Exemple #1
		public static void TryGoTo(AbstractEntity entity)
			if (entity == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
			while ((entity is IMember) && ((IMember)entity).GenericMember is AbstractEntity)
				entity = (AbstractEntity)((IMember)entity).GenericMember;
			// Try to find the assembly which contains the resolved type
			IProjectContent pc = entity.ProjectContent;
			ReflectionProjectContent rpc = pc as ReflectionProjectContent;
			string assemblyLocation = null;
			if (rpc != null) {
				assemblyLocation = GetAssemblyLocation(rpc);
			} else {
				IProject project = pc.Project as IProject;
				if (project != null) {
					assemblyLocation = project.OutputAssemblyFullPath;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyLocation)) {
				MessageService.ShowWarning("ILSpy AddIn: Could not determine the assembly location for " + entity.FullyQualifiedName + ".");
			string ilspyPath = GetILSpyExeFullPathInteractive();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ilspyPath))
			string commandLine = "/singleInstance \"" + assemblyLocation + "\" \"/navigateTo:" + entity.DocumentationTag + "\"";
			LoggingService.Debug(ilspyPath + " " + commandLine);
			Process.Start(ilspyPath, commandLine);
Exemple #2
            void ReadAttributes(AbstractEntity decoration)
                int count = reader.ReadUInt16();

                if (count > 0)
                    ReadAttributes(decoration.Attributes, count);
                    decoration.Attributes = DefaultAttribute.EmptyAttributeList;
        protected void CopyDocumentationFrom(IEntity entity)
            AbstractEntity ae = entity as AbstractEntity;

            if (ae != null)
                this.Documentation = ae.documentation;                 // do not cause pc.GetXmlDocumentation call for documentation copy
                this.Documentation = entity.Documentation;
		// ********************************************************************************************************************************
		public static void TryGoTo(string assemblyName, AbstractEntity entity)
			string dotnetName = entity.DocumentationTag.Replace('+', '.');
			string selectCommand;
			if (entity is IClass) {
				selectCommand = "SelectTypeDeclaration";
			} else if (entity is IEvent) {
				selectCommand = "SelectEventDeclaration";
			} else if (entity is IProperty) {
				selectCommand = "SelectPropertyDeclaration";
			} else if (entity is IField) {
				selectCommand = "SelectFieldDeclaration";
			} else {
				selectCommand = "SelectMethodDeclaration";
			ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => DoTryGoto(assemblyName, selectCommand, dotnetName));
		void ConvertAttributes(NRefactoryAST.AttributedNode from, AbstractEntity to)
			if (from.Attributes.Count == 0) {
				to.Attributes = DefaultAttribute.EmptyAttributeList;
			} else {
				ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location location = from.Attributes[0].StartLocation;
				ClassFinder context;
				if (to is IClass) {
					context = new ClassFinder((IClass)to, location.Line, location.Column);
				} else {
					context = new ClassFinder(to.DeclaringType, location.Line, location.Column);
				to.Attributes = VisitAttributes(from.Attributes, context);
			void ReadAttributes(AbstractEntity decoration)
				int count = reader.ReadUInt16();
				if (count > 0) {
					ReadAttributes(decoration.Attributes, count);
				} else {
					decoration.Attributes = DefaultAttribute.EmptyAttributeList;
		void ConvertAttributes(AST.TypeMember node, AbstractEntity to)
			if (node.Attributes.Count == 0) {
				to.Attributes = DefaultAttribute.EmptyAttributeList;
			} else {
				ClassFinder context;
				if (to is IClass) {
					context = new ClassFinder((IClass)to, node.LexicalInfo.Line, node.LexicalInfo.Column);
				} else {
					context = new ClassFinder(to.DeclaringType, node.LexicalInfo.Line, node.LexicalInfo.Column);
				foreach (AST.Attribute a in node.Attributes) {
					to.Attributes.Add(new DefaultAttribute(new AttributeReturnType(context, a.Name)) {
					                  	CompilationUnit = _cu,
					                  	Region = GetRegion(a)
			to.Documentation = node.Documentation;