Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function loads the game pieces into the grid cells and prepares
        /// </summary>
        private void ResetGame()
            currentTurn = Turn.Red; // Red goes first.

            int col = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < grdBoard.RowDefinitions.Count; row++)
                for (col = 0; col < grdBoard.ColumnDefinitions.Count; col++)
                    Border b = new Border();
                    b.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1, 1, 1, 1);
                    b.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Black;
                    Grid.SetColumn(b, col);
                    Grid.SetRow(b, row);

            for (int row = 0; row < grdBoard.RowDefinitions.Count; row++)
                // put a piece in every other cell
                for (col = (col % 2 != 0 ? 0 : 1); col < grdBoard.ColumnDefinitions.Count; col += 2)
                    EmptySpace l = new EmptySpace();
                    l.Margin     = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    l.AllowDrop  = true;
                    l.Background = Brushes.Black;
                    l.Name       = "Label" + (row * col).ToString();
                    l.Drop      += new DragEventHandler(grdBoard_Drop);
                    l.col        = col;
                    l.row        = row;

                    Grid.SetColumn(l, col);
                    Grid.SetRow(l, row);

                    if (row < 3)
                        RedChecker redChecker = new RedChecker();
                        redChecker.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown);
                        redChecker.PreviewMouseMove           += new MouseEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseMove);
                        redChecker.Cursor    = Cursors.Hand;
                        redChecker.AllowDrop = false;
                        redChecker.col       = col;
                        redChecker.row       = row;

                        Grid.SetColumn(redChecker, col);
                        Grid.SetRow(redChecker, row);
                    if (row >= grdBoard.RowDefinitions.Count - 3)
                        BlackChecker blackChecker = new BlackChecker();
                        blackChecker.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown);
                        blackChecker.PreviewMouseMove           += new MouseEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseMove);
                        blackChecker.Cursor    = Cursors.Hand;
                        blackChecker.AllowDrop = false;
                        blackChecker.col       = col;
                        blackChecker.row       = row;

                        Grid.SetColumn(blackChecker, col);
                        Grid.SetRow(blackChecker, row);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Here, the source is the drop target which in this case is a Label. This is needed to get
        /// a reference to the underlying grid cell. That way we know the cell to which to add the new
        /// image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void grdBoard_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // use the label in the cell to get the current row and column
            EmptySpace l        = e.Source as EmptySpace;
            int        r        = Grid.GetRow((EmptySpace)e.Source);
            int        c        = Grid.GetColumn((EmptySpace)e.Source);
            bool       okToMove = false;

            // Because both RedChecker and BlackChecker derive from CheckerPiece, we can use polymorphism
            // to create the correct piece. Get the correct piece and determine if the move is valid.
            // A valid move is one row forward to an unoccupied space.
            CheckerPiece checker;

            if (currentPiece is RedChecker)
                if (currentTurn != Turn.Red)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("It's not your turn");
                    return; // it's not your turn.

                // It's red's turn...
                checker = new RedChecker();
                if (l.row == currentPiece.row + 1 && (l.col == currentPiece.col + 1 || l.col == currentPiece.col - 1))
                    okToMove = true;

                //now check to see if we captured anything
                BlackChecker opponentPiece;
                if (c == currentPiece.col + 2)
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <BlackChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row + 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col + 1)).SingleOrDefault();
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <BlackChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row + 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col - 1)).SingleOrDefault();

                if (opponentPiece != null && l.row - currentPiece.row == 2)
                    int validCol = (opponentPiece.col > currentPiece.col) ? currentPiece.col + 2 : currentPiece.col - 2;
                    if (r == currentPiece.row + 2 && c == validCol)
                        Storyboard PieceCaptured = opponentPiece.Resources["PieceCaptured"] as Storyboard;
                        capturedPiece = opponentPiece;

                        if (PieceCaptured != null)
                            PieceCaptured.Completed += new EventHandler(RemovePiece);

                        okToMove = true;
                if (okToMove)
                    currentTurn = Turn.Black;
                if (currentTurn != Turn.Black)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("It's not your turn");
                    return; // it's not your turn.

