PackageFileUnload() public méthode

public PackageFileUnload ( string packagenames ) : UAReturn
packagenames string
Résultat BSky.Statistics.Common.UAReturn
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
                //string packagename = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Enter package name that you want to unload.", "Load Library", "");
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagename))
                //    //MessageBox.Show("Title/Command cannot be empty, Exiting Dialog install", "Info: Dialog Title Empty.");
                //    return;

                PackageHelperMethods phm    = new PackageHelperMethods();
                UAReturn             rlst   = phm.ShowLoadedPackages();
                string[]             strarr = phm.GetUAReturnStringResult(rlst);

                //Create UI show list of installed packges so that user can select and load them
                SelectPackagesWindow spw = new SelectPackagesWindow(strarr);
                spw.header = "UnLoad Library(s)";
                IList <string> sel = spw.SelectedItems;
                if (sel == null)

                string[] selectedpackages = new string[sel.Count];
                int      i = 0;
                foreach (string s in sel)
                    selectedpackages[i] = s;

                //PackageHelperMethods phm = new PackageHelperMethods();
                UAReturn r = phm.PackageFileUnload(selectedpackages);// PackageFileUnload(packagename);
                if (r != null && r.Success)
                    SendToOutputWindow(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.UnloadPkg, r.CommandString);
                    string error = string.Empty;
                    if (r != null && r.Error != null && r.Error.Length > 0)
                        error = r.Error;
                    SendToOutputWindow(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.ErrUnloadingPkg, error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.ErrUnloadingPkg2, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.ErrorOccurred);
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Error:", LogLevelEnum.Error, ex);
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
                //string packagename = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Enter package name that you want to unload.", "Load Library", "");
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagename))
                //    //MessageBox.Show("Title/Command cannot be empty, Exiting Dialog install", "Info: Dialog Title Empty.");
                //    return;

                PackageHelperMethods phm = new PackageHelperMethods();
                UAReturn rlst = phm.ShowLoadedPackages();
                string[] strarr = phm.GetUAReturnStringResult(rlst);

                //Create UI show list of installed packges so that user can select and load them
                SelectPackagesWindow spw = new SelectPackagesWindow(strarr);
                spw.header = "UnLoad Library(s)";
                IList<string> sel = spw.SelectedItems;
                if (sel == null)

                string[] selectedpackages = new string[sel.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string s in sel)
                    selectedpackages[i] = s;

                //PackageHelperMethods phm = new PackageHelperMethods();
                UAReturn r = phm.PackageFileUnload(selectedpackages);// PackageFileUnload(packagename);
                if (r != null && r.Success)
                    SendToOutputWindow( "Unload Package", r.CommandString);
                    string error = string.Empty;
                    if(r!=null && r.Error!=null && r.Error.Length > 0)
                        error = r.Error;
                    SendToOutputWindow("Error Unloading Package", error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error while unloading package.", "Error Occurred!");
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Error:", LogLevelEnum.Error, ex);