/** Schedules the 'update' selector for a given target with a given priority.
         * The 'update' selector will be called every frame.
         * The lower the priority, the earlier it is called.
         * @since v0.99.3
        public void scheduleUpdate(System.Object target, int priority, bool paused)
            tHashUpdateEntry hashElement = hashForUpdates.HASH_FIND_INT(target.GetHashCode());

            if (hashElement != null)
                if (CCDebug.COCOS2D_DEBUG >= 1)
                    NSUtils.Assert(hashElement.entry.obj.markedForDeletion, "CCScheduler: You can't re-schedule an 'update' selector'. Unschedule it first");

                // TODO : check if priority has changed!
                hashElement.entry.obj.markedForDeletion = false;

            // most of the updates are going to be 0, that's way there
            // is an special list for updates with priority 0
            if (priority == 0)
                appendIn(updates0, target, paused);
            else if (priority < 0)
                priorityIn(updatesNeg, target, priority, paused);
            else             // priority > 0
                priorityIn(updatesPos, target, priority, paused);
Exemple #2
        /** initializes the action */
        public void initWithAction(CCActionInterval action)
            NSUtils.Assert(action != null, "Ease: arguments must be non-nil");

            _inner = action;
        /** initializes the action with an Animation and will restore the original frame when the animation is over */
        public void initWithAnimation(CCAnimation anim)
            NSUtils.Assert(anim != null, "Animate: argument Animation must be non-nil");

            float singleDuration = anim.duration;

            base.initWithDuration(singleDuration * anim.loops);
            _nextFrame     = 0;
            this.animation = anim;
            _origFrame     = null;
            _executedLoops = 0;

            _splitTimes = new List <float> (anim.frames.Count);
            float accumUnitsOfTime   = 0;
            float newUnitOfTimeValue = singleDuration / anim.totalDelayUnits;

            var enumerator = anim.frames.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                var   frame = enumerator.Current;
                float value = (accumUnitsOfTime * newUnitOfTimeValue) / singleDuration;
                accumUnitsOfTime += frame.delayUnits;

Exemple #4
 public void DL_DELETE(utNode <T> del)
     NSUtils.Assert((del).prev != null, "del.prev should not be null.");
     if ((del).prev == (del))
         (_head) = null;
     else if ((del) == (_head))
         (del).next.prev = (del).prev;
         (_head)         = (del).next;
         (del).prev.next = (del).next;
         if ((del).next != null)
             (del).next.prev = (del).prev;
             (_head).prev = (del).prev;
        /** Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed.
         * The node becomes the action's target.
         * @warning Starting from v0.8 actions don't retain their target anymore.
         * @since v0.7.1
         * @return An Action pointer
        public CCAction runAction(CCAction action)
            NSUtils.Assert(action != null, "Argument must be non-nil");

            _actionManager.addAction(action, this, !_isRunning);
        public void generateGearsInEditMode(string category, Type[] componentTypes, int num)
            NSUtils.Assert(!Application.isPlaying, "CCFactory:generateGearsInEditMode works in edit mode only!");

            if (componentTypes == null)
                componentTypes = new Type[0];

            Storage storage = getStorage(category, true);

            storage.componentTypeNames = new string[componentTypes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < componentTypes.Length; i++)
                storage.componentTypeNames[i] = componentTypes[i].AssemblyQualifiedName;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                CCFactoryGear gear = buildGear(componentTypes);
                gear.gameObject.name             = string.Format("{0}-{1}", category, i);
                gear.gameObject.transform.parent = transform;
                gear.gameObject.hideFlags        = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
Exemple #7
        public virtual CCActionFiniteTime reverse()
            CCActionFiniteTime act = (CCActionFiniteTime)reverseImpl();

            NSUtils.Assert(act != null, "{0}:reverseImpl not implemented", GetType().Name);
Exemple #8
        public new virtual CCActionFiniteTime copy()
            CCActionFiniteTime act = (CCActionFiniteTime)copyImpl();

            NSUtils.Assert(act != null, "{0}:copyImpl not implemented", GetType().Name);
Exemple #9
        public void initWithAction(CCActionFiniteTime action)
            NSUtils.Assert(action != null, "CCReverseTime: action should not be nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(action != _other, "CCReverseTime: re-init doesn't support using the same arguments");

            _other = action;
         * repeat will execute the action repeat + 1 times, for a continues action use kCCRepeatForever
         * delay is the amount of time the action will wait before execution
        public void schedule(TICK_IMP selector, float interval = 0, uint repeat = CCScheduler.kCCRepeatForever, float delay = 0)
            NSUtils.Assert(selector != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(FloatUtils.EB(interval, 0), "Arguemnt must be positive");

