private bool IsPathPointNull(ObjectPoint point)
     if (point.X == -1 || point.Y == -1)
Exemple #2
        public static List <ObjectPoint> RestoreWay(WaveObject[,] area, ObjectPoint startPoint, ObjectPoint endPoint)
            List <ObjectPoint> path = new List <ObjectPoint>();

            if (area[endPoint.X, endPoint.Y].Value != null)
                int[,] dirXY = new int[, ]
                    { 0, -1 },  // up
                    { 1, 0 },   // right
                    { 0, 1 },   // down
                    { -1, 0 }   // left
                // Steps to start point
                int step = area[endPoint.X, endPoint.Y].Value.Value;
                // Point coords counters
                int dx = endPoint.X,
                    dy = endPoint.Y;
                // Area W x H
                int areaHeight = area.GetUpperBound(1) + 1,
                    areaWidth  = area.Length / areaHeight;
                // Coords of environment point
                int envX = 0,
                    envY = 0;

                while ((dx != startPoint.X || dy != startPoint.Y) && step > 0)
                    // From finish point
                    path.Add(new ObjectPoint(dx, dy, area[dx, dy].Type));
                    for (int dir = 0; dir < dirXY.Length / 2; dir++)
                        envX = dx + dirXY[dir, 0];
                        envY = dy + dirXY[dir, 1];
                        if (envX >= 0 && envX < areaWidth &&
                            envY >= 0 && envY < areaHeight &&
                            area[envX, envY].Type != ObjectType.Block &&
                            area[envX, envY].Value == step)
                            dx = envX;
                            dy = envY;
                // Reverse result array: must be from start to finish, not vice versa

Exemple #3
        public static List <ObjectPoint> MakeWay(ref string[,] area, ObjectPoint startPoint, ObjectPoint endPoint)
            if (startPoint.Obj != ObjectType.StartPoint)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect 'startPoint' argument: object type must be 'StartPoint'");
            if (endPoint.Obj != ObjectType.EndPoint)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect 'endPoint' argument: object type must be 'EndPoint'");

            // Alg init
            WaveObject[,] waveObjects = ConvertToWaveObjectsArray(area);

            // Wave
            WavePropagation(ref waveObjects, startPoint, endPoint);

            // Area W x H
            int areaHeight = area.GetUpperBound(1) + 1,
                areaWidth  = area.Length / areaHeight;

            // Transfer data to source array
            for (int y = 0; y < areaHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < areaWidth; x++)
                    area[x, y] = waveObjects[x, y].Value == null ? "" : waveObjects[x, y].Value.ToString();
                    if (waveObjects[x, y].Type == ObjectType.StartPoint)
                        area[x, y] = area[x, y].Insert(0, "a");
                    if (waveObjects[x, y].Type == ObjectType.EndPoint)
                        area[x, y] = area[x, y].Insert(0, "b");
                    if (waveObjects[x, y].Type == ObjectType.Block)
                        area[x, y] = area[x, y].Insert(0, "x");

            // End of alg
            List <ObjectPoint> path = RestoreWay(waveObjects, startPoint, endPoint);

 private void ReplaceOldPointToNew(ref DataTable table, ref ObjectPoint replacingPoint, ObjectPoint newPoint, string pointName)
     if (replacingPoint.X != -1 && replacingPoint.Y != -1)
         Console.WriteLine("Old point '{1}': {0}", replacingPoint.ToString(), pointName);
         replacingPoint.Obj = ObjectType.None;
         table.Rows[replacingPoint.Y][replacingPoint.X] = "";
         ChangeBackgroundCellColor(_grid, replacingPoint.X, replacingPoint.Y, DEFAULT_NONE_BACKGROUND);
         ChangeForegroundCellColor(_grid, replacingPoint.X, replacingPoint.Y, DEFAULT_NONE_FOREGROUND);
         Console.WriteLine("Deleted old '{0}' point from grid", pointName);
     replacingPoint.X   = newPoint.X;
     replacingPoint.Y   = newPoint.Y;
     replacingPoint.Obj = newPoint.Obj;
     ChangeBackgroundCellColor(_grid, replacingPoint.X, replacingPoint.Y, DEFAULT_KEY_POINT_BACKGROUND);
     ChangeForegroundCellColor(_grid, replacingPoint.X, replacingPoint.Y, DEFAULT_KEY_POINT_FOREGROUND);
     Console.WriteLine("New point {0}: {1}", pointName, replacingPoint.ToString());
Exemple #5
        public static void WavePropagation(ref WaveObject[,] area, ObjectPoint startPoint, ObjectPoint endPoint, bool traceConsole = false)
            int[,] dirXY = new int[, ]
                { 0, -1 },      // up
                { 1, 0 },       // right
                { 0, 1 },       // down
                { -1, 0 }       // left
            bool canPropagateWave;
            int  step = 0;
            int  envX = 0, envY = 0;
            int  areaHeight = area.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
            int  areaWidth  = area.Length / areaHeight;

                canPropagateWave = false;
                for (int dy = 0; dy < areaHeight; dy++)
                    for (int dx = 0; dx < areaWidth; dx++)
                        if (area[dx, dy].Value == step)
                            // 4 directions: up, right, down, left
                            // dirXY - 2-rank array
                            for (int dir = 0; dir < dirXY.Length / 2; dir++)
                                envX = dx + dirXY[dir, 0];
                                envY = dy + dirXY[dir, 1];
                                if (envX >= 0 && envX < areaWidth &&
                                    envY >= 0 && envY < areaHeight &&
                                    area[envX, envY].Type != ObjectType.Block &&
                                    area[envX, envY].Type != ObjectType.StartPoint &&
                                    area[envX, envY].Value == null)
                                    canPropagateWave       = true;
                                    area[envX, envY].Value = step + 1;
                                if (area[endPoint.X, endPoint.Y].Value != null)
                        if (area[endPoint.X, endPoint.Y].Value != null)
                    if (area[endPoint.X, endPoint.Y].Value != null)
                #region If TRACE - out
                if (traceConsole)
                    // Console out
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("-----------\nStep: " + step.ToString() + '\n');
                    for (int dx = 0; dx < areaWidth; dx++)
                        for (int dy = 0; dy < areaHeight; dy++)
                            string str = "";
                            switch (area[dx, dy].Type)
                            case ObjectType.Block:
                                str = "(x)";

                            case ObjectType.None:
                                str = "(-)" + (area[dx, dy].Value == null ? "\"" : area[dx, dy].Value.ToString());

                            case ObjectType.StartPoint:
                                str = "(a)" + (area[dx, dy].Value == null ? "\"" : area[dx, dy].Value.ToString());

                            case ObjectType.EndPoint:
                                str = "(b)" + (area[dx, dy].Value == null ? "\"" : area[dx, dy].Value.ToString());
                            string space = " ";
                            for (int c = 0; c <= 5 - str.Length; c++)
                                space += " ";
            }while (area[endPoint.X, endPoint.Y].Value == null && canPropagateWave);