/// <summary> /// Constructs a SpeechBubble that follows the given Personnage /// </summary> /// <param name="speaker">Personnage followed by the SpeechBubble</param> public SpeechBubble(Personnage speaker) : base() { Speaker = speaker; Listeners = new List<Personnage>(); Margins = DEFAULT_MARGINS; Box = new VAutoSizeBox(); Box.Position = GetGlobalFromLocal(new Vector2f()); AddWidget(Box); Messages = new List<List<String>>(); MessageLabels = new List<List<Label>>(); CurrentBuiltMessage = 0; LetterTimer = new Timer(); MessageIsCompleted = false; ActionKeyPlayingMode = true; IsLooping = false; IsPlaying = false; StopSpeech(true); }
public TileSelector(Int32 width = DEFAULT_SIZE, Int32 height = DEFAULT_SIZE) : base() { Width = width; Height = height; VMainBox = new VAutoSizeBox(false); HMidleBox = new HAutoSizeBox(); MultiBox = new MultiBox(Alignment.Vertical, Height, Width); MultiBox.SetSize(Width); MultiBox.OnVPointerChange += new PointerChangeEventHandler(MultiBox_OnVPointerChange); MultiBox.OnHPointerChange += new PointerChangeEventHandler(MultiBox_OnHPointerChange); VScrollBar = new VScrollBar(); VScrollBar.Scrolled += new ScrollEventHandler(VScrollBar_Scrolled); HScrollBar = new HScrollBar(); HScrollBar.Scrolled += new ScrollEventHandler(HScrollBar_Scrolled); AddWidget(VMainBox); VMainBox.AddItem(HMidleBox, 0, HAlignment.Right); HMidleBox.AddItem(MultiBox); HMidleBox.AddItem(VScrollBar); VMainBox.AddItem(HScrollBar); }
public UpDownBox( Int32 minValue = DEFAULT_MIN_VALUE, Int32 maxValue = DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE, Int32 scaleValue = DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE, Int32 defaultValue = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_VALUE, String label = null, LabeledWidget.EMode mode = DEFAULT_MODE, Boolean shortCutMode = DEFAULT_SHORTCUT_MODE) : base(label, mode, shortCutMode) { MinValue = minValue; MaxValue = maxValue; ScaleValue = scaleValue; DefaultValue = defaultValue; MainBox = new HAutoSizeBox(true, null, 0); ButtonBox = new VAutoSizeBox(true, null, 0); DownBtn = new Button(Create.Texture("Gui_DownButtonN"), Create.Texture("Gui_DownButtonO")); DownBtn.Dimension *= BUTTON_RESIZE_FACTOR; DownBtn.Clicked += new ClickEventHandler(DownBtn_Clicked); AddWidget(DownBtn); UpBtn = new Button(Create.Texture("Gui_UpButtonN"), Create.Texture("Gui_UpButtonO")); UpBtn.Dimension *= BUTTON_RESIZE_FACTOR; UpBtn.Clicked += new ClickEventHandler(UpBtn_Clicked); ButtonBox.AddItem(UpBtn); ButtonBox.AddItem(DownBtn); TextBox = new TextBox(BlazeraLib.TextBox.EInputType.Numeric); SetCurrentValue(GetDefaultValue()); TextBox.Dimension = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(40F, UpBtn.Dimension.Y + DownBtn.Dimension.Y); TextBox.TextAdded += new TextAddedEventHandler(TextBox_TextAdded); AddWidget(TextBox); ValueIsModified = false; MainBox.AddItem(TextBox); MainBox.AddItem(ButtonBox); AddLabeledWidget(MainBox); GetLabelWidget().Clicked += new ClickEventHandler(UpDownBox_Clicked); }
public RadioButton(Alignment alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) : base() { RadioButtons = new Dictionary<Item, CheckEventHandler>(); Alignment = alignment; if (Alignment == Alignment.Horizontal) { HBox = new HAutoSizeBox(); AddWidget(HBox); } else { VBox = new VAutoSizeBox(); AddWidget(VBox); } }
public LabeledWidget(Texture picture = null, EMode mode = DEFAULT_MODE) : base() { if (picture != null) { Mode = mode; Type = EType.Picture; Picture = new Button(picture, null); Picture.Dimension = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(DEFAULT_PICTURE_SIZE, DEFAULT_PICTURE_SIZE); switch (Mode) { case EMode.Left: case EMode.Right: HBox = new HAutoSizeBox(true, null, DEFAULT_BOXPICTURE_OFFSET); AddWidget(HBox); break; case EMode.Top: case EMode.Bottom: VBox = new VAutoSizeBox(true, null, DEFAULT_BOXPICTURE_OFFSET); AddWidget(VBox); break; } } }
protected ExtendedBox(EType type = DEFAULT_TYPE, Boolean noBorderMode = true, Int32 size = DEFAULT_SIZE) : base() { Size = size; CurrentPointer = 0; ExtendedItems = new List<Widget>(); Type = type; if (Type == EType.Vertical) { VMainBox = new VAutoSizeBox(noBorderMode); AddWidget(VMainBox); } else { HMainBox = new HAutoSizeBox(noBorderMode); AddWidget(HMainBox); } }
public LabeledWidget(String label = null, EMode mode = DEFAULT_MODE, Boolean shortCutMode = DEFAULT_SHORTCUT_MODE) : base() { if (label != null) { Mode = mode; Type = EType.Label; Label = new Button(label, Button.EMode.Label); switch (Mode) { case EMode.Left: case EMode.Right: HBox = new HAutoSizeBox(true, null); AddWidget(HBox); break; case EMode.Top: case EMode.Bottom: VBox = new VAutoSizeBox(true, null); AddWidget(VBox); break; } ShortCutMode = shortCutMode; if (Label.Text.Length > 0) ShortCutKey = WindowEvents.KeyCodeFromString(Label.Text[0].ToString()); } }
protected virtual void InitBox() { if (Alignment == BlazeraLib.Alignment.Vertical) { VMainBox = new VAutoSizeBox(true, null, ItemOffset); VMainBox.Position = GetGlobalFromLocal(new Vector2f()); AddWidget(VMainBox); } else { HMainBox = new HAutoSizeBox(true, null, ItemOffset); HMainBox.Position = GetGlobalFromLocal(new Vector2f()); AddWidget(HMainBox); } }
protected DialogBox(String title) : base(title) { MessageBox = new VAutoSizeBox(); AddItem(MessageBox, 0, HAlignment.Center); Validated += new ValidateEventHandler(DialogBox_Validated); }
private void RefreshBox() { if (Alignment == BlazeraLib.Alignment.Vertical) GetVMainBox().Clear(); else GetHMainBox().Clear(); for (Int32 vCount = CurrentVPointer; vCount < CurrentVPointer + GetCurrentVSize(); vCount++) { List<Widget> newList = GetItems(vCount, CurrentHPointer, GetCurrentHSize(vCount)); if (Alignment == BlazeraLib.Alignment.Vertical) { HAutoSizeBox HB = new HAutoSizeBox(true, null, 0F); HB.AddItem(newList, 0, VAlignment.Top); GetVMainBox().AddItem(HB, 0, HAlignment.Left); } else { VAutoSizeBox VB = new VAutoSizeBox(true, null, 0F); VB.AddItem(newList, 0, HAlignment.Center); GetHMainBox().AddItem(VB, 0, VAlignment.Center); } } }