Exemple #1
        void NavigateToFileContent(TextBox textBox)
                int caretPosition     = textBox.SelectionStart;
                int startLinePosition = textBox.Text.LastIndexOf("\n", caretPosition);
                int endLinePosition   = textBox.Text.IndexOf("\n", startLinePosition + 1);
                textBox.SelectionStart  = startLinePosition + 1;
                textBox.SelectionLength = endLinePosition - startLinePosition;

                string lineText = textBox.SelectedText;
                int    line;
                int    column;
                string file;

                if (lineText != null && lineText.ParseAsFileReference(out file, out line, out column))
                    if (!KeyInterceptor.IsPressed(Keys.ControlKey))
                        NormaliseFileReference(ref file, ref line);
                    this.NavigateToFileContent(file, line, column);
            catch { } //it is expected to fail if the line does not contain the file content position spec. This is also the reason for not validating any "IndexOf" results.
Exemple #2
 static void MapTxt_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e, Action <Control, bool> customHandler)
     if (KeyInterceptor.IsPressed(Keys.ControlKey))
         var control = (Control)sender;
         if (customHandler != null)
             customHandler(control, e.Delta > 0);
             var fontSizeDelta = e.Delta > 0 ? 2 : -2;