Exemple #1
 public Texte(Point position, String txt, Font2 font2, Byte coul_A, Byte coul_R, Byte coul_G, Byte coul_B, int epaisseur, bool rempli, DisplayObject objParent)
     : base(position, coul_A, coul_R, coul_G, coul_B, rempli, epaisseur, objParent)
     this.typeFigure = "TEXT";
     this.txt        = txt;
     this.font2      = font2;
Exemple #2
 public Texte(Point position, String txt, Font2 font2, Color couleur, int epaisseur, bool rempli, DisplayObject objParent)
     : base(position, couleur, Color.Empty, rempli, epaisseur, objParent)
     this.typeFigure = "TEXT";
     this.txt        = txt;
     this.font2      = font2;
Exemple #3
 public Texte(Point position, String txt, Font2 font2, Byte coul_A, Byte coul_R, Byte coul_G, Byte coul_B, int epaisseur, bool rempli, DisplayObject objParent)
     : base(position, coul_A, coul_R, coul_G, coul_B, rempli, epaisseur,objParent)
     this.typeFigure = "TEXT";
     this.txt = txt;
     this.font2 = font2 ;
Exemple #4
 public Texte(Point position, String txt, Font2 font2, Color couleur, int epaisseur, bool rempli, DisplayObject objParent)
     : base(position, couleur,Color.Empty, rempli, epaisseur,objParent)
     this.typeFigure = "TEXT";
     this.txt = txt;
     this.font2 = font2;
Exemple #5
        //Mouse released ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void surfacePictBx_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            isMousePressed = false;
            moveFocusSceneActive = false;
            moveObjectActive = false;
            moveSurfaceAdActive = false;
            moveSurfaceControlActive = false;

            Point offSetPoint = this.getOffsetPoint();

            Point pTouched = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(-offSetPoint.X + e.Location.X * (1 / this.CurrentScale)),
                    Convert.ToInt32(-offSetPoint.Y + e.Location.Y * (1 / this.CurrentScale)));

            if (this.Mode.Equals("CREATE_SHAPE"))
                if (this.mainForm.ShapeType != 5 && this.mainForm.ShapeType != 2)
                    if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 4 && this.surfaceTextTemp != null)
                        Font2 font = new Font2("ARIAL", 16, FontStyle.Regular);
                        this.FigActive = new Texte(this.surfaceTextTemp.Location, "New Text", font, Color.Blue, 1, false, null);
                    this.mainForm.addFigureBt_Click(null, null);

                if (this.mainForm.isFormLocked == false)
            //--------------------------CREATION DES JOINTURES--------------------------
            else if (this.Mode.Equals("JOINT"))
                UserControl jointPanel = this.mainForm.CurrentJointPanel;

                //Verifier que le panel n'est pas null
                if (jointPanel != null)

                    //Recuperer le panel correspondant au joint
                    if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("PIVOT"))
                        PivotPropertiesPanel pivotPanel = (PivotPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("DISTANCE"))
                        DistancePropertiesPanel panel = (DistancePropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("FRICTION"))
                        FrictionPropertiesPanel panel = (FrictionPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("PISTON"))
                        PistonPropertiesPanel panel = (PistonPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("PULLEY"))
                        PulleyPropertiesPanel panel = (PulleyPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("WHEEL"))
                        WheelPropertiesPanel panel = (WheelPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("WELD"))
                        WeldPropertiesPanel panel = (WeldPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;

                    else if (jointPanel.Name.Equals("TOUCH"))
                        TouchPropertiesPanel panel = (TouchPropertiesPanel)jointPanel;



                if (this.mainForm.isFormLocked == false)

Exemple #6
        //Mousse pressed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void surfacePictBx_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            isMousePressed = true;
            Point offSetPoint = this.getOffsetPoint();
            Point pTouched = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(-offSetPoint.X + e.Location.X * (1 / this.CurrentScale)),
                    Convert.ToInt32(-offSetPoint.Y + e.Location.Y * (1 / this.CurrentScale)));

