Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Site site = new Site();
            site.Id = "110705";
            site.Name = "Windows Phone Dev Platform";
            site.Subdomain = "wpdev";
            site.Url = "http://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/110705-dev-platform";

            Site aspnet = new Site();
            aspnet.Id = "41199";
            aspnet.Name = "General ASP.NET";
            aspnet.Topic = "ASP.NET";
            aspnet.Url = "http://aspnet.uservoice.com/forums/41199-general-asp-net";

            SyncUserVoiceSiteToRavenDb(site, "http://localhost:8080/", "msftuservoice");
Exemple #2
        static string API_KEY = ""; // Needed!

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static void SyncUserVoiceSiteToRavenDb(Site site, string ravenDbServer, string database)
            Console.WriteLine("SyncUserVoiceSite started for UserVoiceSite {0} to RavenDbServer {1}", site.Name, ravenDbServer + "@" + database);

            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            var client = new UserVoice.Client(site.Subdomain, "", apiSecret: "");
            // for closed stuff we need the filter=closed (which is the only filter i can access ?? - otherwise just suggestions.json as endpoint
            var suggestions = client.GetCollection("/api/v1/forums/" + site.Id + "/suggestions.json?filter=closed");

            var totalNumber = suggestions.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Total suggestions: " + totalNumber);

            using (var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = ravenDbServer, DefaultDatabase = database})

                using (var bulkInsert = documentStore.BulkInsert(options: new BulkInsertOptions() { CheckForUpdates = true, BatchSize = 100 }))
                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (var suggestionJson in suggestions)
                        int percentage = 0;

                        if(i > 0)
                            percentage =  i * 100/totalNumber;

                        Console.WriteLine("Completed {0}% (Counter: {1})", percentage, i);

                        var suggestionObject = suggestionJson.ToObject<Suggestion>();

                        suggestionObject.Site = site;


            Console.WriteLine("Job for UserVoiceSite {0} finished. Elpased Time: {1}:{2}", site.Name, watch.Elapsed.Minutes, watch.Elapsed.Seconds);