public ESPxxGDBStubSettingsEditor(ESPxxGDBStubSettingsBase settings, KnownInterfaceInstance context, IBSPConfiguratorHost host, bool esp32Mode)
            _Context = context;
            _Host    = host;
            IsESP32  = esp32Mode;
            Settings = settings;
            if (Settings == null)
                if (esp32Mode)
                    Settings = new ESP32GDBStubSettings();
                    Settings = new ESP8266GDBStubSettings();

            if (context.COMPortNumber.HasValue)
                Settings.COMPort          = "COM" + context.COMPortNumber;
                COMPortSelectorVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            if (Settings.FLASHResources != null)
                foreach (var r in Settings.FLASHResources)
            FLASHResources.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => { Settings.FLASHResources = FLASHResources.ToArray(); OnSettingsChanged(); };
            public GDBStubInstance(DebugStartContext context)
                _Context  = context;
                _Settings = (ESP8266GDBStubSettings)_Context.Configuration;

                if (context.ResolvedDevices?.BestMatch.COMPortNumber.HasValue == true)
                    _COMPort = "COM" + context.ResolvedDevices.BestMatch.COMPortNumber;
                    _COMPort = _Settings.COMPort;
            public GDBStubInstance(DebugStartContext context, IDebugStartService startService)
                _Context  = context;
                _Settings = (ESP8266GDBStubSettings)_Context.Configuration;

                if (startService.AdvancedDebugService is IExternallyProgrammedProjectDebugService eps)
                    _COMPort = eps.TryGetProgrammingCOMPortIfKnown(true) ?? _COMPort;
                else if (context.ResolvedDevices?.BestMatch.COMPortNumber.HasValue == true)
                    _COMPort = "COM" + context.ResolvedDevices.BestMatch.COMPortNumber;
                    _COMPort = _Settings.COMPort;
        public ESPxxGDBStubSettingsEditor(ESPxxGDBStubSettingsBase settings, KnownInterfaceInstance context, IBSPConfiguratorHost host, bool esp32Mode)
            _Context = context;
            _Host    = host;
            IsESP32  = esp32Mode;
            Settings = settings;
            if (Settings == null)
                if (esp32Mode)
                    Settings = new ESP32GDBStubSettings();
                    Settings = new ESP8266GDBStubSettings();

            if (context.COMPortNumber.HasValue)
                Settings.COMPort          = "COM" + context.COMPortNumber;
                COMPortSelectorVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            else if (host.AdvancedModeContext is IExternallyProgrammableProjectDebugContext ectx)
                ExternalCOMPortSelectionHint = ectx.ExternalProgrammingOptionHint;
                if (ExternalCOMPortSelectionHint != null)
                    COMPortSelectorVisibility = DirectFLASHProgrammingOptionVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            if (Settings.FLASHResources != null)
                foreach (var r in Settings.FLASHResources)
            FLASHResources.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => { Settings.FLASHResources = FLASHResources.ToArray(); OnSettingsChanged(); };
            static void DoConnect(IDebugStartService service, ISimpleGDBSession session, ESP8266GDBStubSettings settings, string comPort, bool programFLASH)
                var targetPath = service.TargetPath;

                if (targetPath != null) //When doing connection test without an active project, the targetPath will be NULL
                    if (!File.Exists(targetPath))
                        throw new Exception(targetPath + " not found. Debugging will not be possible.");

                    bool stubFound = false;
                    using (var elf = new ELFFile(targetPath))
                        foreach (var sym in elf.LoadAllSymbols())
                            if (sym.Name == "gdbstub_init")
                                stubFound = true;

                    if (!stubFound)
                        if (service.GUIService.Prompt("The programmed image does not contain the GDB stub. Do you want to open instructions on debugging with ESP8266 GDB stub?", MessageBoxIcon.Warning))
                            throw new OperationCanceledException();

                List <string> steps = new List <string>();

                if (programFLASH)
                    steps.Add("Connecting to bootloader");
                    steps.Add("Programming FLASH memory");
                if (service.Mode != EmbeddedDebugMode.ProgramWithoutDebugging)
                    steps.Add("Connecting to GDB stub");

                using (var ctx = session.CreateScopedProgressReporter("Connecting to target device", steps.ToArray()))
                    if (programFLASH)
                        if (!settings.SuppressResetConfirmation)
                            service.GUIService.Report("Please reboot your ESP8266 into the bootloader mode and press OK.");

                        using (var serialPort = new SerialPortStream(comPort, settings.BootloaderBaudRate, System.IO.Ports.Handshake.None))
                            serialPort.AllowTimingOutWithZeroBytes = true;

                            ESP8266BootloaderClient client = new ESP8266BootloaderClient(serialPort, settings.BootloaderResetDelay, settings.BootloaderActivationSequence);
                            var regions = ESP8266StartupSequence.BuildFLASHImages(service, settings, (l, t) => session.SendInformationalOutput(l));


                            int totalSize = 0, writtenSize = 0;
                            foreach (var r in regions)
                                totalSize += r.Size;

                            ESP8266BootloaderClient.BlockWrittenHandler handler = (s, addr, len) => ctx.ReportTaskProgress(writtenSize += len, totalSize, $"Writing FLASH at 0x{addr:x8}...");
                            bool useDIO = false;

                                client.BlockWritten += handler;
                                foreach (var r in regions)
                                    var data = File.ReadAllBytes(r.FileName);
                                    if (r.Offset == 0 && data.Length >= 4)
                                        useDIO = (data[2] == 2);

                                    client.ProgramFLASH((uint)r.Offset, data);
                                client.BlockWritten -= handler;

                            client.RunProgram(useDIO, false);


                    if (service.Mode != EmbeddedDebugMode.ProgramWithoutDebugging)
                        session.RunGDBCommand("set serial baud " + settings.StubBaudRate);
                        var result = session.RunGDBCommand(@"target remote \\.\" + comPort);
                        if (!result.IsDone)
                            throw new Exception("Failed to connect to the gdb stub. Please check your settings.");