Exemple #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void SendRequest(Exchange exchange, Request request)
            if (request.ID == Message.None)
                request.ID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _currentID) % (1 << 16);

             * The request is a CON or NON and must be prepared for these responses
             * - CON  => ACK/RST/ACK+response/CON+response/NON+response
             * - NON => RST/CON+response/NON+response
             * If this request goes lost, we do not get anything back.

            Exchange.KeyID    keyID    = new Exchange.KeyID(request.ID, request.Destination);
            Exchange.KeyToken keyToken = new Exchange.KeyToken(request.Token, request.Destination);

            exchange.Completed += OnExchangeCompleted;

            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("Stored open request by " + keyID + ", " + keyToken);

            _exchangesByID[keyID]       = exchange;
            _exchangesByToken[keyToken] = exchange;
Exemple #2
        private void OnExchangeCompleted(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            Exchange exchange = (Exchange)sender;

             * Logging in this method leads to significant performance loss.
             * Uncomment logging code only for debugging purposes.

            if (exchange.Origin == Origin.Local)
                // this endpoint created the Exchange by issuing a request
                Request           request  = exchange.Request;
                Exchange.KeyToken keyToken = new Exchange.KeyToken(exchange.CurrentRequest.Token, request.Destination);
                Exchange.KeyID    keyID    = new Exchange.KeyID(request.ID, request.Destination);

                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Exchange completed: Cleaning up " + keyToken);

                // in case an empty ACK was lost
                // this endpoint created the Exchange to respond a request
                Request request = exchange.CurrentRequest;
                if (request != null)
                    // TODO: We can optimize this and only do it, when the request really had blockwise transfer
                    Exchange.KeyUri uriKey = new Exchange.KeyUri(request.URI, request.Source);
                    //if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    //    log.Debug("++++++++++++++++++Remote ongoing completed, cleaning up "+uriKey);

                // TODO: What if the request is only a block?
                // TODO: This should only happen if the transfer was blockwise

                Response response = exchange.Response;
                if (response != null)
                    // only response MIDs are stored for ACK and RST, no reponse Tokens
                    Exchange.KeyID midKey = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, response.Destination);
                    //if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    //    log.Debug("++++++++++++++++++Remote ongoing completed, cleaning up " + midKey);

                // Remove all remaining NON-notifications if this exchange is an observe relation
                ObserveRelation relation = exchange.Relation;
                if (relation != null)
Exemple #3
        private void OnExchangeCompleted(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            Exchange exchange = (Exchange)sender;

             * Logging in this method leads to significant performance loss.
             * Uncomment logging code only for debugging purposes.

            if (exchange.Origin == Origin.Local)
                // this endpoint created the Exchange by issuing a request
                Exchange.KeyID    keyID    = new Exchange.KeyID(exchange.CurrentRequest.ID, null);
                Exchange.KeyToken keyToken = new Exchange.KeyToken(exchange.CurrentRequest.Token);

                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Exchange completed: Cleaning up " + keyToken);

                // in case an empty ACK was lost
            else // Origin.Remote
                // this endpoint created the Exchange to respond a request

                Response response = exchange.CurrentResponse;
                if (response != null && response.Type != MessageType.ACK)
                    // only response MIDs are stored for ACK and RST, no reponse Tokens
                    Exchange.KeyID midKey = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, null);
                    //if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    //    log.Debug("Remote ongoing completed, cleaning up " + midKey);

                Request request = exchange.CurrentRequest;
                if (request != null && (request.HasOption(OptionType.Block1) || response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2)))
                    Exchange.KeyUri uriKey = new Exchange.KeyUri(request.URI, request.Source);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Remote ongoing completed, cleaning up " + uriKey);
                    Exchange exc;
                    _ongoingExchanges.TryRemove(uriKey, out exc);

                // Remove all remaining NON-notifications if this exchange is an observe relation
                ObserveRelation relation = exchange.Relation;
                if (relation != null)
Exemple #4
        private void RemoveNotificatoinsOf(ObserveRelation relation)
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("Remove all remaining NON-notifications of observe relation");

            foreach (Response previous in relation.ClearNotifications())
                Exchange.KeyID keyId = new Exchange.KeyID(previous.ID, previous.Destination);
Exemple #5
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Exchange ReceiveEmptyMessage(EmptyMessage message)
            Exchange.KeyID keyID = new Exchange.KeyID(message.ID, message.Source);
            Exchange       exchange;

            if (_exchangesByID.TryGetValue(keyID, out exchange))
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Exchange got reply: Cleaning up " + keyID);
                if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    log.Info("Matcher received empty message that does not match any exchange: " + message);
                // ignore message;
            } // else, this is an ACK for an unknown exchange and we ignore it
Exemple #6
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Exchange ReceiveEmptyMessage(EmptyMessage message)
            // local namespace
            Exchange.KeyID keyID = new Exchange.KeyID(message.ID, null);
            Exchange       exchange;

            if (_exchangesByID.TryGetValue(keyID, out exchange))
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Exchange got reply: Cleaning up " + keyID);
                if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    log.Info("Ignoring unmatchable empty message from " + message.Source + ": " + message);
Exemple #7
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Exchange ReceiveResponse(Response response)
             * This response could be
             * - The first CON/NON/ACK+response => deliver
             * - Retransmitted CON (because client got no ACK)
             *      => resend ACK