                // It's black's turn...
                checker = new BlackChecker();
                if (l.row == currentPiece.row - 1 && (l.col == currentPiece.col + 1 || l.col == currentPiece.col - 1))
                    okToMove = true;

                RedChecker opponentPiece = null;
                if (c == currentPiece.col + 2)
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <RedChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row - 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col + 1)).SingleOrDefault();
                else if (c == currentPiece.col - 2)
                    opponentPiece = grdBoard.Children.OfType <RedChecker>().Where(p => p.row == currentPiece.row - 1 && (p.col == currentPiece.col - 1)).SingleOrDefault();

                //FIXME: capturing a piece to the left isn't working
                if (opponentPiece != null && currentPiece.row - l.row == 2)
                    int validCol = (opponentPiece.col > currentPiece.col) ? currentPiece.col + 2 : currentPiece.col - 2;
                    if (r == currentPiece.row - 2 && c == validCol)
                        capturedPiece = opponentPiece;
                        Storyboard PieceCaptured = opponentPiece.Resources["PieceCaptured"] as Storyboard;
                        if (PieceCaptured != null)
                            PieceCaptured.Completed += new EventHandler(RemovePiece);
                        okToMove = true;
                if (okToMove)
                    currentTurn = Turn.Red;

            if (okToMove)
                checker.col = c;
                checker.row = r;

                // bind the mouse events
                checker.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown);
                checker.PreviewMouseMove           += new MouseEventHandler(grdBoard_PreviewMouseMove);
                checker.Cursor    = Cursors.Hand;
                checker.AllowDrop = false;

                // add the piece to the board
                Grid.SetRow(checker, r);
                Grid.SetColumn(checker, c);
                Storyboard DropPiece = checker.Resources["DropPiece"] as Storyboard;
                if (DropPiece != null)
Exemple #3
        public static Tile[,] ExecuteAttack(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY, Tile[,] gameBoard)
            var  moveFrom = gameBoard[fromX, fromY];
            var  moveTo   = gameBoard[toX, toY];
            bool validAttack;
            Tile attackedTile;

            if (moveFrom.Checker.Color == nameof(Enums.Color.Red))
                if (fromX + 2 == toX && fromY - 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX + 1, fromY - 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                else if (fromX - 2 == toX && fromY - 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX - 1, fromY - 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                else if (moveFrom.Checker.IsKing && fromX + 2 == toX && fromY + 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX + 1, fromY + 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                else if (moveFrom.Checker.IsKing && fromX - 2 == toX && fromY + 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX - 1, fromY + 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid jump.");
                if (fromX + 2 == toX && fromY + 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX + 1, fromY + 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                else if (fromX - 2 == toX && fromY + 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX - 1, fromY + 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                else if (moveFrom.Checker.IsKing && fromX + 2 == toX && fromY - 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX + 1, fromY - 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                else if (moveFrom.Checker.IsKing && fromX - 2 == toX && fromY - 2 == toY)
                    attackedTile = gameBoard[fromX - 1, fromY - 1];
                    validAttack  = true;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid jump.");

            if (validAttack)
                moveTo.IsEmpty       = false;
                moveFrom.IsEmpty     = true;
                moveTo.Checker       = moveFrom.Checker;
                moveFrom.Checker     = null;
                attackedTile.Checker = null;
                attackedTile.IsEmpty = true;

                var activePiece = gameBoard[moveTo.X, moveTo.Y];

                if (activePiece.Y == 0 && activePiece.Checker.Color == nameof(Enums.Color.Red))
                    activePiece.Checker.IsKing = true;
                if (activePiece.Y == 7 && activePiece.Checker.Color == nameof(Enums.Color.Black))
                    activePiece.Checker.IsKing = true;

                gameBoard = SetPossibleActions(gameBoard);

                if (activePiece.Checker.CanAttack)
                    Turn.ContinueTurnAttack(gameBoard, activePiece.Checker.Color, moveTo.X, moveTo.Y);