/// <summary>
        /// Solve the IK for a chain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chain"></param>
        public static bool Process(Core.Chain chain)
            if (chain.Joints.Count <= 0)


            for (int j = 0; j < chain.Iterations; j++)
                for (int i = chain.Joints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    float _weight = chain.Weight * chain.Joints[i].weight;  //relative weight

                    //direction vectors
                    Vector3 _v0 = chain.GetIKTarget() - chain.Joints[i].joint.position;
                    Vector3 _v1 = chain.Joints[chain.Joints.Count - 1].joint.position - chain.Joints[i].joint.position;

                    Quaternion _sourceRotation = chain.Joints[i].joint.rotation;
                    Quaternion _targetRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, GenericMath.RotateFromTo(_v0, _v1), _weight);

                    //Rotation Math
                    chain.Joints[i].rot = Quaternion.Lerp(_sourceRotation, GenericMath.ApplyQuaternion(_targetRotation, _sourceRotation), _weight);
                    chain.Joints[i].ApplyVirtualMap(false, true);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve the chain to make the offset look at the target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chain"></param>
        /// <param name="endEffector"></param>
        private static void Solve(Core.Chain chain, Transform endEffector, Vector3 LookAtAxis)
            for (int i = 0; i < chain.Joints.Count; i++)
                //Vector3 axis = GenericMath.TransformVector(LookAtAxis, Quaternion.Inverse(offsetObj.rotation));
                Vector3    axis  = GenericMath.TransformVector(LookAtAxis, endEffector.rotation);
                Quaternion delta = GenericMath.RotateFromTo(chain.GetIKTarget() - endEffector.position, axis);
                Quaternion final = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, delta, chain.Weight * chain.Joints[i].weight);

                chain.Joints[i].joint.rotation = GenericMath.ApplyQuaternion(final, chain.Joints[i].joint.rotation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a 2 bones chain with a specific "epsilon" value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chain"></param>
        /// <param name="eps">a specific value, not bounded to the global Epsilon</param>
        public static void Process(Core.Chain chain, float eps)
            if (chain.Initiated == false)

            if (chain.Joints.Count != 3)
                Debug.LogError("The Analytical Solver only works with 3-joints(2 bones) chain configurations");

            Core.Joint A = chain.Joints[0];
            Core.Joint B = chain.Joints[1];
            Core.Joint C = chain.Joints[2];
            Vector3    T = chain.GetIKTarget();

            Vector3 AB = Vector3.Normalize(B.joint.position - A.joint.position);
            Vector3 AC = Vector3.Normalize(C.joint.position - A.joint.position);
            Vector3 CB = Vector3.Normalize(B.joint.position - C.joint.position);
            Vector3 TA = A.joint.position - T;

            float l_ab = A.length;
            float l_cb = B.length;
            float l_at = GenericMath.Clamp(TA.magnitude, eps, l_ab + l_cb - eps);

            float kneeCurrent = GenericMath.VectorsAngle(AB, CB);
            float kneeTarget  = GenericMath.CosineRule(A.length, B.length, l_at);
            float kneeDelta   = kneeTarget - kneeCurrent;

            Vector3 axis = GenericMath.TransformVector(Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(AC, AB)),
            Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(kneeDelta, axis);

            Quaternion knee = Quaternion.Lerp(B.joint.rotation, GenericMath.ApplyQuaternion(B.joint.rotation, q1),

            B.joint.rotation = knee;

            Quaternion q2    = Quaternion.FromToRotation(A.joint.position - C.joint.position, TA);
            Quaternion thigh = Quaternion.Lerp(A.joint.rotation, GenericMath.ApplyQuaternion(q2, A.joint.rotation),

            A.joint.rotation = thigh;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the virtual new solved position of joints in the chain inward
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chain"></param>
        public static void SolveInward(Core.Chain chain)
            int c = chain.Joints.Count;

            //Use Weight first
            chain.Joints[c - 1].pos = Vector3.Lerp(chain.GetVirtualEE(), chain.GetIKTarget(), chain.Weight);

            //find the joint on the chain's virtual line
            for (int i = c - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                Vector3 _p = chain.Joints[i + 1].pos;   //point
                Vector3 _d = chain.Joints[i].pos - _p;  //direction

                _d *= Vector3.Distance(chain.Joints[i + 1].joint.position, chain.Joints[i].joint.position);   //all points in a direction along a length

                chain.Joints[i].pos = _p + _d;