Exemple #1
			//public TI.ShortInteger LowDetailMipmapCount;

			#region Ctor
			public bitmap_data_block() : base(14)
				Add(Signature = new TI.Tag());
				Add(Width = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Height = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Depth = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(MoreFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
				Add(Type = new TI.Enum());
				Add(Format = new TI.Enum());
				Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
				Add(RegistrationPoint = new TI.Point2D());
				Add(MipmapCount = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(new TI.Skip(1 + //LowDetailMipmapCount?
					1 + // (just interleaved?) resource index
					1)); //
				//Add(LowDetailMipmapCount = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(PixelsOffset = new TI.LongInteger());

				Add(new TI.Skip(4 + // pixels size
					4 + 4));

				Add(new TI.LongInteger());

				Add(new TI.Skip(4));
            //public TI.ShortInteger LowDetailMipmapCount;

            #region Ctor
            public bitmap_data_block() : base(14)
                Add(Signature         = new TI.Tag());
                Add(Width             = new TI.ShortInteger());
                Add(Height            = new TI.ShortInteger());
                Add(Depth             = new TI.ByteInteger());
                Add(MoreFlags         = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
                Add(Type              = new TI.Enum());
                Add(Format            = new TI.Enum());
                Add(Flags             = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
                Add(RegistrationPoint = new TI.Point2D());
                Add(MipmapCount       = new TI.ByteInteger());
                Add(new TI.Skip(1 +         //LowDetailMipmapCount?
                                1 +         // (just interleaved?) resource index
                                1));        //
                //Add(LowDetailMipmapCount = new TI.ShortInteger());
                Add(PixelsOffset = new TI.LongInteger());

                Add(new TI.Skip(4 +                 // pixels size
                                4 + 4));

                Add(new TI.LongInteger());

                Add(new TI.Skip(4));
Exemple #3
		public cache_file_sound_group() : base(17)
			// 0x0
			Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
			Add(SoundClass = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(SampleRate = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			// 0x4
			Add(Encoding = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(CodecIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(PlaybackIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			// 0x8
			Add(Unknown08 = new TI.ShortInteger()); // TODO: UNKNOWN FIELD, index to something, but doesn't seem to be in the sound gestalt
			Add(Unknown0A = new TI.ShortInteger()); // TODO: UNKNOWN FIELD, maybe an index to the first block in the sound gestalt? or not a index...
			// 0xC
			Add(FirstPitchRangeIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(PitchRangeIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ScaleIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			// 0x10
			Add(PromotionIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(CustomPlaybackIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ExtraInfoIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			// 0x14
			Add(Unknown14 = new TI.LongInteger()); // TODO: UNKNOWN FIELD
			// 0x18
			Add(ResourceIndex = new TI.LongInteger());
			// 0x1C
			Add(MaximumPlayTime = new TI.LongInteger());
 public cache_file_sound_group() : base(17)
     // 0x0
     Add(Flags      = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
     Add(SoundClass = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     Add(SampleRate = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     // 0x4
     Add(Encoding      = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     Add(CodecIndex    = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(PlaybackIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
     // 0x8
     Add(Unknown08 = new TI.ShortInteger());             // TODO: UNKNOWN FIELD, index to something, but doesn't seem to be in the sound gestalt
     Add(Unknown0A = new TI.ShortInteger());             // TODO: UNKNOWN FIELD, maybe an index to the first block in the sound gestalt? or not a index...
     // 0xC
     Add(FirstPitchRangeIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(PitchRangeIndex      = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(ScaleIndex           = new TI.ByteInteger());
     // 0x10
     Add(PromotionIndex      = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(CustomPlaybackIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(ExtraInfoIndex      = new TI.ShortInteger());
     // 0x14
     Add(Unknown14 = new TI.LongInteger());             // TODO: UNKNOWN FIELD
     // 0x18
     Add(ResourceIndex = new TI.LongInteger());
     // 0x1C
     Add(MaximumPlayTime = new TI.LongInteger());
Exemple #5
				public surfaces_block() : base(5)
					Add(Plane = new TI.LongInteger());
					Add(FirstEdge = new TI.LongInteger());
					Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.ByteFlags));
					Add(BreakableSurface = new TI.ByteInteger());
					Add(Material = new TI.ShortInteger());
		public TI.LongInteger Offset; // ResourcePtr

