Exemple #1
        public static List <VoronoiCell2> UnNormalize(List <VoronoiCell2> data, AABB2 aabb, float dMax)
            List <VoronoiCell2> unNormalizedData = new List <VoronoiCell2>();

            foreach (VoronoiCell2 cell in data)
                MyVector2 sitePosUnNormalized = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(cell.sitePos, aabb, dMax);

                VoronoiCell2 cellUnNormalized = new VoronoiCell2(sitePosUnNormalized);

                foreach (VoronoiEdge2 e in cell.edges)
                    MyVector2 p1UnNormalized = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(e.p1, aabb, dMax);
                    MyVector2 p2UnNormalized = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(e.p2, aabb, dMax);

                    VoronoiEdge2 eUnNormalized = new VoronoiEdge2(p1UnNormalized, p2UnNormalized, sitePosUnNormalized);



Exemple #2
        // Are two Axis-aligned-bounding-box (boxes are here rectangles) intersecting?

        public static bool AABB_AABB(AABB2 r1, AABB2 r2)
            //If the min of one box in one dimension is greater than the max of another box then the boxes are not intersecting
            //They have to intersect in 2 dimensions. We have to test if box 1 is to the left or box 2 and vice versa
            bool isIntersecting = true;

            //X axis
            ///r1_minX - the smallest x-coordinate of all corners belonging to rectangle 1
            if (r1.min.x > r2.max.x)
                isIntersecting = false;
            else if (r2.min.x > r1.max.x)
                isIntersecting = false;
            //Y axis
            else if (r1.min.y > r2.max.y)
                isIntersecting = false;
            else if (r2.min.y > r1.max.y)
                isIntersecting = false;

Exemple #3
        // Algorithms that test if we can form a convex hull
        private static bool CanFormConvexHull(List <MyVector2> points)
            //First test of we can form a convex hull

            //If fewer points, then we cant create a convex hull
            if (points.Count < 3)
                Debug.Log("Too few points co calculate a convex hull");


            //Find the bounding box of the points
            //If the spread is close to 0, then they are all at the same position, and we cant create a hull
            AABB2 box = new AABB2(points);

            if (Mathf.Abs(box.max.x - box.min.x) < MathUtility.EPSILON || Mathf.Abs(box.max.y - box.min.y) < MathUtility.EPSILON)
                Debug.Log("The points cant form a convex hull");


        // Are two Axis-aligned-bounding-box (boxes are here rectangles) intersecting?
        //r1_minX - the smallest x-coordinate of all corners belonging to rectangle 1
        public static bool AABB_AABB_2D(AABB2 r1, AABB2 r2)
            //If the min of one box in one dimension is greater than the max of another box then the boxes are not intersecting
            //They have to intersect in 2 dimensions. We have to test if box 1 is to the left or box 2 and vice versa
            bool isIntersecting = true;

            //X axis
            if (r1.minX > r2.maxX)
                isIntersecting = false;
            else if (r2.minX > r1.maxX)
                isIntersecting = false;
            //Y axis
            else if (r1.minY > r2.maxY)
                isIntersecting = false;
            else if (r2.minY > r1.maxY)
                isIntersecting = false;

        // Algorithms that test if we can form a convex hull
        private static bool CanFormConvexHull_2d(List <MyVector2> points)
            //First test of we can form a convex hull

            //If fewer points, then we cant create a convex hull
            if (points.Count < 3)
                Debug.Log("Too few points co calculate a convex hull");


            //Find the bounding box of the points
            //If the spread is close to 0, then they are all at the same position, and we cant create a hull
            AABB2 rectangle = new AABB2(points);

            if (!rectangle.IsRectangleARectangle())
                Debug.Log("The points cant form a convex hull");


Exemple #6
        //Normalize stuff

        public static MyVector2 Normalize(MyVector2 point, AABB2 boundingBox, float dMax)
            float x = (point.x - boundingBox.minX) / dMax;
            float y = (point.y - boundingBox.minY) / dMax;