            GameElementTreeView treeView = this.mainForm.getElementTreeView();
            Scene sceneSelected = treeView.SceneSelected;

            this.pDepart = pTouched;
            if (CurentCalque.Equals("LAYER"))
                CoronaLayer layer = treeView.LayerSelected;
                if (layer != null)

                    if (this.Mode.Equals("MOVE") || this.Mode.Contains("RESIZE") || this.Mode.Equals("ROTATION") || this.Mode.Equals("DELETE"))

                        if (this.movingMode.Equals("OBJECT"))
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.objectsSelected.Count; i++)
                                CoronaObject coronaObject = this.objectsSelected[i];
                                if (coronaObject.isEnabled == true)
                                    if (coronaObject.isEntity == false)
                                        coronaObject.DisplayObject.LastPos = pTouched;
                                        if (coronaObject.DisplayObject.Type.Equals("FIGURE"))
                                            coronaObject.DisplayObject.Figure.LastPos = pTouched;


                            moveObjectActive = true;
                        else if (this.movingMode.Equals("ENTITY"))
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.objectsSelected.Count; i++)
                                CoronaObject entity = this.objectsSelected[i];
                                if (entity.isEnabled == true)
                                    if (entity.isEntity == true)
                                        for (int j = 0; j < entity.Entity.CoronaObjects.Count; j++)
                                            CoronaObject coronaObject = entity.Entity.CoronaObjects[j];

                                            coronaObject.DisplayObject.LastPos = pTouched;
                                            if (coronaObject.DisplayObject.Type.Equals("FIGURE"))
                                                coronaObject.DisplayObject.Figure.LastPos = pTouched;



                            moveObjectActive = true;
                        else if (this.movingMode.Equals("CONTROL"))
                            this.moveSurfaceControlActive = true;
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.joysticksSelected.Count; i++)
                                JoystickControl joy = this.joysticksSelected[i];
                                if(joy.isEnabled == true)
                                    joy.lastPos = pTouched;

                    else if (this.Mode.Equals("CREATE_SHAPE"))
                        pDepart = pTouched;
                        //Si un rectangle
                        if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 1)
                            this.FigActive = new Rect(pTouched, 10, 10, false, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);

                        //Si une Ligne
                        else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 2)

                            //Creer la ligne si elle ne l'est pas
                            if (isLineCreated == false)
                                this.FigActive = new Line(pTouched, Color.White, 2, false, null);
                                isLineCreated = true;


                                //Sinon ajouter seulement le point au tableau
                                Line line = this.FigActive as Line;

                        //Si un Cercle
                        else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 3)
                            this.FigActive = new Cercle(pTouched, 2, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);

                        //Si un Texte
                        else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 4)
                            Font2 font = new Font2("ARIAL", 16, FontStyle.Regular);
                            //this.FigActive = new Texte(pDepart, "New Text", font, Color.Blue, 1, false, null);

                            this.surfaceTextTemp = new Rectangle(pTouched, TextRenderer.MeasureText("New Text", new System.Drawing.Font(font.FamilyName, font.Size)));
                            font = null;
                        //Si un une courbe de bezier
                        else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 5)
                            //Creer le bezier s'il ne l'est pas
                            if (isBezierCreated == false)
                                List<Point> tabP = new List<Point>();

                                this.FigActive = new CourbeBezier(pTouched, tabP, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);
                                isBezierCreated = true;


                                //Sinon ajouter seulement le point au tableau
                                CourbeBezier bezier = this.FigActive as CourbeBezier;


                        //Si un rectangle arrondi
                        else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 6)
                            this.FigActive = new Rect(pTouched, 10, 10, true, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);
                    else if (this.Mode.Equals("PATH_FOLLOW"))
                        if (this.objectsSelected.Count > 0)
                            CoronaObject obj = objectsSelected[0];
                            if (obj != null)
                                if (obj.isEnabled == true)
                                    if (obj.isEntity == false)



            else if (CurentCalque.Equals("STAGE"))
                if (sceneSelected != null)
                    if (this.Mode.Equals("CAMERA_RECTANGLE"))
                        pDepart = pTouched;
                        sceneSelected.Camera.CameraFollowLimitRectangle = new Rectangle(pTouched, new Size(10, 10));
                    else if (this.Mode.Equals("CREATE_SHAPE"))
                        if (treeView.CoronaObjectSelected != null)
                            if (treeView.CoronaObjectSelected.isEntity == true)
                                pDepart = pTouched;
                                //Si un rectangle
                                if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 1)
                                    this.FigActive = new Rect(pTouched, 10, 10, false, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);