		public geometry_block_resource_block() : base(8)
			Add(Type = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(AlignmentBit = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(FieldOffset = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(PrimaryLocater = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(SecondaryLocater = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(Size = new TI.LongInteger());
			Add(Offset = new TI.LongInteger());
Exemple #7
        public TI.LongInteger Offset;         // ResourcePtr

        public geometry_block_resource_block() : base(8)
            Add(Type             = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
            Add(AlignmentBit     = new TI.ByteInteger());
            Add(FieldOffset      = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(PrimaryLocater   = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(SecondaryLocater = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(Size             = new TI.LongInteger());
            Add(Offset           = new TI.LongInteger());
        public TI.ShortInteger EncodedPermutationIndex;         // The permutation index of this permutation definition

        public sound_gestalt_permutations_block() : base(8)
            Add(Name = new TI.BlockIndex());             // 1 sound_gestalt_import_names_block
            Add(EncodedSkipFraction     = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(EncodedGain             = new TI.ByteInteger());
            Add(PermutationInfoIndex    = new TI.ByteInteger());
            Add(LanguageNeutralTime     = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(FirstChunk              = new TI.BlockIndex(TI.FieldType.LongBlockIndex)); // 1 sound_permutation_chunk_block
            Add(ChunkCount              = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(EncodedPermutationIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
 public model_vertex_compressed_block() : base(8)
     Add(Position      = new TI.RealPoint3D());
     Add(Normal        = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Binormal      = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Tangent       = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(TextureCoords = new TI.Point2D());
     Add(NodeIndex1    = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(NodeIndex2    = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(NodeWeight0   = new TI.ShortInteger());
Exemple #10
			public bitmap_texture_interop_resource() : base(4)
				Add(BitmapData = new TI.Data(this));
				Add(UnknownData = new TI.Data(this));
				Add(Width = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Height = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Unknown2C = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Unknown2D = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Unknown2E = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Unknown2F = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Unknown30 = new TI.LongInteger());
 public bitmap_texture_interop_resource() : base(4)
     Add(BitmapData  = new TI.Data(this));
     Add(UnknownData = new TI.Data(this));
     Add(Width       = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(Height      = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(Unknown2C   = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(Unknown2D   = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(Unknown2E   = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(Unknown2F   = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(Unknown30   = new TI.LongInteger());
Exemple #12
        public TI.LongInteger RuntimeCacheIndex;     // DatumIndex

