Exemple #1
        public void Test_Login()
            ExcelReader.PopulateInCollection(@"C:\Users\karthik\Documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\IHSFramework\IHSFramework\Resources\Login.xlsx");

            //Version 2
            LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();

            //Iterate through all the test cases
            for (int row = 1; row <= ExcelReader.RowCount; row++)
                //Programatically you are saying that, the following operations
                // are for userForm page page
                var userPage = (UserFormPage) loginPage.Login(ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "UserName"),
                    ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "Password"));

                //Check if I have really logged into the app
                if (userPage.IsUserForm())
                    Reporting.WriteTestResults(ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "TCID"),
                        ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "TCDescription"),
                        ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "TCName"),
                        "Userpage is displayed",
                        "Should see userform page",
                    Reporting.WriteTestResults(ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "TCID"),
                        ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "TCDescription"),
                        ExcelReader.ReadData(row, "TCName"),
                        "Userpage is not displayed",
                        "Should see userform page",

                //Logout from the portal
Exemple #2
        public void Test_FillPopup()
            LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();

            //Programatically you are saying that, the following operations
            // are for userForm page page
            UserFormPage userPage = (UserFormPage)loginPage.Login("admin", "admin");

Exemple #3
        public void Test_UserForm_DataEntry()
            //Version 2
            LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();

            //Programatically you are saying that, the following operations
            // are for userForm page page
            UserFormPage userPage = (UserFormPage)loginPage.Login("admin", "admin");

            userPage.FillUserFrom("tt", "firstName", "middlename", "Ms.");