Exemple #1
 void localMotion(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
     curOrientationXValue.text         = motion.currentOrientationEuler.x.ToString();
     curOrientationYValue.text         = motion.currentOrientationEuler.y.ToString();
     curOrientationZValue.text         = motion.currentOrientationEuler.z.ToString();
     curAngVelXValue.text              = motion.currentAngVel.x.ToString();
     curAngVelYValue.text              = motion.currentAngVel.y.ToString();
     curAngVelZValue.text              = motion.currentAngVel.z.ToString();
     curPosXValue.text                 = motion.currentPos.x.ToString();
     curPosYValue.text                 = motion.currentPos.y.ToString();
     curPosZValue.text                 = motion.currentPos.z.ToString();
     curAccXValue.text                 = motion.currentAcc.x.ToString();
     curAccYValue.text                 = motion.currentAcc.y.ToString();
     curAccZValue.text                 = motion.currentAcc.z.ToString();
     curDerVelXValue.text              = motion.currentVel.x.ToString();
     curDerVelYValue.text              = motion.currentVel.y.ToString();
     curDerVelZValue.text              = motion.currentVel.z.ToString();
     curDerPosXValue.text              = motion.posSinceLastReset.x.ToString();
     curDerPosYValue.text              = motion.posSinceLastReset.y.ToString();
     curDerPosZValue.text              = motion.posSinceLastReset.z.ToString();
     curTotVelSinceResetXValue.text    = motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.x.ToString();
     curTotVelSinceResetYValue.text    = motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.y.ToString();
     curTotVelSinceResetZValue.text    = motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.z.ToString();
     curTotAngVelSinceResetXValue.text = motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.x.ToString();
     curTotAngVelSinceResetYValue.text = motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.y.ToString();
     curTotAngVelSinceResetZValue.text = motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z.ToString();
Exemple #2
    void trackThrow(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
        //get into a -180 to 180 range
        motion.currentOrientationEuler.z = (motion.currentOrientationEuler.z > 180f) ? (motion.currentOrientationEuler.z - 360f) : motion.currentOrientationEuler.z;

        if (throwInProcess)
            //there are a couple of factors that you see in a bowling motion if you look at the telemetry
            //left or right handed can be determined from the x axis user acceleration during the backswing (doesn't matter in this demo but if we had animation of a player could be used for that)
            //hardness of throw can use the user acceleration z axis during the forward swing (higher value harder throw)
            //spin can be determined from the x and z axis during forward part of the throw

            //aim of shot is the hardest as some drift will have already occured (the aim is really only dictated by
            //the direction going the last few frames before release of the button) best place to gauge this is the velocity
            //vector but there will have been some drift and in tests the sensors on board aren't good enough
            //so instead user will actually pick aim before throw

            //base hardness off current velocity.z (light throw tends to be around 1.0 and really hard around 3.0)
            //in terms of the game the lightest throw should be 450 and the hardest be 700
            if (EasyInputHelper.isGearVR)
                if (motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.z < -5f)
                    //currentThrow.z = 200f + (10f * -motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.z);
                    currentThrowForce = (-motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.z);
                    //we hit and released the button but we didn't really do the motion
                    //currentThrow.z = 30f;
                    currentThrowForce = 3;
                //we hit and released the button but we didn't really do the motion
                //currentThrow.z = 30f;
                currentThrowForce = 3;

            //calculate the x component off the previously detemined aim (degreesOff)
            //currentThrow.x = degreesOff * (currentThrow.z / 100);

            //base spin off of angular velocity

            //if (motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z < 20f && motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z > -20f)
            //    currentTorque.z = 0f;
            //    if (EasyInputHelper.isGearVR)
            //        currentTorque.z = -motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z / 8f;
Exemple #3
        void localMotion(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
            //accelerometers due to gravity can really only sense 2 axis (can't filter out gravity)
            //here we convert those 2 axis into horizontal and vertical and normalize

            horizontal = motion.currentOrientationEuler.z;
            vertical   = motion.currentOrientationEuler.x;

            //get into a -180 to 180 range
            horizontal = (horizontal > 180f) ? (horizontal - 360f) : horizontal;
            vertical   = (vertical > 180f) ? (vertical - 360f) : vertical;

            horizontal = horizontal / normalizeDegrees;
            vertical   = vertical / normalizeDegrees;

            horizontal *= -sensitivity * Time.deltaTime * 100f;
            vertical   *= -sensitivity * Time.deltaTime * 100f;

            actionVector3 = EasyInputUtilities.getControllerVector3(horizontal, vertical, tiltHorizontal, tiltVertical);

            switch (action)
            case EasyInputConstants.ACTION_TYPE.Position:
                transform.position += actionVector3;

            case EasyInputConstants.ACTION_TYPE.Rotation:
                transform.Rotate(actionVector3, Space.World);

            case EasyInputConstants.ACTION_TYPE.LocalPosition:

            case EasyInputConstants.ACTION_TYPE.LocalRotation:

            case EasyInputConstants.ACTION_TYPE.LocalScale:
                transform.localScale += actionVector3;