            Exchange.KeyID    keyId    = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, response.Source);
            Exchange.KeyToken keyToken = new Exchange.KeyToken(response.Token, response.Source);

            Exchange exchange;

            if (_exchangesByToken.TryGetValue(keyToken, out exchange))
                // There is an exchange with the given token
                Exchange prev = _deduplicator.FindPrevious(keyId, exchange);
                if (prev != null)
                    // (and thus it holds: prev == exchange)
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Duplicate response " + response);
                    response.Duplicate = true;
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Exchange got reply: Cleaning up " + keyId);

                if (response.Type == MessageType.ACK && exchange.CurrentRequest.ID != response.ID)
                    // The token matches but not the MID. This is a response for an older exchange
                    if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
                        log.Warn("Token matches but not MID: Expected " + exchange.CurrentRequest.ID + " but was " + response.ID);
                    // ignore response
                    // this is a separate response that we can deliver
                // There is no exchange with the given token.
                if (response.Type != MessageType.ACK)
                    Exchange prev = _deduplicator.Find(keyId);
                    if (prev != null)
                        response.Duplicate = true;
                // ignore response
Exemple #8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Exchange ReceiveRequest(Request request)
             * This request could be
             *  - Complete origin request => deliver with new exchange
             *  - One origin block        => deliver with ongoing exchange
             *  - Complete duplicate request or one duplicate block (because client got no ACK)
             *      =>
             *      if ACK got lost => resend ACK
             *      if ACK+response got lost => resend ACK+response
             *      if nothing has been sent yet => do nothing
             * (Retransmission is supposed to be done by the retransm. layer)

            Exchange.KeyID keyId = new Exchange.KeyID(request.ID, request.Source);

             * The differentiation between the case where there is a Block1 or
             * Block2 option and the case where there is none has the advantage that
             * all exchanges that do not need blockwise transfer have simpler and
             * faster code than exchanges with blockwise transfer.
            if (!request.HasOption(OptionType.Block1) && !request.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                Exchange exchange = new Exchange(request, Origin.Remote);
                Exchange previous = _deduplicator.FindPrevious(keyId, exchange);
                if (previous == null)
                    exchange.Completed += OnExchangeCompleted;
                    if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        log.Info("Message is a duplicate, ignore: " + request);
                    request.Duplicate = true;
                Exchange.KeyUri keyUri = new Exchange.KeyUri(request.URI, request.Source);

                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Lookup ongoing exchange for " + keyUri);
                Exchange ongoing;
                if (_ongoingExchanges.TryGetValue(keyUri, out ongoing))
                    Exchange prev = _deduplicator.FindPrevious(keyId, ongoing);
                    if (prev != null)
                        if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            log.Info("Message is a duplicate: " + request);
                        request.Duplicate = true;
                    // We have no ongoing exchange for that request block.

                     * Note the difficulty of the following code: The first message
                     * of a blockwise transfer might arrive twice due to a
                     * retransmission. The new Exchange must be inserted in both the
                     * hash map 'ongoing' and the deduplicator. They must agree on
                     * which exchange they store!

                    Exchange exchange = new Exchange(request, Origin.Remote);
                    Exchange previous = _deduplicator.FindPrevious(keyId, exchange);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("New ongoing exchange for remote Block1 request with key " + keyUri);
                    if (previous == null)
                        exchange.Completed       += OnExchangeCompleted;
                        _ongoingExchanges[keyUri] = exchange;
                        if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            log.Info("Message is a duplicate: " + request);
                        request.Duplicate = true;
                } // if ongoing
            }     // if blockwise
Exemple #9
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void SendResponse(Exchange exchange, Response response)
            if (response.ID == Message.None)
                response.ID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _currentID) % (1 << 16);

             * The response is a CON or NON or ACK and must be prepared for these
             * - CON  => ACK/RST // we only care to stop retransmission
             * - NON => RST // we don't care
             * - ACK  => nothing!
             * If this response goes lost, we must be prepared to get the same
             * CON/NON request with same MID again. We then find the corresponding
             * exchange and the ReliabilityLayer resends this response.

            if (response.Destination == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Response has no destination set");