        #region Ctor
        public geometry_block_info_struct() : base(10)
            Add(BlockOffset          = new TI.LongInteger());
            Add(BlockSize            = new TI.LongInteger());
            Add(SectionSize          = new TI.LongInteger());
            Add(ResourceSize         = new TI.LongInteger());
            Add(Resources            = new TI.Block <geometry_block_resource_block>(this, 1024));
            Add(Original             = new TI.LongInteger());
            Add(RuntimeSectionOffset = new TI.ShortInteger());
            Add(RuntimeLinked        = new TI.ByteInteger());
            Add(RuntimeLoaded        = new TI.ByteInteger());      // Flags
            Add(RuntimeCacheIndex    = new TI.LongInteger());
 public resource() : base(11)
     Add(Unknown00 = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Unknown04 = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Unknown08 = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(Unknown0A = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(Unknown0C = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(Unknown0D = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(Unknown0E = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(Unknown10 = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Unknown14 = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Unknown18 = new TI.LongInteger());
     Add(Data      = new TI.Data(this));
Exemple #14
 public cache_file_sound_group() : base(13)
     Add(Flags                = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
     Add(SoundClass           = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     Add(SampleRate           = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     Add(Encoding             = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     Add(Compression          = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
     Add(PlaybackIndex        = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(FirstPitchRangeIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(PitchRangeIndex      = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(ScaleIndex           = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(PromotionIndex       = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(CustomPlaybackIndex  = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(ExtraInfoIndex       = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(MaximumPlayTime      = new TI.LongInteger());
 public structure_bsp_cluster_block() : base()
     Add(BoundsX                     = new TI.RealBounds());
     Add(BoundsY                     = new TI.RealBounds());
     Add(BoundsZ                     = new TI.RealBounds());
     Add(ScenarioSkyIndex            = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(MediaIndex                  = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(ScenarioVisibleSkyIndex     = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(ScenarioAtmosphericFogIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
     Add(new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(BackgroundSound  = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 structure_bsp_background_sound_palette_block
     Add(SoundEnvironment = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 structure_bsp_sound_environment_palette_block
     Add(Weather          = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 structure_bsp_weather_palette_block
     Add(new TI.ShortInteger());                  // TransitionStructureBsp?
     Add(new TI.ShortInteger());                  // block index?
     Add(new TI.BlockIndex());                    // doesnt seem to be to anything in the actual bsp data
     Add(new TI.ShortInteger());                  // flags?
     Add(new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);               // ??
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);               // [0x2]
     Add(new TI.UnknownPad(4 + 20));              // '20' starts a hkShapeContainer object
     Add(new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.sbsp));
     Add(new TI.UnknownPad(32));
     Add(CollisionMoppCode = new TI.Block <mopp_code_block>(this, 0));
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);             // [0x4]
     // 0xAC
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);             // [0x30]
     // short (count, w/e the elements are they are sizeof(0x10))
     // short (or two bytes)
     // long offset
     // real_point3d
     // real[4]
     // real_point3d
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);             // ??
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);             // [0x4]
     // short
     // short
     Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3);             // [0x10]
     // real_point3d
     // short
     // short
Exemple #16
		public global_hud_meter_struct() : base(20)
			Add(AnchorOffset = new TI.Point2D());
			Add(WidthScale = new TI.Real());
			Add(HeightScale = new TI.Real());
			Add(ScalingFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
			Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 20));
			Add(Bitmap = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
			Add(ColorAtMeterMin = new TI.Color(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RgbColor));
			Add(ColorAtMeterMax = new TI.Color(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RgbColor));
			Add(FlashColor = new TI.Color(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RgbColor));
			Add(EmptyColor = new TI.Color());
			Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
			Add(MinMeterValue = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(SequenceIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(AlphaMul = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(AlphaBias = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ValueScale = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(Opacity = new TI.Real());
			Add(Translucency = new TI.Real());
			Add(DisabledColor = new TI.Color());
			Add(new TI.Pad(16));
Exemple #17
			public hud_messages_block() : base(5)
				Add(Name = new TI.String());
				Add(StartIndexIntoTextBlob = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(StartIndexOfMessageBlock = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(PanelCount = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(new TI.Pad(3 + 24));
Exemple #18
			public hud_message_elements_block() : base(2)
				Add(Type = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Data = new TI.ByteInteger());
Exemple #19
			public resource() : base(11)
				Add(Unknown00 = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Unknown04 = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Unknown08 = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Unknown0A = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Unknown0C = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Unknown0D = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Unknown0E = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Unknown10 = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Unknown14 = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Unknown18 = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Data = new TI.Data(this));
Exemple #20
					public actor_starting_locations_block() : base(9)
						Add(Position = new TI.RealPoint3D());
						Add(Facing = new TI.Real(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.Angle));
						Add(new TI.Pad(2));
						Add(SequenceID = new TI.ByteInteger());
						Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
						Add(ReturnState = new TI.Enum());
						Add(InitialState = new TI.Enum());
						Add(ActorType = new TI.BlockIndex());
						Add(CommandList = new TI.BlockIndex());
Exemple #21
			public scenario_profiles_block() : base(14)
				Add(Name = new TI.String());
				Add(StartingHealthMod = new TI.Real(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RealFraction));
				Add(StartingShieldMod = new TI.Real(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RealFraction));
				Add(PrimaryWeapon = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.weap));
				Add(PrimaryRoundsLoaded = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(PrimaryRoundsTotal = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(SecondaryWeapon = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.weap));
				Add(SecondaryRoundsLoaded = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(SecondaryRoundsTotal = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(StartingFrags = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(StartingPlasmas = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(StartingUnknownFrags = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(StartingUnknownPlasmas = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(new TI.Pad(20));
Exemple #22
		public packed_data_sizes_struct() : base(7)
			Add(StaticNodeFlags = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(AnimatedNodeFlags = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(MovementData = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(PillOffsetData = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(DefaultData = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(UncompressedData = new TI.LongInteger());
			Add(CompressedData = new TI.LongInteger());
Exemple #23
		public sound_gestalt_permutations_block() : base(8)
			Add(Name = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 sound_gestalt_import_names_block
			Add(EncodedSkipFraction = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(EncodedGain = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(PermutationInfoIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(LanguageNeutralTime = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(SampleSize = new TI.LongInteger());
			Add(FirstChunk = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 sound_permutation_chunk_block
			Add(ChunkCount = new TI.ShortInteger());
Exemple #24
			public animation_pool_block() : base(29)
				Add(Name = new TI.StringId());
				Add(NodeListChecksum = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(ProductionChecksum = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(ImportChecksum = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Type = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
				Add(FrameInfoType = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
				Add(BlendScreen = new TI.BlockIndex(TI.FieldType.ByteBlockIndex)); // 1 animation_blend_screen_block
				Add(NodeCount = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(FrameCount = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(InternalFlags = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.ByteFlags));
				Add(ProductionFlags = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.ByteFlags));