                                //Si une Ligne
                                else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 2)

                                    //Creer la ligne si elle ne l'est pas
                                    if (isLineCreated == false)
                                        this.FigActive = new Line(pTouched, Color.White, 2, false, null);
                                        isLineCreated = true;


                                        //Sinon ajouter seulement le point au tableau
                                        Line line = this.FigActive as Line;

                                //Si un Cercle
                                else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 3)
                                    this.FigActive = new Cercle(pTouched, 2, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);

                                //Si un Texte
                                else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 4)
                                    Font2 font = new Font2("ARIAL", 16, FontStyle.Regular);
                                    //this.FigActive = new Texte(pDepart, "New Text", font, Color.Blue, 1, false, null);

                                    this.surfaceTextTemp = new Rectangle(pTouched, TextRenderer.MeasureText("New Text", new System.Drawing.Font(font.FamilyName, font.Size)));
                                    font = null;
                                //Si un une courbe de bezier
                                else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 5)
                                    //Creer le bezier s'il ne l'est pas
                                    if (isBezierCreated == false)
                                        List<Point> tabP = new List<Point>();

                                        this.FigActive = new CourbeBezier(pTouched, tabP, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);
                                        isBezierCreated = true;


                                        //Sinon ajouter seulement le point au tableau
                                        CourbeBezier bezier = this.FigActive as CourbeBezier;


                                //Si un rectangle arrondi
                                else if (this.mainForm.ShapeType == 6)
                                    this.FigActive = new Rect(pTouched, 10, 10, true, Color.Empty, Color.White, 2, false, null);
                                this.Mode = "NONE";
                                this.isMousePressed = false;
                                MessageBox.Show("Please select a layer before adding a new display object!", "Select a layer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                            this.Mode = "NONE";
                            this.isMousePressed = false;
                            MessageBox.Show("Please select a layer before adding a new display object!", "Select a layer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                    else if (this.Mode.Equals("MOVE") || this.Mode.Contains("RESIZE") || this.Mode.Equals("ROTATION"))
                        if (this.movingMode.Equals("FOCUS") && this.Mode.Equals("MOVE"))
                            if (sceneSelected.Camera.SurfaceFocus.Contains(pTouched))
                                sceneSelected.lastPos = pTouched;
                                this.moveFocusSceneActive = true;
                        else if (this.movingMode.Equals("OBJECT"))
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.objectsSelected.Count; i++)
                                CoronaObject coronaObject = this.objectsSelected[i];
                                if (coronaObject.isEnabled == true)
                                    if (coronaObject.isEntity == false)
                                        coronaObject.DisplayObject.LastPos = pTouched;
                                        coronaObject.PhysicsBody.OriginSize = coronaObject.DisplayObject.SurfaceRect.Size;
                                        if (coronaObject.DisplayObject.Type.Equals("FIGURE"))
                                            coronaObject.DisplayObject.Figure.LastPos = pTouched;

                            moveObjectActive = true;

                        else if (this.movingMode.Equals("ENTITY"))
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.objectsSelected.Count; i++)
                                CoronaObject entity = this.objectsSelected[i];
                                if (entity.isEnabled == true)

                                    if (entity.isEntity == true)
                                        for (int j = 0; j < entity.Entity.CoronaObjects.Count; j++)
                                            CoronaObject coronaObject = entity.Entity.CoronaObjects[j];
                                            coronaObject.DisplayObject.LastPos = pTouched;
                                            if (coronaObject.DisplayObject.Type.Equals("FIGURE"))
                                                coronaObject.DisplayObject.Figure.LastPos = pTouched;


                            moveObjectActive = true;
                        else if (this.movingMode.Equals("AD"))

                            if (sceneSelected.Ad.isActive == true)
                                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
                                    new Point(sceneSelected.Ad.location.X + offSetPoint.X + sceneSelected.Camera.SurfaceFocus.Location.X,
                                        sceneSelected.Ad.location.Y+ offSetPoint.Y + sceneSelected.Camera.SurfaceFocus.Location.Y),

                                if (rect.Contains(e.Location))
                                    sceneSelected.lastPos = pTouched;
                                    this.moveSurfaceAdActive = true;