            // If this is a CON notification we now can forget all previous NON notifications
            if (response.Type == MessageType.CON || response.Type == MessageType.ACK)
                ObserveRelation relation = exchange.Relation;
                if (relation != null)

            if (response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                Request         request = exchange.Request;
                Exchange.KeyUri keyUri  = new Exchange.KeyUri(request.URI, response.Destination);
                if (exchange.ResponseBlockStatus != null && !response.HasOption(OptionType.Observe))
                    // Remember ongoing blockwise GET requests
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Ongoing Block2 started, storing " + keyUri + "\nOngoing " + request + "\nOngoing " + response);
                    _ongoingExchanges[keyUri] = exchange;
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Ongoing Block2 completed, cleaning up " + keyUri + "\nOngoing " + request + "\nOngoing " + response);

            // Insert CON and NON to match ACKs and RSTs to the exchange
            // Do not insert ACKs and RSTs.
            if (response.Type == MessageType.CON || response.Type == MessageType.NON)
                Exchange.KeyID keyID = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, response.Destination);
                _exchangesByID[keyID] = exchange;

            if (response.Type == MessageType.ACK || response.Type == MessageType.NON)
                // Since this is an ACK or NON, the exchange is over with sending this response.
                if (response.Last)
                    exchange.Complete = true;
            } // else this is a CON and we need to wait for the ACK or RST
Exemple #10
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public Exchange ReceiveResponse(Response response)
             * This response could be
             * - The first CON/NON/ACK+response => deliver
             * - Retransmitted CON (because client got no ACK)
             *      => resend ACK

            Exchange.KeyID keyId;
            if (response.Type == MessageType.ACK)
                // own namespace
                keyId = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, null);
                // remote namespace
                keyId = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, response.Source);

            Exchange.KeyToken keyToken = new Exchange.KeyToken(response.Token);

            Exchange exchange;

            if (_exchangesByToken.TryGetValue(keyToken, out exchange))
                // There is an exchange with the given token
                Exchange prev = _deduplicator.FindPrevious(keyId, exchange);
                if (prev != null)
                    // (and thus it holds: prev == exchange)
                    if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        log.Info("Duplicate response for open exchange: " + response);
                    response.Duplicate = true;
                    keyId = new Exchange.KeyID(exchange.CurrentRequest.ID, null);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Exchange got response: Cleaning up " + keyId);

                if (response.Type == MessageType.ACK && exchange.CurrentRequest.ID != response.ID)
                    // The token matches but not the MID. This is a response for an older exchange
                    if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
                        log.Warn("Possible MID reuse before lifetime end: " + response.TokenString + " expected MID " + exchange.CurrentRequest.ID + " but received " + response.ID);

                // There is no exchange with the given token.
                if (response.Type != MessageType.ACK)
                    // only act upon separate responses
                    Exchange prev = _deduplicator.Find(keyId);
                    if (prev != null)
                        if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            log.Info("Duplicate response for completed exchange: " + response);
                        response.Duplicate = true;
                    if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        log.Info("Ignoring unmatchable piggy-backed response from " + response.Source + ": " + response);
                // ignore response
Exemple #11
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void SendResponse(Exchange exchange, Response response)
            if (response.ID == Message.None)
                response.ID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _currentID) % (1 << 16);

             * The response is a CON or NON or ACK and must be prepared for these
             * - CON => ACK / RST // we only care to stop retransmission
             * - NON => RST // we only care for observe
             * - ACK => nothing!
             * If this response goes lost, we must be prepared to get the same
             * CON/NON request with same MID again. We then find the corresponding
             * exchange and the ReliabilityLayer resends this response.

            // If this is a CON notification we now can forget all previous NON notifications
            if (response.Type == MessageType.CON || response.Type == MessageType.ACK)
                ObserveRelation relation = exchange.Relation;
                if (relation != null)

            // Blockwise transfers are identified by URI and remote endpoint
            if (response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                Request         request = exchange.CurrentRequest;
                Exchange.KeyUri keyUri  = new Exchange.KeyUri(request.URI, response.Destination);
                // Observe notifications only send the first block, hence do not store them as ongoing
                if (exchange.ResponseBlockStatus != null && !response.HasOption(OptionType.Observe))
                    // Remember ongoing blockwise GET requests
                    if (Utils.Put(_ongoingExchanges, keyUri, exchange) == null)
                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                            log.Debug("Ongoing Block2 started late, storing " + keyUri + " for " + request);
                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                            log.Debug("Ongoing Block2 continued, storing " + keyUri + " for " + request);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Ongoing Block2 completed, cleaning up " + keyUri + " for " + request);
                    Exchange exc;
                    _ongoingExchanges.TryRemove(keyUri, out exc);

            // Insert CON and NON to match ACKs and RSTs to the exchange
            // Do not insert ACKs and RSTs.
            if (response.Type == MessageType.CON || response.Type == MessageType.NON)
                Exchange.KeyID keyID = new Exchange.KeyID(response.ID, null);
                _exchangesByID[keyID] = exchange;

            // Only CONs and Observe keep the exchange active
            if (response.Type != MessageType.CON && response.Last)
                exchange.Complete = true;