Exemple #1
        public ExportResult Export(GroupDisplayData datas)
            ExportStats    stats    = new ExportStats();
            BabylonOutputs outputs  = new BabylonOutputs();
            string         tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

            var prims = new List <object>();

            Tuple <string, object, List <object> > rootPrim = SerializeCombinedFaces(null, datas.RootPrim, "png", tempPath, outputs, stats);


            foreach (var data in datas.Prims.Where(p => p != datas.RootPrim))
                prims.Add(SerializeCombinedFaces(rootPrim.Item1, data, "png", tempPath, outputs, stats).Item2);

            var res = PackageResult(datas.ObjectName, datas.CreatorName, outputs, prims);

            stats.ConcreteCount = 1;
            stats.TextureCount  = res.TextureFiles.Count;
            res.Stats           = stats;

Exemple #2
        public ExportResult Export(PrimDisplayData data)
            ExportStats    stats    = new ExportStats();
            BabylonOutputs outputs  = new BabylonOutputs();
            string         tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

            Tuple <string, object, List <Object> > result = SerializeCombinedFaces(null, data, "png", tempPath, outputs, stats);

            var res = PackageResult("object", "creator", outputs, new List <object> {

            res.Stats           = stats;
            stats.ConcreteCount = 1;

Exemple #3
        public ExportResult Export(IEnumerable <GroupDisplayData> groups)
            ExportStats    stats    = new ExportStats();
            BabylonOutputs outputs  = new BabylonOutputs();
            string         tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

            var prims          = new List <object>();
            var groupInstances = new Dictionary <ulong, List <object> >();

            foreach (var group in groups)
                //see if we already have this group
                ulong groupHash = GetGroupHash(group);

                List <object> instances;
                if (groupInstances.TryGetValue(groupHash, out instances))
                    var pos = group.RootPrim.OffsetPosition;
                    var rot = group.RootPrim.OffsetRotation;

                    FixCoordinateSystem(ref pos, ref rot);

                    //yes, add this as an instance of the group
                        name     = groupHash + "_inst_" + instances.Count,
                        position =
                            pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z
                        rotationQuaternion =
                            rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W

                        scaling = new[] { group.RootPrim.Scale.X, group.RootPrim.Scale.Y, group.RootPrim.Scale.Z },

                    int startingPrimCount    = stats.PrimCount;
                    int startingSubmeshCount = stats.SubmeshCount;

                    Tuple <string, object, List <object> > rootPrim = SerializeCombinedFaces(null, group.RootPrim, "png", tempPath, outputs, stats);

                    foreach (var data in group.Prims.Where(p => p != group.RootPrim))
                        prims.Add(SerializeCombinedFaces(rootPrim.Item1, data, "png", tempPath, outputs, stats).Item2);

                    groupInstances.Add(groupHash, rootPrim.Item3);

                    stats.GroupsByPrimCount.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(group.ObjectName + "-" + groupHash, stats.PrimCount - startingPrimCount));
                    stats.GroupsBySubmeshCount.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(group.ObjectName + "-" + groupHash, stats.SubmeshCount - startingSubmeshCount));


            var res = PackageResult(string.Empty, string.Empty, outputs, prims);

            stats.TextureCount = res.TextureFiles.Count;
            res.Stats          = stats;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the combined faces and returns a mesh
        /// </summary>
        private Tuple <string, object, List <object> > SerializeCombinedFaces(
            string parent, PrimDisplayData data,
            string materialType, string tempPath, BabylonOutputs outputs,
            ExportStats stats)

            BabylonJSONPrimFaceCombiner combiner = new BabylonJSONPrimFaceCombiner();

            foreach (var face in data.Mesh.Faces)


            List <string> materialsList = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < combiner.Materials.Count; i++)
                var   material     = combiner.Materials[i];
                float shinyPercent = ShinyToPercent(material.Shiny);

                bool hasTexture = material.TextureID != OpenMetaverse.UUID.Zero;

                //check the material tracker, if we already have this texture, don't export it again
                TrackedTexture trackedTexture = null;

                if (hasTexture)
                    if (outputs.Textures.ContainsKey(material.TextureID))
                        trackedTexture = outputs.Textures[material.TextureID];
                        string materialMapName = $"tex_mat_{material.TextureID}.{materialType}";
                        var    kvp             = this.WriteMaterialTexture(material.TextureID, materialMapName, tempPath, outputs.TextureFiles);