				Add(PlaybackFlags = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
				Add(DesiredCompression = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
				Add(CurrentCompression = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
				Add(Weight = new TI.Real());

				AddXbox(ParentGraphIndex = new TI.LongInteger());
				AddXbox(ParentGraphBlockIndex = new TI.LongInteger());
				AddXbox(ParentGraphBlockOffset = new TI.LongInteger());
				AddXbox(ParentGraphStartingPoint = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(LoopFrameIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(ParentAnimation = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 animation_pool_block
				Add(NextAnimation = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 animation_pool_block
				AddPc(new TI.Pad(2));
				Add(AnimationData = new TI.Data(this));

				Add(DataSizes = new TI.Struct<packed_data_sizes_struct>(this));
				Add(/*frame events = */ new TI.Block<animation_frame_event_block>(this, 512));
				Add(/*sound events = */ new TI.Block<animation_sound_event_block>(this, 512));
				Add(/*effect events = */ new TI.Block<animation_effect_event_block>(this, 512));
				Add(/*object-space parent nodes = */ new TI.Block<object_space_node_data_block>(this, 255));
Exemple #25
			public bitmap_data_block() : base(23)
				Add(Signature = new TI.Tag());
				Add(Width = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Height = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(Depth = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(MoreFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
				Add(Type = new TI.Enum());
				Add(Format = new TI.Enum());
				Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
				Add(RegistrationPoint = new TI.Point2D());
				Add(MipmapCount = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(LowDetailMipmapCount = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(PixelsOffset = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Offsets[0] = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Offsets[1] = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Offsets[2] = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(new TI.Skip(4 + 4 + 4));

				Add(Sizes[0] = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Sizes[1] = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(Sizes[2] = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(new TI.Skip(4 + 4 + 4));

				Add(new TI.Skip(
					4 + 4 + 
					4 // this is special...
				Add(OwnerTagIndex = new TI.LongInteger());
				Add(new TI.Skip(
					20 +
Exemple #26
			public scenario_decals_block() : base(4)
				Add(DecalType = new TI.BlockIndex());
				Add(Yaw = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Pitch = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Position = new TI.RealPoint3D());
Exemple #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Copy constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">field to copy</param>
		public ByteInteger(ByteInteger value) :			this()						{ this.Value = value.Value; }
Exemple #28
			public structure_bsp_lens_flare_marker_block() : base(5)
				Add(Position = new TI.RealPoint3D());
				Add(DirectionIComponent = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(DirectionJComponent = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(DirectionKComponent = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(LensFlareIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
Exemple #29
		public hud_number_group() : base(8)
			Add(DigitsBitmap = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
			Add(BitmapDigitWidth = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ScreenDigitWidth = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(XOffset = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(YOffset = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(DecimalPointWidth = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ColonWidth = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 76));
Exemple #30
		public grenade_hud_interface_group() : base(34)
			Add(Anchor = new TI.Enum());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 32));

			#region HudBackground
			Add(HudBackground = new TI.Struct<global_hud_interface_element_struct>(this));

			Add(new TI.Pad(4));
			Add(HudBackgroundSequenceIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2));
			Add(HudBackgroundMultitexOverlay = new TI.Block<global_hud_multitexture_overlay_definition>(this, 30));
			Add(new TI.Pad(4));

			#region TotalGrenadesBackground
			Add(TotalGrenadesBackground = new TI.Struct<global_hud_interface_element_struct>(this));