            _scheduler.schedule(selector, this, interval, repeat, !_isRunning, delay);
        public override void ccTouchCancelled(UITouch touch)
            NSUtils.Assert(_state == kCCMenuState.TrackingTouch, "[Menu ccTouchCancelled] -- invalid state");


            _state = kCCMenuState.Waiting;
        public void runWithScene(CCScene scene)
            NSUtils.Assert(scene != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(_runningScene == null, "This command can only be used to start the CCDirector. There is already a scene present.");

        public virtual void reorderChild(CCNode child, int z)
            NSUtils.Assert(child != null, "Child must be non-nil");

            _isReorderChildDirty = true;

            child.orderOfArrival = globalOrderOfArrival++;
 public virtual void removeChildAndCleanup(CCNode child, bool cleanup)
     if (child == null)
     NSUtils.Assert(_children.Contains(child), "This node does not contain the specified child.");
     detachChild(child, cleanup);
Exemple #15
        public override void addChild(CCNode child, int z, string tag)
            NSUtils.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-nil");

            //CCNode already sets _isReorderChildDirty so this needs to be after batchNode check
            base.addChild(child, z, tag);

//			_hasChildren = true;
        static CCTMXLayer ParseLayer(XmlNode nodeData, int cols, int rows, Dictionary <int, string> gidToFiles, Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, string> > gidToTileProperties)
            XmlNode data     = nodeData.SelectSingleNode("data");
            string  name     = nodeData.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
            string  encoding = data.Attributes["encoding"].InnerText;

            NSUtils.Assert(encoding == "csv", "cocos2d:CCTMXMapParser: Unsupported encoding {0} found. Only csv is supported now.", encoding);

            string          csvData = data.InnerText;
            CCTMXTiledLayer layer   = new CCTMXTiledLayer();

            layer.name     = name;
            layer.visiable = nodeData.Attributes["visible"] != null && nodeData.Attributes["visible"].InnerText == "0";
            layer.tiles    = new CCTMXTile[rows][];
            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                layer.tiles[row] = new CCTMXTile[cols];
            string[] layerData  = csvData.Split(',');
            int      totalTiles = cols * rows;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalTiles; i++)
                int col    = i % cols;
                int row    = Mathf.FloorToInt(i / cols);
                int tileId = int.Parse(layerData[i].ToString().Trim());
                if (tileId > 0)
                    CCTMXTile tile = new CCTMXTile();
                    tile.gid = tileId;
                    tile.col = col;
                    tile.row = row;
                        tile.file = gidToFiles[tile.gid];
                    }catch {
                        throw new UnityEngine.UnityException(string.Format("cocos2d: CCTMXMapParser: gid [{0}] not found", tile.gid));
                    Dictionary <string, string> tileProperties = null;
                    if (!gidToTileProperties.TryGetValue(tile.gid, out tileProperties))
                        tileProperties = null;
                    tile.sharedProperties = tileProperties;
                    layer.tiles[row][col] = tile;

            XmlNode propertiesNode = nodeData.SelectSingleNode("properties");

            if (propertiesNode != null)
                layer.properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                ParseProperties(propertiesNode, layer.properties);
        public void gotoAndStop(string label)
            int frame;

            if (!_define.label_indexs.TryGetValue(label, out frame))
                NSUtils.Assert(false, "BBFlashMovie:gotoAndStop: Label {0} not found.", label);
Exemple #18
 /** Initializes a timer with a target, a selector, an interval in seconds, repeat in number of times to repeat, delay in seconds */
 public CCTimerTargetSelector(System.Object t, TICK_IMP selector, float interval = 0, uint repeat = CCScheduler.kCCRepeatForever, float delay = 0)
     if (CCDebug.COCOS2D_DEBUG >= 1)
         NSUtils.Assert(selector != null, "Method not found for selector - does it have the following form? void name(float dt)");
     _target   = t;
     _selector = selector;
     setupTimer(interval, repeat, delay);
Exemple #19
        // Designated initializer
        protected void initWithString(string value, CCMenuItemDelegate block)
            NSUtils.Assert(value.Length > 0, "Value length must be greater than 0");

            _fontName = _globalFontName;
            _fontSize = _globalFontSize;

