public AudioCdTrackInfo (AudioCdDiscModel model, string deviceNode, int index)
            this.model = model;
            this.index_on_disc = index;

            Uri = new SafeUri (String.Format ("cdda://{0}#{1}", index_on_disc + 1, deviceNode));
Exemple #2
		bool CreateThumbnail (SafeUri thumbnailUri, ThumbnailSize size, IImageFile imageFile)
			var pixels = size == ThumbnailSize.Normal ? 128 : 256;
			Pixbuf pixbuf;
			try {
				pixbuf = imageFile.Load ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Log.DebugFormat ("Failed loading image for thumbnailing: {0}", imageFile.Uri);
				Log.DebugException (e);
				return false;

			double scale_x = (double)pixbuf.Width / pixels;
			double scale_y = (double)pixbuf.Height / pixels;
			double scale = Math.Max (1.0, Math.Max (scale_x, scale_y));
			// Ensures that the minimum value is 1 so that pixbuf.ScaleSimple doesn't return null
			// Seems to only happen in rare(?) cases
			int target_x = Math.Max ((int)(pixbuf.Width / scale), 1);
			int target_y = Math.Max ((int)(pixbuf.Height / scale), 1);

			var thumb_pixbuf = pixbuf.ScaleSimple (target_x, target_y, InterpType.Bilinear);
			var mtime = fileSystem.File.GetMTime (imageFile.Uri).ToString ();
			thumb_pixbuf.Savev (thumbnailUri.LocalPath, "png",
				new string [] { ThumbnailService.ThumbUriOpt, ThumbnailService.ThumbMTimeOpt, null },
				new string [] { imageFile.Uri, mtime });

			pixbuf.Dispose ();
			thumb_pixbuf.Dispose ();

			return true;
Exemple #3
		public void CopyIfNeeded (IPhoto item, SafeUri destinationBase)
			// remember source uri for copying xmp file
			SafeUri defaultVersionUri = item.DefaultVersion.Uri;

			foreach (IPhotoVersion version in item.Versions) {
				// Copy into photo folder and update IPhotoVersion uri
				var source = version.Uri;
				var destination = destinationBase.Append (source.GetFilename ());
				if (!source.Equals (destination)) {
					destination = GetUniqueFilename (destination);
					file_system.File.Copy (source, destination, false);
					copied_files.Add (destination);
					original_files.Add (source);
					version.Uri = destination;

			// Copy XMP sidecar
			var xmp_original = defaultVersionUri.ReplaceExtension(".xmp");
			if (file_system.File.Exists (xmp_original)) {
				var xmp_destination = item.DefaultVersion.Uri.ReplaceExtension (".xmp");
				file_system.File.Copy (xmp_original, xmp_destination, true);
				copied_files.Add (xmp_destination);
				original_files.Add (xmp_original);
        public DaapTrackInfo(Track track, DaapSource source)
            : base()
            TrackTitle = track.Title;
            AlbumTitle = track.Album;
            ArtistName = track.Artist;

            DateAdded = track.DateAdded;
            DateUpdated = track.DateModified;

            Genre = track.Genre;
            FileSize = track.Size;
            TrackCount = track.TrackCount;
            TrackNumber = track.TrackNumber;
            DiscNumber = track.DiscNumber;
            DiscCount = track.DiscCount;
            Year = track.Year;
            Duration = track.Duration;
            MimeType = track.Format;
            BitRate = (int)track.BitRate;
            ExternalId = track.Id;

            PrimarySource = source;

            Uri = new SafeUri (String.Format (
                "{0}{1}/{2}", DaapService.ProxyServer.HttpBaseAddress, source.Database.GetHashCode (), track.Id

            //this.IsLive = false;
            //this.CanSaveToDatabase = false;
Exemple #5
        public void Load(string uri, PdfPasswordProvider passwordProvider, bool isAlreadyTmp)
            if (isAlreadyTmp)
                tmp_uri  = new Uri(uri).AbsoluteUri;
                tmp_path = new Uri(uri).LocalPath;

            var safe_uri = new Hyena.SafeUri(uri);
            var uri_obj  = new Uri(safe_uri.AbsoluteUri);

            Uri = uri_obj.AbsoluteUri;
            SuggestedSavePath = Path = uri_obj.LocalPath;

            pdf_document = PdfSharp.Pdf.IO.PdfReader.Open(Path, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Modify, passwordProvider);

            for (int i = 0; i < pdf_document.PageCount; i++)
                var page = new Page(pdf_document.Pages[i])
                    Document = this,
                    Index    = i

            page_labels = new PageLabels(pdf_document);
Exemple #6
		public IThumbnailer GetThumbnailerForUri (SafeUri uri)
			if (ImageFile.HasLoader (uri)) {
				return new ImageThumbnailer (uri, fileSystem);
			return null;
 public System.IO.Stream OpenWrite (SafeUri uri, bool overwrite)
     var file = FileFactory.NewForUri (uri.AbsoluteUri);
     return new GioStream (overwrite
         ? file.Replace (null, false, FileCreateFlags.None, null)
         : file.Create (FileCreateFlags.None, null));
Exemple #8
		public void Load (SafeUri uri)
			if (is_disposed)