			Add(new TI.Pad(4));
			Add(TotalGrenadesBackgroundSequenceIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2));
			Add(TotalGrenadesBackgroundMultitexOverlay = new TI.Block<global_hud_multitexture_overlay_definition>(this, 30));
			Add(new TI.Pad(4));

			#region TotalGrenadesNumbers
			Add(TotalGrenadesNumbers = new TI.Struct<global_hud_element_struct>(this));

			Add(new TI.Pad(4));
			Add(TotalGrenadesNumbersMaxNumberOfDigits = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(TotalGrenadesNumbersFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
			Add(TotalGrenadesNumbersNumberOfFractionalDigits = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(1 + 12));
			Add(TotalGrenadesNumbersFlashCutoff = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2));

			Add(OverlayBitmap = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
			Add(Overlays = new TI.Block<grenade_hud_overlay_block>(this, 16));
			Add(WarningSounds = new TI.Block<global_hud_sound_block>(this, 12));
			Add(new TI.Pad(68)); // looks like an unused global_hud_element_struct

			Add(SequenceIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(WidthOffset = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(OffsetFromReferenceCorner = new TI.Point2D());
			Add(OverrideIconColor = new TI.Color());
			Add(FrameRate = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
			Add(TextIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(48));
Exemple #31
		public cache_file_sound_group() : base(13)
			Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
			Add(SoundClass = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(SampleRate = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(Encoding = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(Compression = new TI.Enum(TI.FieldType.ByteEnum));
			Add(PlaybackIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(FirstPitchRangeIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(PitchRangeIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ScaleIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(PromotionIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(CustomPlaybackIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ExtraInfoIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(MaximumPlayTime = new TI.LongInteger());
Exemple #32
			public weapon_hud_number_block() : base(12)
				Add(StateAttachedTo = new TI.Enum());
				Add(new TI.Pad(2));
				Add(CanUseOnMapType = new TI.Enum());
				Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 28));

				Add(Element = new TI.Struct<global_hud_element_struct>(this));

				Add(new TI.Pad(4));
				Add(MaxNumberOfDigits = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
				Add(NumberOfFractionalDigits = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(new TI.Pad(1 + 12));
				Add(WeaponSpecificFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
				Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 36));
Exemple #33
					public move_positions_block() : base(8)
						Add(Position = new TI.RealPoint3D());
						Add(Facing = new TI.Real(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.Angle));
						Add(Weight = new TI.Real());
						Add(Time = new TI.RealBounds());
						Add(Animation = new TI.BlockIndex());
						Add(SequenceID = new TI.ByteInteger());
						Add(new TI.Pad(1 + 44));
						Add(SurfaceIndex = new TI.LongInteger());
Exemple #34
		public weapon_hud_interface_group() : base(27)
			Add(ChildHud = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.wphi));
			Add(FlashCutoffFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
			Add(new TI.Pad(2));
			Add(TotalAmmoCutoff = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(LoadedAmmoCutoff = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(HeatCutoff = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(AgeCutoff = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(32));
			Add(Anchor = new TI.Enum());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 32));

			Add(StaticElements = new TI.Block<weapon_hud_static_block>(this, 16));
			Add(MeterElements = new TI.Block<weapon_hud_meter_block>(this, 16));
			Add(NumberElements = new TI.Block<weapon_hud_number_block>(this, 16));
			Add(Crosshairs = new TI.Block<weapon_hud_crosshair_block>(this, 19));
			Add(OverlayElements = new TI.Block<weapon_hud_overlays_block>(this, 16));
			Add(PostprocessedUsedCrosshairStatesFlags = new TI.Flags());
			Add(new TI.Pad(12)); // g_null_block, so we just pad it
			Add(ScreenEffect = new TI.Block<global_hud_screen_effect_definition>(this, 1));
			Add(new TI.Pad(132));

