// Disposer
        public virtual void Dispose()
            // Not already disposed?
            if (!isdisposed)
                // Clean up
                manager = null;
                if (effect != null)

                // Done
                isdisposed = true;
Exemple #2
        // Constructor
        public World3DShader(ShaderManager manager) : base(manager)
            // Load effect from file
            effect = LoadEffect("world3d.fx");

            // Get the property handlers from effect
            if (effect != null)
                worldviewproj        = effect.GetParameter(null, "worldviewproj");
                texture1             = effect.GetParameter(null, "texture1");
                minfiltersettings    = effect.GetParameter(null, "minfiltersettings");
                magfiltersettings    = effect.GetParameter(null, "magfiltersettings");
                mipfiltersettings    = effect.GetParameter(null, "mipfiltersettings");
                highlightcolor       = effect.GetParameter(null, "highlightcolor");
                maxanisotropysetting = effect.GetParameter(null, "maxanisotropysetting");

                vertexColorHandle = effect.GetParameter(null, "vertexColor");
                lightPositionAndRadiusHandle = effect.GetParameter(null, "lightPosAndRadius");
                lightColorHandle             = effect.GetParameter(null, "lightColor");
                ignoreNormalsHandle          = effect.GetParameter(null, "ignoreNormals");
                camPosHandle = effect.GetParameter(null, "campos");

                // [ZZ]
                stencilColorHandle = effect.GetParameter(null, "stencilColor");

                world = effect.GetParameter(null, "world");

            // Initialize world vertex declaration
            VertexElement[] ve =
                new VertexElement(0,  0, DeclarationType.Float3, DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.Position,          0),
                new VertexElement(0, 12, DeclarationType.Color,  DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.Color,             0),
                new VertexElement(0, 16, DeclarationType.Float2, DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0),
                new VertexElement(0, 24, DeclarationType.Float3, DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.Normal,            0),      //mxd

            vertexdecl = new VertexDeclaration(General.Map.Graphics.Device, ve);

            // We have no destructor
Exemple #3
        // This initializes the graphics
        public bool Initialize()
            PresentParameters displaypp;
            DeviceType        devtype;

            // Use default adapter
            this.adapter = 0;             // Manager.Adapters.Default.Adapter;

                // Make present parameters
                displaypp = CreatePresentParameters(adapter);

                // Determine device type for compatability with NVPerfHUD
                if (d3d.Adapters[adapter].Details.Description.EndsWith(NVPERFHUD_ADAPTER))
                    devtype = DeviceType.Reference;
                    devtype = DeviceType.Hardware;

                // Get the device capabilities
                devicecaps = d3d.GetDeviceCaps(adapter, devtype);

                // Check if this adapter supports TnL
                if ((devicecaps.DeviceCaps & DeviceCaps.HWTransformAndLight) != 0)
                    // Initialize with hardware TnL
                    device = new Device(d3d, adapter, devtype, rendertarget.Handle,
                                        CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, displaypp);
                    // Initialize with software TnL
                    device = new Device(d3d, adapter, devtype, rendertarget.Handle,
                                        CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, displaypp);
            catch (Exception)
                // Failed
                MessageBox.Show(General.MainWindow, "Unable to initialize the Direct3D video device. Another application may have taken exclusive mode on this video device or the device does not support Direct3D at all.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Add event to cancel resize event
            //device.DeviceResizing += new CancelEventHandler(CancelResize);

            // Keep a reference to the original buffers
            backbuffer  = device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0);
            depthbuffer = device.DepthStencilSurface;

            // Get the viewport
            viewport = device.Viewport;

            // Create shader manager
            shaders = new ShaderManager(this);

            // Font
            postfilter  = Filter.Box;
            font        = new TextFont();
            fonttexture = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.Font.png");
            fonttexture.MipMapLevels = 2;

            // Initialize settings

            // Done
Exemple #4
        // This initializes the graphics
        public bool Initialize()
            // Use default adapter
            this.adapter = 0;             // Manager.Adapters.Default.Adapter;

                // Make present parameters
                PresentParameters displaypp = CreatePresentParameters(adapter);

                // Determine device type for compatability with NVPerfHUD
                DeviceType devtype;
                if (d3d.Adapters[adapter].Details.Description.EndsWith(NVPERFHUD_ADAPTER))
                    devtype = DeviceType.Reference;
                    devtype = DeviceType.Hardware;

                //mxd. Check maximum supported AA level...
                for (int i = AA_STEPS.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    if (General.Settings.AntiAliasingSamples < AA_STEPS[i])
                    if (d3d.CheckDeviceMultisampleType(this.adapter, devtype, d3d.Adapters[adapter].CurrentDisplayMode.Format, displaypp.Windowed, (MultisampleType)AA_STEPS[i]))

                    if (General.Settings.AntiAliasingSamples > AA_STEPS[i - 1])
                        General.Settings.AntiAliasingSamples = AA_STEPS[i - 1];

                        // TODO: looks like setting Multisample here just resets it to MultisampleType.None,
                        // regardless of value in displaypp.Multisample. Why?..
                        displaypp.Multisample = (MultisampleType)General.Settings.AntiAliasingSamples;

                // Get the device capabilities
                devicecaps = d3d.GetDeviceCaps(adapter, devtype);

                // Check if this adapter supports TnL
                if ((devicecaps.DeviceCaps & DeviceCaps.HWTransformAndLight) != 0)
                    // Initialize with hardware TnL
                    device = new Device(d3d, adapter, devtype, rendertarget.Handle,
                                        CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, displaypp);
                    // Initialize with software TnL
                    device = new Device(d3d, adapter, devtype, rendertarget.Handle,
                                        CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, displaypp);
            catch (Exception)
                // Failed
                MessageBox.Show(General.MainWindow, "Unable to initialize the Direct3D video device. Another application may have taken exclusive mode on this video device or the device does not support Direct3D at all.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //mxd. Check if we can use shaders
            if (device.Capabilities.PixelShaderVersion.Major < 2)
                // Failed
                MessageBox.Show(General.MainWindow, "Unable to initialize the Direct3D video device. Video device with Shader Model 2.0 support is required.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Add event to cancel resize event
            //device.DeviceResizing += new CancelEventHandler(CancelResize);

            // Keep a reference to the original buffers
            backbuffer  = device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0);
            depthbuffer = device.DepthStencilSurface;

            // Get the viewport
            viewport = device.Viewport;

            // Create shader manager
            shaders = new ShaderManager(this);

            // Initialize settings

            // Done