public bool Sync()
            bool retVal = true;

                if (syncDirection == SynchronizeDirection.Upload)
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Enlisting Files");
                    List <string> fileList         = AzureHelper.ListFiles(FqDirName, this.indexFileName, this.dataFileName); //what if this returns empty list
                    List <string> fileListToUpload = new List <string>(fileList);
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.Log("End Synchronizer Enlisting Files");
                    // todo filter list, to exclude archival stream files.

                    IWorkItemResult[] workItemResults = new IWorkItemResult[this.ThreadPoolSize];
                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (string file in fileList)
                        if (Path.GetFileName(file).Equals(this.indexFileName))
                            if (logger != null)
                                logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Upload FileSimple");
                            retVal = (azureHelper.UploadFileToBlockBlob(indexFileName, file)) && retVal;
                            if (logger != null)
                                logger.Log("End Synchronizer Upload FileSimple");
                        else if (Path.GetFileName(file).Equals(this.dataFileName))
                            if (logger != null)
                                logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Upload FileAsChunks");
                            chunkListHash = azureHelper.UploadFileAsChunks(file);
                            if (logger != null)
                                logger.Log("End Synchronizer Upload FileAsChunks");
                            retVal = ((chunkListHash == null) ? false : true) && retVal;

                        if (SyncFactory.FilesExcludedFromSync.Contains(Path.GetFileName(file)) || SyncFactory.FilesExcludedFromSync.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file)))
                            // AzureHelper.structuredLog("I", "Ignoring sync for file {0}" , file);
                            // do nothing. just ignore the file
                    } //we've taken care of the index, data, and files to ignore. whatever is left are datablock files for file data streams (?)

                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Upload FDSFiles");
                    SmartThreadPool threadPool = new SmartThreadPool();
                    threadPool.MaxThreads = this.ThreadPoolSize;

                    foreach (string file in fileListToUpload)
                        workItemResults[i++] = threadPool.QueueWorkItem(new WorkItemCallback(this.UploadFileToBlockBlob_worker), file);
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        retVal = retVal && ((bool)workItemResults[j].Result);

                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.Log("End Synchronizer Upload FDSFiles");

                if (syncDirection == SynchronizeDirection.Download)
                    this.GetDataFileMetadata();                                                                   // get chunkMD and populate chunkList Hash
                    retVal = azureHelper.DownloadBlockBlobToFile(indexFileName, FqDirName + "/" + indexFileName); // download index
            catch (Exception e)
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("Exception in Sync(): " + e.GetType() + ", " + e.Message);
                retVal = false;

        public bool Sync()
            if (syncDirection == SynchronizeDirection.Upload)
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Enlisting Files");
                List <string> fileList         = AzureHelper.ListFiles(localSource, this.indexFileName, this.dataFileName);
                List <string> fileListToUpload = new List <string>(fileList);
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("End Synchronizer Enlisting Files");
                // todo filter list, to exclude archival stream files.
                bool retVal = true;

                foreach (string file in fileList)
                    if (Path.GetFileName(file).Equals(this.indexFileName))
                        if (logger != null)
                            logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Upload FileSimple");
                        retVal = amazonS3Helper.UploadFileToS3Object(indexFileName, file);
                        if (logger != null)
                            logger.Log("End Synchronizer Upload FileSimple");
                    else if (Path.GetFileName(file).Equals(this.dataFileName))
                        if (logger != null)
                            logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Upload FileAsChunks");
                        chunkListHash = amazonS3Helper.UploadFileAsChunks(file);
                        if (logger != null)
                            logger.Log("End Synchronizer Upload FileAsChunks");
                        retVal = (chunkListHash == null) ? false : true;

                    if (SyncFactory.FilesExcludedFromSync.Contains(Path.GetFileName(file)) || SyncFactory.FilesExcludedFromSync.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file)))
                        // AzureHelper.structuredLog("I", "Ignoring sync for file {0}" , file);
                        // do nothing. just ignore the file
                } //we've taken care of the index, data, and files to ignore. whatever is left are datablock files for file data streams (?)

                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("Start Synchronizer Upload FDSFiles");
                SmartThreadPool threadPool = new SmartThreadPool();
                threadPool.MaxThreads = this.MaxConcurrentFileSyncThreads;
                foreach (string file in fileListToUpload)
                    IWorkItemResult wir1 = threadPool.QueueWorkItem(new WorkItemCallback(this.UploadFileToBlockBlob_worker), file);
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("End Synchronizer Upload FDSFiles");

            if (syncDirection == SynchronizeDirection.Download)
                this.GetDataFileMetadata();                                                                      // get chunkMD and populate chunkList Hash
                return(amazonS3Helper.DownloadS3ObjectToFile(indexFileName, localSource + "/" + indexFileName)); // download index

            return(true);//TODO fix this to return correct value for upload cases