                Debug.Log("Invalid Action");
Exemple #4
        void localMotion(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
            if (laserPointer == null || !this.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

            if (reticle != null)

            offsetPosition    = motion.currentPos;
            offsetPosition.y += heightOffset;

            if (laserPointer.transform.parent == null)
                laserPointer.transform.localPosition = initialPosition + offsetPosition;
                laserPointer.transform.localPosition = offsetPosition;

            laserPointer.transform.localRotation = motion.currentOrientation;

            if (motion.currentPos != Vector3.zero)
                line.enabled = true;
                //not valid so disable and don't bother with the raycast so return
                line.enabled = false;

            end = EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID;

            line.SetPosition(0, laserPointer.transform.position);

            if (colliderRaycast && Physics.Raycast(laserPointer.transform.position, laserPointer.transform.forward, out rayHit, reticleDistance, layersToCheck))
                end = rayHit.point;
                if (rayHit.transform != null && rayHit.transform.gameObject != null)
                    if (lastHitGameObject == null)
                        //we weren't hitting anything before and now we are
                        EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, true, true, false);
                    else if (lastHitGameObject == rayHit.transform.gameObject)
                        //we are hitting the same object as last frame
                        EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, true, false, false);
                    else if (lastHitGameObject != rayHit.transform.gameObject)
                        //we are hitting a different object than last frame
                        EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, true, true, true);

                    lastHitGameObject = rayHit.transform.gameObject;
                    lastRayHit        = rayHit.point;

            //line.SetPosition(1, end);

            if (end != EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID)
                if (reticle != null)
                    reticle.transform.position   = end;
                    reticle.transform.localScale = initialReticleSize * .6f * (Mathf.Sqrt((end - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude / reticleDistance));

                if ((end - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude < laserDistance)
                    line.SetPosition(1, end);
                    line.SetPosition(1, laserPointer.transform.position + laserPointer.transform.forward * laserDistance);
                //didn't hit anything
                if (colliderRaycast)
                    //raycast enabled but didn't hit anything
                    if (lastHitGameObject != null)
                        EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, false, false, true);
                        lastHitGameObject = null;
                        lastRayHit        = EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID;

                if (reticle != null)
                    reticle.transform.position   = laserPointer.transform.position + laserPointer.transform.forward * reticleDistance;
                    reticle.transform.localScale = initialReticleSize;

                line.SetPosition(1, laserPointer.transform.position + laserPointer.transform.forward * laserDistance);

            if (reticle != null)
                reticle.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = reticleColor;

            //UI based interactions
            if (UIRaycast && InputModule != null && (motion.currentPos != Vector3.zero))
                InputModule.setUIRay(laserPointer.transform.position, laserPointer.transform.rotation, reticleDistance);
                uiHitPosition = InputModule.getuiHitPosition();
                if (uiHitPosition != EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID && (end == EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID || (end - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude > (uiHitPosition - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude))
                    if ((uiHitPosition - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude < reticleDistance)
                        reticle.transform.position   = uiHitPosition;
                        reticle.transform.localScale = initialReticleSize * .6f * (Mathf.Sqrt((uiHitPosition - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude / reticleDistance));
Exemple #5
 void localMotion(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
     myOrientation = motion.currentOrientationEuler;
Exemple #6
        void localMotion(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
            if (laserPointer == null || !this.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

            offsetPosition    = motion.currentPos;
            offsetPosition.y += heightOffset;

            if (laserPointer.transform.parent == null)
                laserPointer.transform.localPosition = initialPosition + offsetPosition;
                laserPointer.transform.localPosition = offsetPosition;

            laserPointer.transform.localRotation = motion.currentOrientation;

            if (motion.currentPos != Vector3.zero)
                line.enabled = true;
                line.enabled = false;

            end = EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID;

            //set the number of positions like we aren't going to hit anything
#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4
#if UNITY_5_5
            line.numPositions = segmentsCount;
#if !(UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5)
            line.positionCount = segmentsCount;

            line.SetPosition(0, laserPointer.transform.position);
            previous.transform.position = laserPointer.transform.position;
            previous.transform.forward  = laserPointer.transform.forward;

            for (int i = 1; i < segmentsCount; i++)
                //first set the position like it didn't hit anything
                line.SetPosition(i, (previous.transform.position + previous.transform.forward * segmentLength));

                //now do the raycast
                if (colliderRaycast && Physics.Raycast(previous.transform.position, previous.transform.forward, out rayHit, segmentLength, layersToCheck))
                    end = rayHit.point;
                    line.SetPosition(i, end);

