Exemple #1
         * This function just parse textboxes with
         * numbers, check it for the right values,
         * call ExtendedGCD and put values from its result
         * to the form
        private void calc_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BigInteger a, b;

                a = BigInteger.Parse(first_number_textbox.Text);
                b = BigInteger.Parse(second_number_textbox.Text);
                MessageBox.Show("Input first and second number!");

            if (a <= 0 || b <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("both number should be more than 0");

            ExtendedGCD       solver = new ExtendedGCD(a, b);
            ExtendedGCDResult result = solver.Result;

            gcd_textbox.Text = result.Nod.ToString();
            x_label.Text     = result.X.ToString();
            y_label.Text     = result.Y.ToString();
Exemple #2
         * This function should init result and calc values
         * use recursive gcdex
         * dont know what will be if x and y will not be 0
        private void CalcResult(BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
            BigInteger x   = 0;
            BigInteger y   = 0;
            BigInteger nod = GCDExt(a, b, ref x, ref y);

            result = new ExtendedGCDResult(y, x, nod);