Inheritance: IValidatableObject, IMetaDataLinks
Exemple #1
        public List <IContentMetaInfo> GetMonthBlogUpdateList(Guid siteID, int iUpdates, bool bActiveOnly)
            List <IContentMetaInfo> lstContent = new List <IContentMetaInfo>();
            int      n       = 0;
            DateTime dateNow = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

            while (n < iUpdates)
                dateNow = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddMonths(0 - n);

                ContentCategory cc = new ContentCategory();
                cc.SiteID            = siteID;
                cc.UseCount          = n * 3;
                cc.PublicUseCount    = n * 2;
                cc.ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid();
                cc.EditDate          = dateNow;
                cc.CategoryText      = dateNow.ToString("MMMM yyyy");
                cc.CategoryURL       = "#" + SiteData.PreviewTemplateFilePage;


		public override bool Equals(Object obj) {
			//Check for null and compare run-time types.
			if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType()) return false;

			if (obj is ContentCategory) {
				ContentCategory p = (ContentCategory)obj;
				return (this.SiteID == p.SiteID && this.ContentCategoryID == p.ContentCategoryID);
			} else {
				return false;
		public static ContentCategory GetByURL(Guid SiteID, string requestedURL) {
			ContentCategory _item = null;
			using (CarrotCMSDataContext _db = CarrotCMSDataContext.Create()) {
				vw_carrot_CategoryURL query = CompiledQueries.cqGetContentCategoryByURL(_db, SiteID, requestedURL);
				if (query != null) {
					_item = new ContentCategory(query);

			return _item;
		public static ContentCategory Get(Guid CategoryID) {
			ContentCategory _item = null;
			using (CarrotCMSDataContext _db = CarrotCMSDataContext.Create()) {
				carrot_ContentCategory query = CompiledQueries.cqGetContentCategoryByID(_db, CategoryID);
				if (query != null) {
					_item = new ContentCategory(query);

			return _item;
		protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			ContentCategory item = ContentCategory.Get(guidItemID);

			if (item == null || (item != null && item.ContentCategoryID == Guid.Empty)) {
				item = new ContentCategory();
				item.SiteID = SiteData.CurrentSiteID;
				item.ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid();

			item.CategorySlug = txtSlug.Text;
			item.CategoryText = txtLabel.Text;
			item.IsPublic = chkPublic.Checked;


			Response.Redirect(SiteData.CurrentScriptName + "?id=" + item.ContentCategoryID.ToString());
		public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) {
			List<ValidationResult> errors = new List<ValidationResult>();
			List<string> lst = new List<string>();

			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CategorySlug)) {
				ValidationResult err = new ValidationResult("Slug is required", new string[] { "CategorySlug" });
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CategoryText)) {
				ValidationResult err = new ValidationResult("Text is required", new string[] { "CategoryText" });

			if (ContentCategory.GetSimilar(SiteData.CurrentSite.SiteID, this.ContentCategoryID, this.CategorySlug) > 0) {
				ValidationResult err = new ValidationResult("Slug must be unique", new string[] { "CategorySlug" });

			return errors;
		public ActionResult CategoryDelete(ContentCategory model) {
			ContentCategory item = ContentCategory.Get(model.ContentCategoryID);

			return RedirectToAction("CategoryIndex");
		public ActionResult CategoryAddEdit(ContentCategory model) {
			Helper.ForceValidation(ModelState, model);

			if (ModelState.IsValid) {
				ContentCategory item = ContentCategory.Get(model.ContentCategoryID);

				if (item == null || (item != null && item.ContentCategoryID == Guid.Empty)) {
					item = new ContentCategory();
					item.SiteID = SiteID;
					item.ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid();

				item.CategorySlug = model.CategorySlug;
				item.CategoryText = model.CategoryText;
				item.IsPublic = model.IsPublic;


				return RedirectToAction("CategoryAddEdit", new { @id = item.ContentCategoryID });


			return View(model);
		public ActionResult CategoryAddEdit(Guid? id) {
			ContentCategory model = null;

			if (id.HasValue) {
				model = ContentCategory.Get(id.Value);
			} else {
				model = new ContentCategory();
				model.ContentCategoryID = Guid.Empty;

			return View(model);
        public static ContentPage GetSamplerView()
            string sFile1 = String.Empty;
            string sFile2 = String.Empty;

            try {
                Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                using (StreamReader oTextStream = new StreamReader(_assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Carrotware.CMS.Core.SiteContent.Mock.SampleContent1.txt"))) {
                    sFile1 = oTextStream.ReadToEnd();
                using (StreamReader oTextStream = new StreamReader(_assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Carrotware.CMS.Core.SiteContent.Mock.SampleContent2.txt"))) {
                    sFile2 = oTextStream.ReadToEnd();