                        outputs.Textures.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                        trackedTexture = kvp.Value;

                var matHash = _objHasher.GetMaterialFaceHash(material);
                if (!outputs.Materials.ContainsKey(matHash))
                    bool hasTransparent = material.RGBA.A < 1.0f || (trackedTexture != null && trackedTexture.HasAlpha);

                    object texture = null;
                    if (hasTexture)
                        texture = new
                            name             = trackedTexture.Name,
                            level            = 1,
                            hasAlpha         = hasTransparent,
                            getAlphaFromRGB  = false,
                            coordinatesMode  = 0,
                            uOffset          = 0,
                            vOffset          = 0,
                            uScale           = 1,
                            vScale           = 1,
                            uAng             = 0,
                            vAng             = 0,
                            wAng             = 0,
                            wrapU            = true,
                            wrapV            = true,
                            coordinatesIndex = 0

                    var jsMaterial = new
                        name                   = matHash.ToString(),
                        id                     = matHash.ToString(),
                        ambient                = new[] { material.RGBA.R, material.RGBA.G, material.RGBA.B },
                        diffuse                = new[] { material.RGBA.R, material.RGBA.G, material.RGBA.B },
                        specular               = new[] { material.RGBA.R *shinyPercent, material.RGBA.G *shinyPercent, material.RGBA.B *shinyPercent },
                        specularPower          = 50,
                        emissive               = new[] { 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f },
                        alpha                  = material.RGBA.A,
                        backFaceCulling        = true,
                        wireframe              = false,
                        diffuseTexture         = hasTexture ? texture : null,
                        useLightmapAsShadowmap = false,
                        checkReadOnlyOnce      = true

                    outputs.Materials.Add(matHash, jsMaterial);


            var multiMaterialName = data.MaterialHash + "_mm";

            if (!outputs.MultiMaterials.ContainsKey(data.MaterialHash))
                //create the multimaterial
                var multiMaterial = new
                    name      = multiMaterialName,
                    id        = multiMaterialName,
                    materials = materialsList

                outputs.MultiMaterials[data.MaterialHash] = multiMaterial;

            //finally serialize the mesh
            float[] identity4x4 =
                1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f

            List <object> submeshes = new List <object>();

            foreach (var subMesh in combiner.SubMeshes)
                    materialIndex = subMesh.MaterialIndex,
                    verticesStart = subMesh.VerticesStart,
                    verticesCount = subMesh.VerticesCount,
                    indexStart    = subMesh.IndexStart,
                    indexCount    = subMesh.IndexCount


            List <object> instanceList = null;

            if (parent == null)
                instanceList = new List <object>();

            //if this is a child prim, decouple its coordinate system from the parent
            //it seems like babylon loads the object, and then applies the parentage
            //after the object is already in world

            /*if (parent != null)
             * {
             *  Quaternion parentRot = data.Parent.OffsetRotation;
             *  Vector3 axPos = data.OffsetPosition;
             *  axPos *= parentRot;
             *  Vector3 translationOffsetPosition = axPos;
             *  pos = data.Parent.OffsetPosition + translationOffsetPosition;
             *  rot = data.Parent.OffsetRotation * data.OffsetRotation;
             * }*/

            //if this is a child prim, divide out the scale of the parent
            var scale = data.Scale;

            if (parent != null)
                scale /= data.Parent.Scale;

            Vector3    pos = data.OffsetPosition;
            Quaternion rot = data.OffsetRotation;

            if (parent == null)
                FixCoordinateSystem(ref pos, ref rot);

            var primId = data.ShapeHash + "_" + data.MaterialHash + (parent == null ? "_P" : "");
            var mesh   = new
                name                     = primId,
                id                       = primId,
                parentId                 = parent,
                materialId               = multiMaterialName,
                position                 = new [] { pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z },
                rotationQuaternion       = new[] { rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W },
                scaling                  = new[] { scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z },
                pivotMatrix              = identity4x4,
                infiniteDistance         = false,
                showBoundingBox          = false,
                showSubMeshesBoundingBox = false,
                isVisible                = true,
                isEnabled                = true,
                pickable                 = true,
                applyFog                 = false,
                checkCollisions          = false,
                receiveShadows           = false,
                positions                = combiner.Vertices,
                normals                  = combiner.Normals,
                uvs                      = combiner.UVs,
                indices                  = combiner.Indices,
                subMeshes                = submeshes,
                autoAnimate              = false,
                billboardMode            = 0,
                instances                = instanceList

            return(new Tuple <string, object, List <object> >(primId, mesh, instanceList));
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the combined faces and returns a mesh
        /// </summary>
        private Tuple <string, Mesh, List <MeshInstance> > SerializeCombinedFaces(
            string parent, PrimDisplayData data,
            string materialType, string tempPath, BabylonFlatBufferOutputs outputs,
            ExportStats stats)

