private void SavePageState(NavigationEntry entry)
            // If the view model is IActivatable<,> then use this to save the page state
            // NB: First check that the view has been created - this may still have state from a previous instance
            // NB: Use reflection as we do not know the generic parameter types

            if (entry.ViewLifetimeContext != null)
                // Get the generic IActivatable<,> interface

                object viewModel = entry.ViewLifetimeContext.ViewModel;
                Type activatableInterface = ReflectionHelper.GetClosedGenericType(viewModel, typeof(IActivatable<,>));

                if (activatableInterface != null)
                    // Save the state

                    MethodInfo saveStateMethod = activatableInterface.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod("SaveState");
                    entry.State = saveStateMethod.Invoke(viewModel, null);

                    // Serialize the arguments and state

                    entry.SerializeData(activatableInterface.GenericTypeArguments[0], activatableInterface.GenericTypeArguments[1]);
        private void DisplayPage(NavigationEntry entry)
            // If the page and VM have not been created then do so

            if (entry.ViewLifetimeContext == null)

            // Navigate to the relevant page

        private void CallNavigatingFrom(NavigationEntry entry, NavigationMode navigationMode)
            if (entry == null)

            object viewModel = entry.ViewLifetimeContext.ViewModel;

            if (viewModel is INavigationAware)
        private void CreatePage(NavigationEntry entry)
            // Create the View

            IViewLifetimeContext viewLifetimeContext = viewFactory.CreateView(entry.PageName);
            entry.ViewLifetimeContext = viewLifetimeContext;

            // Activate the view model if it implements IActivatable<,>
            // NB: Use reflection as we do not know the generic parameter types

            object viewModel = entry.ViewLifetimeContext.ViewModel;
            Type activatableInterface = ReflectionHelper.GetClosedGenericType(viewModel, typeof(IActivatable<,>));

            if (activatableInterface != null)
                // If required deserialize the arguments and state

                entry.DeserializeData(activatableInterface.GenericTypeArguments[0], activatableInterface.GenericTypeArguments[1]);

                // Activate the view model

                MethodInfo activateMethod = activatableInterface.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod("Activate");
                activateMethod.Invoke(viewModel, new object[] { entry.Arguments, entry.State });
        public void NavigateTo(string pageName, object arguments)
            // Call NavigatingFrom on the existing navigation entry (if one exists)

            CallNavigatingFrom(CurrentNavigationEntry, NavigationMode.New);

            // Create the new navigation entry and push it onto the navigation stack

            NavigationEntry navigationEntry = new NavigationEntry(pageName, arguments);

            // Navigate to the page


            // Call NavigatedTo on the new navigation entry

            CallNavigatedTo(navigationEntry, NavigationMode.New);