Exemple #1
 public MIDISequencer()
     Keyboard    = new MIDIKeyboard();
     NoteManager = new NoteManager();
     Stopwatch   = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Exemple #2
        public override void Render(RenderTarget target, List<Note> notes, MIDIKeyboard keyboard)
            foreach (Note n in notes)
                if (n.Key >= GFXResources.NoteOffset && n.Key < GFXResources.NoteOffset + GFXResources.NoteCount && n.Length > 0 && n.Velocity > 0)
                    // Calculate pitchbend offset to give notes a sliding effect
                    float wheelOffset = (keyboard.Pitchwheel[n.Channel] - 8192) / 8192f * 2 * GFXResources.KeyWidth;
                    float bottom = n.Position + n.Length;
                    float left = n.Key * GFXResources.KeyWidth + wheelOffset - GFXResources.NoteOffset * GFXResources.KeyWidth;
                    GFXResources.NoteRoundRect.Left = left;
                    GFXResources.NoteRoundRect.Top = n.Position;
                    GFXResources.NoteRoundRect.Right = left + GFXResources.KeyWidth;
                    GFXResources.NoteRoundRect.Bottom = bottom;

                    float alpha = n.Velocity / 127f * (keyboard.ChannelVolume[n.Channel] / 127f);
                    alpha *= alpha; // Square the alpha so differences are more visible and scale quadratically
                    var gradientBrush = GFXResources.ChannelGradientBrushes[n.Channel];
                    gradientBrush.Opacity = alpha;
                    GFXResources.GradientPoint.X = GFXResources.NoteRoundRect.Left;
                    gradientBrush.StartPoint = GFXResources.GradientPoint;
                    GFXResources.GradientPoint.X = GFXResources.NoteRoundRect.Right;
                    gradientBrush.EndPoint = GFXResources.GradientPoint;
                    target.FillRoundedRectangle(GFXResources.ChannelGradientBrushes[n.Channel], GFXResources.NoteRoundRect);
Exemple #3
 public override void Render(RenderTarget target, List<Note> notes, MIDIKeyboard keyboard)
     foreach (Note n in notes)
         if (n.Key >= GFXResources.NoteOffset && n.Key < GFXResources.NoteOffset + GFXResources.NoteCount && n.Length > 0 && n.Velocity > 0)
             // Calculate pitchbend offset to give notes a sliding effect
             float wheelOffset = (keyboard.Pitchwheel[n.Channel] - 8192) / 8192f * 2 * GFXResources.KeyWidth;
             float bottom = n.Position + n.Length;
             float left = n.Key * GFXResources.KeyWidth + (bottom >= GFXResources.KeyboardY ? wheelOffset : 0) - GFXResources.NoteOffset * GFXResources.KeyWidth;
             float left = n.Key * GFXResources.KeyWidth - GFXResources.NoteOffset * GFXResources.KeyWidth;
             GFXResources.NoteRect.X = left;
             GFXResources.NoteRect.Y = n.Position;
             GFXResources.NoteRect.Width = GFXResources.KeyWidth;
             GFXResources.NoteRect.Height = n.Length;
             target.FillRectangle(GFXResources.ChannelBrushes[n.Channel], GFXResources.NoteRect);
Exemple #4
 public abstract void Render(RenderTarget target, List<Note> notes, MIDIKeyboard keyboard);
Exemple #5
 public MIDISequencer()
     Keyboard = new MIDIKeyboard();
     NoteManager = new NoteManager();
     Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();