                    //we hit something so adjust the number of positions
#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4
                    line.SetVertexCount(i + 1);
#if UNITY_5_5
                    line.numPositions = i + 1;
#if !(UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_5)
                    line.positionCount = i + 1;

                    if (rayHit.transform != null && rayHit.transform.gameObject != null)
                        if (lastHitGameObject == null)
                            //we weren't hitting anything before and now we are
                            EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, true, true, false);
                        else if (lastHitGameObject == rayHit.transform.gameObject)
                            //we are hitting the same object as last frame
                            EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, true, false, false);
                        else if (lastHitGameObject != rayHit.transform.gameObject)
                            //we are hitting a different object than last frame
                            EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, true, true, true);

                        lastHitGameObject = rayHit.transform.gameObject;
                        lastRayHit        = rayHit.point;

                    //break out of the loop since we hit something

                previous.transform.position = previous.transform.position + previous.transform.forward * segmentLength;
                previous.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(segmentCurveDegrees, previous.transform.right) * previous.transform.rotation;

            //hit something
            if (end != EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID)
                if (reticle != null)
                    reticle.transform.position   = end;
                    reticle.transform.localScale = initialReticleSize * .6f * (Mathf.Sqrt((end - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude / reticleDistance));
                //didn't hit anything
                if (colliderRaycast)
                    //raycast enabled but didn't hit anything
                    if (lastHitGameObject != null)
                        EasyInputUtilities.notifyEvents(rayHit, lastRayHit, lastHitGameObject, false, false, true);
                        lastHitGameObject = null;
                        lastRayHit        = EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID;

                if (reticle != null)
                    reticle.transform.position   = previous.transform.position;
                    reticle.transform.localScale = initialReticleSize;

            if (reticle != null)
                reticle.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = reticleColor;

            //UI based interactions
            if (UIRaycast && InputModule != null && (motion.currentPos != Vector3.zero))
                InputModule.setUIRay(laserPointer.transform.position, laserPointer.transform.rotation, reticleDistance);
                uiHitPosition = InputModule.getuiHitPosition();
                if (uiHitPosition != EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID && (end == EasyInputConstants.NOT_VALID || (end - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude > (uiHitPosition - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude))
                    if ((uiHitPosition - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude < reticleDistance)
                        reticle.transform.position   = uiHitPosition;
                        reticle.transform.localScale = initialReticleSize * .6f * (Mathf.Sqrt((uiHitPosition - laserPointer.transform.position).magnitude / reticleDistance));
Exemple #7
        void trackThrow(EasyInputVR.Core.Motion motion)
            //get into a -180 to 180 range
            motion.currentOrientationEuler.z = (motion.currentOrientationEuler.z > 180f) ? (motion.currentOrientationEuler.z - 360f) : motion.currentOrientationEuler.z;

            if (throwInProcess)
                //there are a couple of factors that you see in a bowling motion if you look at the telemetry
                //left or right handed can be determined from the x axis user acceleration during the backswing (doesn't matter in this demo but if we had animation of a player could be used for that)
                //hardness of throw can use the user acceleration z axis during the forward swing (higher value harder throw)
                //spin can be determined from the x and z axis during forward part of the throw

                //aim of shot is the hardest as some drift will have already occured (the aim is really only dictated by
                //the direction going the last few frames before release of the button) best place to gauge this is the velocity
                //vector but there will have been some drift and in tests the sensors on board aren't good enough
                //so instead user will actually pick aim before throw

                //base hardness off current velocity.z (light throw tends to be around 1.0 and really hard around 3.0)
                //in terms of the game the lightest throw should be 450 and the hardest be 700
                if (EasyInputHelper.isGearVR)
                    if (motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.z < -5f)
                        currentThrow.z = 200f + (10f * -motion.totalVelSinceLastReset.z);
                        //we hit and released the button but we didn't really do the motion
                        currentThrow.z = 10f;
                    //we hit and released the button but we didn't really do the motion
                    currentThrow.z = 10f;

                //calculate the x component off the previously detemined aim (degreesOff)
                currentThrow.x = degreesOff * (currentThrow.z / 100);

                //base spin off of angular velocity

                if (motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z < 20f && motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z > -20f)
                    currentTorque.z = 0f;
                    if (EasyInputHelper.isGearVR)
                        currentTorque.z = -motion.totalAngularVelSinceLastReset.z / 8f;
            else if (!throwInProcess && !preventThrowAgain)
                if (motion.currentOrientationEuler.z < aimDegreesClamp && motion.currentOrientationEuler.z > -aimDegreesClamp)
                    temp   = aimArrow.localRotation.eulerAngles;
                    temp.y = 270f - motion.currentOrientationEuler.z;
                    aimArrow.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(temp);

                    //aim will get expressed in the x component of currentThrow and is a percentage of the z component
                    //number of degrees of aim arrow is rotation times current throw z component divided by 100
                    //we won't know the z component until we throw the ball
                    degreesOff = aimArrow.localRotation.eulerAngles.y - 270f;