            MyVector2 pNormalized = new MyVector2(x, y);

        //For debugging
        private static void DisplayPoints(HashSet <MyVector2> points, AABB2 normalizingbox, float dMax)
            foreach (MyVector2 p in points)
                MyVector2 pUnNormalize = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(p, normalizingbox, dMax);

                Debug.DrawLine(pUnNormalize.ToVector3(), Vector3.zero, Color.blue, 3f);
Exemple #8
        //UnNormalize different stuff

        public static MyVector2 UnNormalize(MyVector2 point, AABB2 boundingBox, float dMax)
            float x = (point.x * dMax) + boundingBox.minX;
            float y = (point.y * dMax) + boundingBox.minY;

            MyVector2 pUnNormalized = new MyVector2(x, y);

Exemple #9
        public static HalfEdgeData2 UnNormalize(HalfEdgeData2 data, AABB2 aabb, float dMax)
            foreach (HalfEdgeVertex2 v in data.vertices)
                MyVector2 vUnNormalized = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(v.position, aabb, dMax);

                v.position = vUnNormalized;

Exemple #10
        public static HashSet <MyVector2> Normalize(HashSet <MyVector2> points, AABB2 boundingBox, float dMax)
            HashSet <MyVector2> normalizedPoints = new HashSet <MyVector2>();

            foreach (MyVector2 p in points)
                normalizedPoints.Add(Normalize(p, boundingBox, dMax));

Exemple #11
        public static List <MyVector2> UnNormalize(List <MyVector2> normalized, AABB2 aabb, float dMax)
            List <MyVector2> unNormalized = new List <MyVector2>();

            foreach (MyVector2 p in normalized)
                MyVector2 pUnNormalized = UnNormalize(p, aabb, dMax);


Exemple #12
        //Calculate the angle between the vectors if we are going from p1-p2-p3
        //Return +180 if "small" or -180 if "large"
        //public static float CalculateAngleBetweenVectors(MyVector2 p1, MyVector2 p2, MyVector2 p3)
        //    MyVector2 from = p1 - p2;

        //    MyVector2 to = p3 - p2;

        //    float angle = Vector2.SignedAngle(from, to);

        //    return angle;

        //Create a supertriangle that contains all other points
        //According to the book "Geometric tools for computer graphics" a reasonably sized triangle
        //is one that contains a circle that contains the axis-aligned bounding rectangle of the points
        //Is currently not used anywhere because our points are normalized to the range 0-1
        //and then we can make a supertriangle by just setting its size to 100
        public static Triangle2 GenerateSupertriangle(HashSet <MyVector2> points)
            //Step 1. Create a AABB around the points
            AABB2 aabb = new AABB2(new List <MyVector2>(points));

            MyVector2 TL = new MyVector2(aabb.minX, aabb.maxY);
            MyVector2 TR = new MyVector2(aabb.maxX, aabb.maxY);
            MyVector2 BR = new MyVector2(aabb.maxX, aabb.minY);

            //Step2. Find the inscribed circle - the smallest circle that surrounds the AABB
            MyVector2 circleCenter = (TL + BR) * 0.5f;

            float circleRadius = MyVector2.Magnitude(circleCenter - TR);

            //Step 3. Create the smallest triangle that surrounds the circle
            //All edges of this triangle have the same length
            float halfSideLenghth = circleRadius / Mathf.Tan(30f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

            //The center position of the bottom-edge
            MyVector2 t_B = new MyVector2(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y - circleRadius);

            MyVector2 t_BL = new MyVector2(t_B.x - halfSideLenghth, t_B.y);
            MyVector2 t_BR = new MyVector2(t_B.x + halfSideLenghth, t_B.y);

            //The height from the bottom edge to the top vertex
            float triangleHeight = halfSideLenghth * Mathf.Tan(60f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