                List<string> imageNames = (from i in _assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()
                                           where i.Contains("SiteContent.Mock.sample")
                                           && i.EndsWith(".png")
                                           select i).ToList();

                foreach (string img in imageNames) {
                    var imgURL = CMSConfigHelper.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(ContentPage), img);
                    sFile1 = sFile1.Replace(img, imgURL);
                    sFile2 = sFile2.Replace(img, imgURL);
            } catch { }

            ContentPage pageNew = new ContentPage();
            pageNew.Root_ContentID = SiteData.CurrentSiteID;
            pageNew.ContentID = pageNew.Root_ContentID;
            pageNew.SiteID = SiteData.CurrentSiteID;
            pageNew.Parent_ContentID = null;

            pageNew.PageText = "<h2>Content CENTER</h2>\r\n" + sFile1;
            pageNew.LeftPageText = "<h2>Content LEFT</h2>\r\n" + sFile2;
            pageNew.RightPageText = "<h2>Content RIGHT</h2>\r\n" + sFile2;

            pageNew.IsLatestVersion = true;
            pageNew.NavOrder = -1;
            pageNew.TitleBar = "Template Preview - TITLE";
            pageNew.NavMenuText = "Template PV - NAV"; ;
            pageNew.PageHead = "Template Preview - HEAD";
            pageNew.PageActive = true;
            pageNew.ShowInSiteNav = true;
            pageNew.ShowInSiteMap = true;

            pageNew.EditUserId = SecurityData.CurrentUserGuid;

            pageNew.EditDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(-8);
            pageNew.CreateDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(-38);
            pageNew.GoLiveDate = pageNew.EditDate.AddHours(-5);
            pageNew.RetireDate = pageNew.CreateDate.AddYears(5);

            pageNew.TemplateFile = SiteData.PreviewTemplateFile;
            pageNew.FileName = SiteData.PreviewTemplateFilePage;
            pageNew.MetaDescription = "Meta Description";
            pageNew.MetaKeyword = "Meta Keyword";

            pageNew.ContentType = ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry;
            pageNew.PageSlug = "sampler-page-view";

            List<ContentCategory> lstK = new List<ContentCategory>();
            List<ContentTag> lstT = new List<ContentTag>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                ContentCategory k = new ContentCategory {
                    ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    CategoryText = "Keyword Text " + i.ToString(),
                    CategorySlug = "keyword-slug-" + i.ToString()
                ContentTag t = new ContentTag {
                    ContentTagID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    TagText = "Tag Text " + i.ToString(),
                    TagSlug = "tag-slug-" + i.ToString()


            pageNew.ContentCategories = lstK;
            pageNew.ContentTags = lstT;

            return pageNew;
        public static ContentCategory GetByURL(Guid SiteID, string requestedURL)
            ContentCategory _item = null;
            using (CarrotCMSDataContext _db = CarrotCMSDataContext.GetDataContext()) {
                vw_carrot_CategoryURL query = CompiledQueries.cqGetContentCategoryByURL(_db, SiteID, requestedURL);
                if (query != null) {
                    _item = new ContentCategory(query);

            return _item;
        public static ContentCategory Get(Guid CategoryID)
            ContentCategory _item = null;
            using (CarrotCMSDataContext _db = CarrotCMSDataContext.GetDataContext()) {
                carrot_ContentCategory query = CompiledQueries.cqGetContentCategoryByID(_db, CategoryID);
                if (query != null) {
                    _item = new ContentCategory(query);

            return _item;
        public List<IContentMetaInfo> GetMonthBlogUpdateList(Guid siteID, int iUpdates, bool bActiveOnly)
            List<IContentMetaInfo> lstContent = new List<IContentMetaInfo>();
            int n = 0;
            DateTime dateNow = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

            while (n < iUpdates) {
                dateNow = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddMonths(0 - n);

                ContentCategory cc = new ContentCategory();
                cc.SiteID = siteID;
                cc.UseCount = n * 3;
                cc.PublicUseCount = n * 2;
                cc.ContentCategoryID = Guid.NewGuid();
                cc.EditDate = dateNow;
                cc.CategoryText = dateNow.ToString("MMMM yyyy");
                cc.CategoryURL = "#" + SiteData.PreviewTemplateFilePage;


            return lstContent;