			Add(SequenceIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(WidthOffset = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(OffsetFromReferenceCorner = new TI.Point2D());
			Add(OverrideIconColor = new TI.Color());
			Add(FrameRate = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
			Add(TextIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.Pad(48));
Exemple #35
			public TI.Flags MultiplayerSpawnFlags; // halopc only

			public scenario_vehicle_block() : base(4)
				Add(MultiplayerTeamIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(new TI.Pad(1));
				Add(MultiplayerSpawnFlags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));
				Add(new TI.Pad(28));
Exemple #36
			public hud_button_icon_block() : base(7)
				Add(SequenceIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(WidthOffset = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(OffsetFromReferenceCorner = new TI.Point2D());
				Add(OverrideIconColor = new TI.Color());
				Add(FrameRate = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteFlags));
				Add(TextIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
Exemple #37
			public recorded_animation_block() : base(8)
				Add(Name = new TI.String());
				Add(Version = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(RawAnimationData = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(UnitControlDataVersion = new TI.ByteInteger());
				Add(new TI.Pad(1));
				Add(LengthOfAnimation = new TI.ShortInteger());
				Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 4));
				Add(EventStream = new TI.Data(this));
Exemple #38
				public global_detail_object_block() : base(5)
					Add(Chars1 = new TI.ByteInteger());
					Add(Chars2 = new TI.ByteInteger());
					Add(Chars3 = new TI.ByteInteger());
					Add(Chars4 = new TI.ByteInteger());

					Add(Short = new TI.ShortInteger());
Exemple #39
		public structure_bsp_cluster_block() : base()
			Add(BoundsX = new TI.RealBounds());
			Add(BoundsY = new TI.RealBounds());
			Add(BoundsZ = new TI.RealBounds());
			Add(ScenarioSkyIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(MediaIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ScenarioVisibleSkyIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(ScenarioAtmosphericFogIndex = new TI.ByteInteger());
			Add(new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(BackgroundSound = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 structure_bsp_background_sound_palette_block
			Add(SoundEnvironment = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 structure_bsp_sound_environment_palette_block
			Add(Weather = new TI.BlockIndex()); // 1 structure_bsp_weather_palette_block
			Add(new TI.ShortInteger()); // TransitionStructureBsp?
			Add(new TI.ShortInteger()); // block index?
			Add(new TI.BlockIndex()); // doesnt seem to be to anything in the actual bsp data
			Add(new TI.ShortInteger()); // flags?
			Add(new TI.Flags(TI.FieldType.WordFlags));
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // ??
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // [0x2]
			Add(new TI.UnknownPad(4 + 20)); // '20' starts a hkShapeContainer object
			Add(new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.sbsp));
			Add(new TI.UnknownPad(32));
			Add(CollisionMoppCode = new TI.Block<mopp_code_block>(this, 0));
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // [0x4]
			// 0xAC
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // [0x30]
				// short (count, w/e the elements are they are sizeof(0x10))
				// short (or two bytes)
				// long offset
				// real_point3d
				// real[4]
				// real_point3d
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // ??
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // [0x4]
				// short
				// short
			Add(TI.UnknownPad.BlockHalo3); // [0x10]
				// real_point3d
				// short
				// short
Exemple #40
		public bitmap_group() : base(25)
			Add(Type = new TI.Enum());
			Add(Format = new TI.Enum());
			Add(Usage = new TI.Enum());
			Add(Flags = new TI.Flags(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.WordFlags));

			Add(DetailFadeFactor = new TI.Real(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RealFraction));
			Add(SharpenAmount = new TI.Real(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.RealFraction));
			Add(BumpHeight = new TI.Real());

			Add(SpriteBudgetSize = new TI.Enum());
			Add(SpriteBudgetCount = new TI.ShortInteger());

			Add(ColorPlateWidth = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(ColorPlateHeight = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(CompressedColorPlateData = new TI.Data(this));
			Add(ProcessedPixelData = new TI.Data(this, BlamLib.TagInterface.DataType.Bitmap));

			Add(BlurFilterSize = new TI.Real());
			Add(AlphaBias = new TI.Real());
			Add(MipmapCount = new TI.ShortInteger());

			Add(SpriteUsage = new TI.Enum());
			Add(SpriteSpacing = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(ForceFormat = new TI.Enum());

			Add(Sequences = new TI.Block<bitmap_group_sequence_block>(this, 256));
			Add(Bitmaps = new TI.Block<bitmap_data_block>(this, 65536));

			AddPc(ColorCompressionQuality = new TI.ByteInteger());
			AddPc(AlphaCompressionQuality = new TI.ByteInteger());
			AddPc(Overlap = new TI.ByteInteger());
			AddPc(ColorSubsampling = new TI.Enum(BlamLib.TagInterface.FieldType.ByteEnum));