            MyVector2 t_T = new MyVector2(circleCenter.x, t_B.y + triangleHeight);

            //The final triangle
            Triangle2 superTriangle = new Triangle2(t_BR, t_BL, t_T);

        // Are two triangles intersecting in 2d space
        public static bool TriangleTriangle2D(Triangle2 t1, Triangle2 t2, bool do_AABB_test)
            bool isIntersecting = false;

            //Step 0. AABB intersection which may speed up the algorithm if the triangles are far apart
            if (do_AABB_test)
                //Rectangle that covers t1
                AABB2 r1 = new AABB2(t1.MinX(), t1.MaxX(), t1.MinY(), t1.MaxY());

                //Rectangle that covers t2
                AABB2 r2 = new AABB2(t2.MinX(), t2.MaxX(), t2.MinY(), t2.MaxY());

                if (!AABB_AABB_2D(r1, r2))

            //Step 1. Line-line instersection

            //Line 1 of t1 against all lines of t2
            if (
                LineLine(t1.p1, t1.p2, t2.p1, t2.p2, true) ||
                LineLine(t1.p1, t1.p2, t2.p2, t2.p3, true) ||
                LineLine(t1.p1, t1.p2, t2.p3, t2.p1, true)
                isIntersecting = true;
            //Line 2 of t1 against all lines of t2
            else if (
                LineLine(t1.p2, t1.p3, t2.p1, t2.p2, true) ||
                LineLine(t1.p2, t1.p3, t2.p2, t2.p3, true) ||
                LineLine(t1.p2, t1.p3, t2.p3, t2.p1, true)
                isIntersecting = true;
            //Line 3 of t1 against all lines of t2
            else if (
                LineLine(t1.p3, t1.p1, t2.p1, t2.p2, true) ||
                LineLine(t1.p3, t1.p1, t2.p2, t2.p3, true) ||
                LineLine(t1.p3, t1.p1, t2.p3, t2.p1, true)
                isIntersecting = true;

            //Now we can return if we are intersecting so we dont need to spend time testing something else
            if (isIntersecting)

            //Step 2. Point-in-triangle intersection
            //We only need to test one corner from each triangle
            //If this point is not in the triangle, then the other points can't be in the triangle, because if this point is outside
            //and another point is inside, then the line between them would have been covered by step 1: line-line intersections test
            if (PointTriangle(t2, t1.p1, true) || PointTriangle(t1, t2.p1, true))
                isIntersecting = true;

Exemple #14
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> UnNormalize(HashSet <Triangle2> normalized, AABB2 aabb, float dMax)
            HashSet <Triangle2> unNormalized = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            foreach (Triangle2 t in normalized)
                MyVector2 p1 = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(t.p1, aabb, dMax);
                MyVector2 p2 = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(t.p2, aabb, dMax);
                MyVector2 p3 = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(t.p3, aabb, dMax);

                Triangle2 tUnNormalized = new Triangle2(p1, p2, p3);


Exemple #15
        // Normalize points to the range (0 -> 1)
        //From "A fast algorithm for constructing Delaunay triangulations in the plane" by Sloan
        //boundingBox is the rectangle that covers all original points before normalization
        public static float CalculateDMax(AABB2 boundingBox)
            float dMax = Mathf.Max(boundingBox.maxX - boundingBox.minX, boundingBox.maxY - boundingBox.minY);

        //From "A fast algorithm for constructing Delaunay triangulations in the plane" by Sloan
        //boundingBox is the rectangle that covers all original points before normalization
        public float CalculateDMax(AABB2 boundingBox)
            float dMax = Mathf.Max(boundingBox.max.x - boundingBox.min.x, boundingBox.max.y - boundingBox.min.y);

        public Normalizer2(List <MyVector2> points)
            this.boundingBox = new AABB2(points);

            this.dMax = CalculateDMax(this.boundingBox);