			//First, send a thumbnail if we have one
			if ((thumb = App.Instance.Container.Resolve<IThumbnailService> ().TryLoadThumbnail (uri, ThumbnailSize.Large)) != null) {
				pixbuf_orientation = ImageOrientation.TopLeft;
				EventHandler<AreaPreparedEventArgs> prep = AreaPrepared;
				if (prep != null) {
					prep (this, new AreaPreparedEventArgs (true));
				EventHandler<AreaUpdatedEventArgs> upd = AreaUpdated;
				if (upd != null) {
					upd (this, new AreaUpdatedEventArgs (new Rectangle (0, 0, thumb.Width, thumb.Height)));

			using (var image_file = ImageFile.Create (uri)) {
				image_stream = image_file.PixbufStream ();
				pixbuf_orientation = image_file.Orientation;

			loading = true;
			// The ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem hack is there cause, as the bytes to read are present in the stream,
			// the Read is CompletedAsynchronously, blocking the mainloop
			image_stream.BeginRead (buffer, 0, count, delegate (IAsyncResult r) {
				ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
					HandleReadDone (r);});
			}, null);
Exemple #9
 public long GetSize(SafeUri uri)
     try {
         return new System.IO.FileInfo (uri.LocalPath).Length;
     } catch {
         return -1;
Exemple #10
 public ImageInfo(SafeUri uri)
     using (var img = ImageFile.Create (uri)) {
             Pixbuf pixbuf = img.Load ();
             SetPixbuf (pixbuf);
             pixbuf.Dispose ();
 public static string GenerateMD5(SafeUri uri)
     var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (uri);
     var stream = new GLib.GioStream (file.Read (null));
     var hash = CryptoUtil.Md5EncodeStream (stream);
     stream.Close ();
     return hash;
 public static RadioTrackInfo OpenPlay (SafeUri uri)
     RadioTrackInfo track = Open (uri);
     if (track != null) {
         track.Play ();
     return track;
Exemple #13
 public override void CopyTrackTo (DatabaseTrackInfo track, SafeUri uri, BatchUserJob job)
     if (track.PrimarySource == this && track.Uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) {
         foreach (double percent in database.DownloadTrack ((int)track.ExternalId, track.MimeType, uri.AbsolutePath)) {
             job.DetailedProgress = percent;
Exemple #14
        public BaseImageFile(SafeUri uri)
            Uri = uri;
            Orientation = ImageOrientation.TopLeft;

            using (var metadata_file = Metadata.Parse (uri)) {
                ExtractMetadata (metadata_file);
Exemple #15
		public void Copy (SafeUri source, SafeUri destination, bool overwrite)
			var source_file = FileFactory.NewForUri (source);
			var destination_file = FileFactory.NewForUri (destination);
			var flags = FileCopyFlags.AllMetadata;
			if (overwrite)
				flags |= FileCopyFlags.Overwrite;
			source_file.Copy (destination_file, flags, null, null);
Exemple #16
		public bool TryCreateThumbnail (SafeUri thumbnailUri, ThumbnailSize size)
			try {
				var imageFile = ImageFile.Create (fileUri);
				return CreateThumbnail (thumbnailUri, size, imageFile);
			catch {
				return false;
Exemple #17
        public static SafeUri CopySidecarToTest(SafeUri uri, string filename)
            var target = uri.ReplaceExtension (".xmp");

            var orig_uri = new SafeUri (Environment.CurrentDirectory + TestDataLocation + filename);
            var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (orig_uri);
            var file2 = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (target);
            file.Copy (file2, GLib.FileCopyFlags.Overwrite, null, null);
            return target;
        public void TestMissingFile()
            XdgThumbnailSpec.DefaultLoader = (u) => {
                throw new Exception ("not found!");