            BabylonPrimFaceCombiner combiner = new BabylonPrimFaceCombiner();

            foreach (var face in data.Mesh.Faces)


            List <string> materialsList = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < combiner.Materials.Count; i++)
                var   material     = combiner.Materials[i];
                float shinyPercent = ShinyToPercent(material.Shiny);

                bool hasTexture = material.TextureID != OpenMetaverse.UUID.Zero;

                //check the material tracker, if we already have this texture, don't export it again
                TrackedTexture trackedTexture = null;

                if (hasTexture)
                    if (outputs.Textures.ContainsKey(material.TextureID))
                        trackedTexture = outputs.Textures[material.TextureID];
                        string materialMapName = $"tex_mat_{material.TextureID}.{materialType}";
                        var    kvp             = this.WriteMaterialTexture(material.TextureID, materialMapName, tempPath, outputs.TextureFiles);

                        outputs.Textures.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                        trackedTexture = kvp.Value;

                var matHash = _objHasher.GetMaterialFaceHash(material);
                if (!outputs.Materials.ContainsKey(matHash))
                    bool hasTransparent = material.RGBA.A < 1.0f || (trackedTexture != null && trackedTexture.HasAlpha);

                    Texture texture = null;
                    if (hasTexture)
                        texture = new Texture()
                            HasAlpha = hasTransparent,
                            Name     = trackedTexture.Name

                    BabylonFlatBufferIntermediates.Material jsMaterial = new BabylonFlatBufferIntermediates.Material()
                        Alpha          = material.RGBA.A,
                        Color          = new[] { material.RGBA.R, material.RGBA.G, material.RGBA.B },
                        DiffuseTexture = hasTexture ? texture : null,
                        Id             = matHash.ToString(),
                        Name           = matHash.ToString(),
                        ShinyPercent   = shinyPercent

                    outputs.Materials.Add(matHash, jsMaterial);


            var multiMaterialName = data.MaterialHash + "_mm";

            if (!outputs.MultiMaterials.ContainsKey(data.MaterialHash))
                //create the multimaterial
                var multiMaterial = new MultiMaterial()
                    Id            = multiMaterialName,
                    MaterialsList = materialsList,
                    Name          = multiMaterialName

                outputs.MultiMaterials[data.MaterialHash] = multiMaterial;

            List <SubMesh> submeshes = new List <SubMesh>();

            foreach (var subMesh in combiner.SubMeshes)
                submeshes.Add(new SubMesh()
                    MaterialIndex = subMesh.MaterialIndex,
                    VerticesStart = subMesh.VerticesStart,
                    VerticesCount = subMesh.VerticesCount,
                    IndexStart    = subMesh.IndexStart,
                    IndexCount    = subMesh.IndexCount


            List <MeshInstance> instanceList = null;

            if (parent == null)
                instanceList = new List <MeshInstance>();

            //if this is a child prim, divide out the scale of the parent
            var scale = data.Scale;

            if (parent != null)
                scale /= data.Parent.Scale;

            Vector3    pos = data.OffsetPosition;
            Quaternion rot = data.OffsetRotation;

            if (parent == null)
                FixCoordinateSystem(ref pos, ref rot);

            var primId = data.ShapeHash + "_" + data.MaterialHash + (parent == null ? "_P" : "");

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh()
                Name               = primId,
                Id                 = primId,
                ParentId           = parent,
                MaterialId         = multiMaterialName,
                Position           = new [] { pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z },
                RotationQuaternion = new[] { rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W },
                Scaling            = new[] { scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z },
                Positions          = combiner.Vertices,
                Normals            = combiner.Normals,
                UVs                = combiner.UVs,
                Indices            = combiner.Indices,
                Submeshes          = submeshes,
                Instances          = instanceList

            return(new Tuple <string, Mesh, List <MeshInstance> >(primId, mesh, instanceList));