StorageType = paramStorageType;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (paramName != null)
                                        GH_Structure<IGH_Goo> data = null;
                                            DA.GetDataTree(i, out data);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                        if (data != null)
                                            string value = data[r][0].ToString();
                                            rp.Value = value;

                                ro.Parameters = revitParams;
                            obj = tempObjs;

                        // Send the data to Revit to create and/or modify family instances.
                        if (obj != null && obj.Count > 0)
                                string docName = channel.DocumentName();
                                if (docName == null || docName == string.Empty)
                                    message = "Could not contact the lyrebird server.  Make sure it's running and try again.";
                                    string nn = NickName;
                                    if (nn == null || nn.Length == 0)
                                        nn = "LBOut";
                                    channel.CreateOrModify(obj, InstanceGuid, NickName);
                                    message = obj.Count.ToString() + " objects sent to the lyrebird server.";
                                message = "Could not contact the lyrebird server.  Make sure it's running and try again.";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        message = "Error\n" + "The Lyrebird Service could not be found.  Ensure Revit is running, the Lyrebird server plugin is installed, and the server is active.";
                message = null;

            // Check if the revit information is set
            if (familyName != null || (familyName != "Not Selected" && typeName != "Not Selected"))
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("Family: " + familyName);
                sb.AppendLine("Type: " + typeName);
                sb.AppendLine("Category: " + category);
                for (int i = 0; i < inputParameters.Count; i++)
                    RevitParameter rp = inputParameters[i];
                    string type = "Instance";
                    if (rp.IsType)
                        type = "Type";
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Parameter{0}: {1}  /  {2}  /  {3}", (i + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), rp.ParameterName, rp.StorageType, type));
                objMessage = sb.ToString();
                objMessage = "No data type set.  Double-click to set data type";

            DA.SetData(0, objMessage);
            DA.SetData(1, message);