            var uri = new SafeUri ("file:///invalid");
            var pixbuf = XdgThumbnailSpec.LoadThumbnail (uri, ThumbnailSize.Large);
            Assert.IsNull (pixbuf);
Exemple #19
 public PhotoVersion(IPhoto photo, uint version_id, SafeUri base_uri, string filename, string md5_sum, string name, bool is_protected)
     Photo = photo;
     VersionId = version_id;
     BaseUri = base_uri;
     Filename = filename;
     ImportMD5 = md5_sum;
     Name = name;
     IsProtected = is_protected;
 public TranscodeContext (TrackInfo track, SafeUri out_uri, ProfileConfiguration config,
     TrackTranscodedHandler handler, TranscodeCancelledHandler cancelledHandler, TranscodeErrorHandler errorHandler)
     Track = track;
     OutUri = out_uri;
     Config = config;
     Handler = handler;
     CancelledHandler = cancelledHandler;
     ErrorHandler = errorHandler;
Exemple #21
 public static void TrimEmptyDirectories(SafeUri uri)
     try {
         string old_dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (uri.LocalPath);
         while (old_dir != null && old_dir != String.Empty) {
             Banshee.IO.Directory.Delete (old_dir);
             old_dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (old_dir);
     } catch {
 public long GetSize (SafeUri uri)
     try {
         var file = FileFactory.NewForUri (uri.AbsoluteUri);
         using (var file_info = file.QueryInfo ("standard::size", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null)) {
             return file_info.Size;
     } catch {
         return -1;
Exemple #23
 public long GetModifiedTime(SafeUri uri)
     try {
         var file = FileFactory.NewForUri (uri.AbsoluteUri);
         using (var file_info = file.QueryInfo ("time::modified", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null)) {
             return (long) file_info.GetAttributeULong ("time::modified");
     } catch {
         return -1;
        public bool Exists (SafeUri uri)
            var file = FileFactory.NewForUri (uri.AbsoluteUri);

            if (!file.Exists) {
                return false;

            var type = file.QueryFileType (FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null);
            return (type & FileType.Regular) != 0 && (type & FileType.Directory) == 0;
Exemple #25
        public static SafeUri CreateTempFile(string name)
            var uri = new SafeUri (Environment.CurrentDirectory + TestDataLocation + name);
            var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (uri);

            var tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName ()+".jpg"; // hack!
            var uri2 = new SafeUri (tmp);
            var file2 = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (uri2);
            file.Copy (file2, GLib.FileCopyFlags.Overwrite, null, null);
            return uri2;
Exemple #26
		static Mock<IPhoto> CreateMock (SafeUri uri, string name)
			var versionMock = new Mock<IPhotoVersion> ();
			versionMock.Setup (v => v.BaseUri).Returns (uri);
			versionMock.Setup (v => v.Filename).Returns (Path.GetFileName (uri));
			versionMock.Setup (v => v.Name).Returns (name);

			var photoMock = new Mock<IPhoto> ();
			photoMock.Setup (p => p.DefaultVersion).Returns (versionMock.Object);

			return photoMock;
Exemple #27
		public void CreateDirectory (SafeUri uri)
			var parts = uri.AbsolutePath.Split('/');
			var current = new SafeUri (uri.Scheme + ":///", true);
			for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) {
				current = current.Append (parts [i]);
				var file = FileFactory.NewForUri (current);
				if (!file.Exists) {
					file.MakeDirectory (null);
Exemple #28
		public void FindImportDestinationTest ()
			var fileUri = new SafeUri ("/path/to/photo.jpg");
			var targetBaseUri = new  SafeUri ("/photo/store");
			var targetUri = new SafeUri ("/photo/store/2016/02/06");
			var date = new DateTime (2016, 2, 6);
			var source = PhotoMock.Create (fileUri, date);

			var result = ImportController.FindImportDestination (source, targetBaseUri);

			Assert.AreEqual (targetUri, result);
Exemple #29
		public static byte[] CreateThumbnail (SafeUri uri, ulong mTime)
			var pixbuf = new Pixbuf (Colorspace.Rgb, false, 8, 1, 1);
			return pixbuf.SaveToBuffer ("png", new [] {
			}, new [] {
				mTime.ToString ()
Exemple #30
        private void Setup ()
            foo = Uri  ("foo");
            baz = Uri  ("baz");
            woo = Path ("woo");
            zoo = new SafeUri ("file://" + Path ("foo"));
            yoo = "file://" + tmp_dir;

            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_dir);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText (Path ("foo"), "bar");
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText (Path ("baz"), "oof");
            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (Path ("woo"));
Exemple #31
        protected override string OnDownloadRequested (string mimetype, string uri, string suggestedFilename)
            switch (mimetype) {
                case "application/x-miro":
                    var dest_uri_base = "file://" + Paths.Combine (Paths.TempDir, suggestedFilename);
                    var dest_uri = new SafeUri (dest_uri_base);
                    for (int i = 1; File.Exists (dest_uri);
                        dest_uri = new SafeUri (String.Format ("{0} ({1})", dest_uri_base, ++i)));
                    return dest_uri.AbsoluteUri;

            return null;
Exemple #32
 public static string UriToFilename(SafeUri uri)