                        else if (this.movingMode.Equals("CONTROL"))
                            this.moveSurfaceControlActive = true;
                            for (int i = 0; i < this.joysticksSelected.Count; i++)
                                JoystickControl joy = this.joysticksSelected[i];
                                if(joy.isEnabled == true)
                                    joy.lastPos = pTouched;

                    else if (this.Mode.Equals("PATH_FOLLOW"))
                        if (this.objectsSelected.Count > 0)
                            CoronaObject obj = objectsSelected[0];
                            if (obj != null)
                                if(obj.isEnabled == true)




            if (this.mainForm.isFormLocked == false)
Exemple #7
        public string GetFontFileName(DirectoryInfo dir, Font2 fontNameToSearch)
            string fileNameToReturn = "";

            FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("*.ttf");

            foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                GlyphTypeface gtf = new GlyphTypeface(new Uri(file.FullName));
                //Found Name Font for iPhone compatibility

                foreach (System.Globalization.CultureInfo keys in gtf.FamilyNames.Keys)
                    string name = gtf.FamilyNames[keys].ToString();
                    if (name.Equals(fontNameToSearch.FamilyName))
                        string styleName = fontNameToSearch.Style.ToString();
                        if (gtf.FaceNames.Values.Contains(styleName))
                            return file.FullName;



            /*foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(fs);
                byte[] buff = r.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(ttOffsetTable));
                buff = BigEndian(buff);
                IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buff.Length);
                Marshal.Copy(buff, 0x0, ptr, buff.Length);
                TT_OFFSET_TABLE ttResult = (TT_OFFSET_TABLE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(TT_OFFSET_TABLE));

                //Must be maj =1 minor = 0
                if (ttResult.uMajorVersion != 1 || ttResult.uMinorVersion != 0)

                bool bFound = false;
                TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY tbName = new TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY();
                for (int i = 0; i < ttResult.uNumOfTables; i++)
                    byte[] bNameTable = r.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(tblDir));
                    IntPtr ptrName = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bNameTable.Length);
                    Marshal.Copy(bNameTable, 0x0, ptrName, bNameTable.Length);
                    tbName = (TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrName, typeof(TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY));
                    string szName = tbName.szTag1.ToString() + tbName.szTag2.ToString() + tbName.szTag3.ToString() + tbName.szTag4.ToString();
                    if (szName != null)
                        if (szName.ToString() == "name")
                            bFound = true;
                            byte[] btLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(tbName.uLength);
                            byte[] btOffset = BitConverter.GetBytes(tbName.uOffset);
                            tbName.uLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(btLength, 0);
                            tbName.uOffset = BitConverter.ToUInt32(btOffset, 0);
                if (bFound)
                    fs.Position = tbName.uOffset;
                    byte[] btNTHeader = r.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(ttNTHeader));
                    btNTHeader = BigEndian(btNTHeader);
                    IntPtr ptrNTHeader = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(btNTHeader.Length);
                    Marshal.Copy(btNTHeader, 0x0, ptrNTHeader, btNTHeader.Length);
                    TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER ttNTResult = (TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrNTHeader, typeof(TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER));
                    bFound = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ttNTResult.uNRCount; i++)
                        byte[] btNMRecord = r.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(ttNMRecord));
                        btNMRecord = BigEndian(btNMRecord);
                        IntPtr ptrNMRecord = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(btNMRecord.Length);
                        Marshal.Copy(btNMRecord, 0x0, ptrNMRecord, btNMRecord.Length);
                        TT_NAME_RECORD ttNMResult = (TT_NAME_RECORD)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrNMRecord, typeof(TT_NAME_RECORD));
                        if (ttNMResult.uNameID == 1)
                            long fPos = fs.Position;
                            fs.Position = tbName.uOffset + ttNMResult.uStringOffset + ttNTResult.uStorageOffset;
                            char[] szResult = r.ReadChars(ttNMResult.uStringLength);
                            if (szResult.Length != 0)
                                string name = new string(szResult);
                                if (name.Equals(fontNameToSearch))
                                    int y = 0;//szResult now contains the font name.


                                    return file.FullName;



            return fileNameToReturn;