Exemple #1
        public void Evolve_ManyGenerations_Fast()
            int numberOfCities = 40;
            var selection = new EliteSelection();
            var crossover = new OrderedCrossover();
            var mutation = new TworsMutation();
            var chromosome = new TspChromosome(numberOfCities);
            var fitness = new TspFitness (numberOfCities, 0, 1000, 0, 1000);

            var population = new Population (40, 40, chromosome);

            var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation);

            var firstDistance = ((TspChromosome)ga.Population.BestChromosome).Distance;

            ga.Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination (1001);

            TimeAssert.LessThan(3000, () =>

            var lastDistance = ((TspChromosome)ga.Population.BestChromosome).Distance;

            Assert.Less(lastDistance, firstDistance);
        public void Evolve_ManyGenerations_Fast()
            var selection = new EliteSelection();
            var crossover = new UniformCrossover();
            var mutation = new UniformMutation(true);
            var chromosome = new AutoConfigChromosome();
            var targetChromosome = new TspChromosome(10);
            var targetFitness = new TspFitness(10, 0, 100, 0, 100);            
            var fitness = new AutoConfigFitness(targetFitness, targetChromosome);
            fitness.PopulationMinSize = 20;
            fitness.PopulationMaxSize = 20;
            fitness.Termination = new TimeEvolvingTermination(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            var population = new Population(10, 10, chromosome);

            var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation);
            ga.TaskExecutor = new SmartThreadPoolTaskExecutor()
                MinThreads = 10,
                MaxThreads = 20

            ga.Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination(2);

        public void Evaluate_FitnessLowerThanZero_Zero()
            var target = new TspFitness(10, 0, 10000000, 0, 10000000);
            var chromosome = new TspChromosome(10);

            var actual = target.Evaluate(chromosome);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, actual);
        public void Evaluate_ChromosomeWithLowerCities_FitnessDividedByDiff()
            var target = new TspFitness(10, 0, 10, 0, 10);
            var chromosome = new TspChromosome(9);

            var actual = target.Evaluate(chromosome);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, actual);
		public void Clone_NoArgs_Cloned()
			var target = new TspChromosome (10);
			target.Distance = 123;

			var actual = target.Clone () as TspChromosome;
			Assert.IsFalse (Object.ReferenceEquals (target, actual));
			Assert.AreEqual(123, actual.Distance);
        public override IFitness CreateFitness()
            var targetChromosome = new TspChromosome(10);
            var targetFitness = new TspFitness(10, 0, 100, 0, 100);

            var fitness = new AutoConfigFitness(targetFitness, targetChromosome);
            fitness.Termination = new FitnessStagnationTermination(500);
            fitness.PopulationMinSize = 20;
            fitness.PopulationMaxSize = 20;

            return fitness;
		public void GenerateGene_FitnessLowerThanZero_Zero ()
			var target = new TspChromosome (10);
			var cityIndex = Convert.ToDouble (target.GenerateGene (0).Value);
			Assert.IsTrue (cityIndex >= 0 && cityIndex < 10);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the sample.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update()
            var population = Context.Population;

            if (population != null && population.CurrentGeneration != null)
                m_bestChromosome = population.BestChromosome as TspChromosome;
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the sample.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Reset()
     m_bestChromosome = null;