            CCLabelTTF label = new CCLabelTTF(value, _fontName, _fontSize);

            initWithLabel(label, block);
Exemple #20
        public override void reorderChild(CCNode child, int z)
            NSUtils.Assert(child != null, "Child must be non-nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(_children.Contains(child), "Child doesn't belong to Sprite");

            if (z == child.zOrder)
            base.reorderChild(child, z);
Exemple #21
        public static CCActionFiniteTime ActionWithArray(CCActionFiniteTime[] actions)
            NSUtils.Assert(actions != null && actions.Length > 0, "CCActionSequence: actions should not be null.");
            CCActionFiniteTime prev = actions [0];

            for (int i = 1; i < actions.Length; i++)
                prev = ActionWithOneTwo(prev, actions [i]);
Exemple #22
        /** Adds an animation from a plist file.
         * Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the CCSpriteFrameCache.
         * @since v1.1
        public void addAnimationsWithFile(string plist)
            NSUtils.Assert(plist != null, "Invalid texture file name");

            NSDictionary dict = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithContentsOfFileFromResources(plist);

            NSUtils.Assert(dict != null, "CCAnimationCache: File could not be found: {0}", plist);

        static string LoadText(string file)
            NSUtils.Assert(file.EndsWith(".txt"), "Text file in Resources folder must be '*.txt' format!");
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(file);

            file = file.Replace(ext, "");
            TextAsset asset = Resources.Load <TextAsset> (file);

            NSUtils.Assert(asset != null, "cocos2d: CCTmxParser:File not found :{0}.", file);
        public void unscheduleBlockForKey(string key, System.Object target)
            // explicity handle nil arguments when removing an object
            if (target == null && key == null)

            NSUtils.Assert(target != null, "Target MUST not be nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(key != null, "key MUST not be NULL");

            tHashTimerEntry element = hashForTimers.HASH_FIND_INT(target.GetHashCode());

            if (element != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < element.timers.Count; i++)
                    CCTimer timer = element.timers[i];

                    if (timer is CCTimerBlock && key == ((CCTimerBlock)timer).key)
                        if (timer == element.currentTimer && !element.currentTimerSalvaged)
                            element.currentTimerSalvaged = true;


                        // update timerIndex in case we are in tick:, looping over the actions
                        if (element.timerIndex >= i)

                        if (element.timers.Count == 0)
                            if (currentTarget == element)
                                currentTargetSalvaged = true;
            // Not Found
            //	NSLog(@"CCScheduler#unscheduleSelector:forTarget: selector not found: %@", selString);
        protected void initWithAction(CCActionFiniteTime one, CCActionFiniteTime two)
            NSUtils.Assert(one != null && two != null, "Sequence: arguments must be non-nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(one != _actions[0] && one != _actions[1], "Sequence: re-init using the same parameters is not supported");
            NSUtils.Assert(two != _actions[1] && two != _actions[0], "Sequence: re-init using the same parameters is not supported");

            float d = one.duration + two.duration;

            _actions [0] = one;
            _actions [1] = two;
        public override void ccTouchMoved(UITouch touch)
            NSUtils.Assert(_state == kCCMenuState.TrackingTouch, "[Menu ccTouchMoved] -- invalid state");

            CCMenuItem currentItem = itemForTouch(touch);

            if (currentItem != _selectedItem)
                _selectedItem = currentItem;
        public void pushScene(CCScene scene)
            NSUtils.Assert(scene != null, "Argument must be non-nil");

            _sendCleanupToScene = false;
            if (_runningScene != null)

            _nextScene = scene;                 // _nextScene is a weak ref
Exemple #28
        // load dictionary from lists
        public void OnAfterDeserialize()

            NSUtils.Assert(keys.Count == values.Count,
                           "there are {0} keys and {1} values after deserialization. Make sure that both key and value types are serializable.",
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
                this.Add(keys[i], values[i]);
Exemple #29
        public CCSpriteFrame(string file)
            _textureFilename = file;
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(file);

            if (ext != null && ext.Length > 0)
                file = file.Replace(ext, "");
            Sprite s = Resources.Load <Sprite> (file);

            NSUtils.Assert(s != null, "Sprite {0} not found!", file);
Exemple #30
        /** Changes the priority of a previously added delegate. The lower the number,
         * the higher the priority */
        public void setPriority(int priority, System.Object aDelegate)
            NSUtils.Assert(aDelegate != null, "Got nil touch delegate!");

            CCTouchHandler handler = null;

            handler = findHandler(aDelegate);

            NSUtils.Assert(handler != null, "Delegate not found!");

            handler.priority = priority;
