SetQuadFarCorners() public méthode

public SetQuadFarCorners ( bool farCorners, bool farCornersViewSpace ) : void
farCorners bool
farCornersViewSpace bool
Résultat void
		///    Collect rendering passes. Here, passes are converted into render target operations
		///    and queued with queueRenderSystemOp.
		protected void CollectPasses( CompositeTargetOperation finalState, CompositionTargetPass target )
			// Here, passes are converted into render target operations
			Pass targetPass = null;
			Technique srctech = null;
			Material mat = null, srcmat = null;

			foreach ( var pass in target.Passes )
				switch ( pass.Type )
					case CompositorPassType.Clear:
						QueueRenderSystemOp( finalState,
						                     new RSClearOperation( pass.ClearBuffers, pass.ClearColor, pass.ClearDepth, pass.ClearStencil ) );
					case CompositorPassType.Stencil:
						QueueRenderSystemOp( finalState,
						                     new RSStencilOperation( pass.StencilCheck, pass.StencilFunc, pass.StencilRefValue,
						                                             pass.StencilMask, pass.StencilFailOp, pass.StencilDepthFailOp,
						                                             pass.StencilPassOp, pass.StencilTwoSidedOperation ) );
					case CompositorPassType.RenderScene:
						if ( pass.FirstRenderQueue < finalState.CurrentQueueGroupId )
							// Mismatch -- warn user
							// XXX We could support repeating the last queue, with some effort
							LogManager.Instance.Write( "Warning in compilation of Compositor {0}: Attempt to render queue {1} before {2}.",
							                           this.compositor.Name, pass.FirstRenderQueue, finalState.CurrentQueueGroupId );
						RSSetSchemeOperation setSchemeOperation = null;
						if ( pass.MaterialScheme != string.Empty )
							//Add the triggers that will set the scheme and restore it each frame
							finalState.CurrentQueueGroupId = pass.FirstRenderQueue;
							setSchemeOperation = new RSSetSchemeOperation( pass.MaterialScheme );
							QueueRenderSystemOp( finalState, setSchemeOperation );
						// Add render queues
						for ( var x = (int)pass.FirstRenderQueue; x < (int)pass.LastRenderQueue; x++ )
							Debug.Assert( x >= 0 );
							finalState.RenderQueues.Set( x, true );
						finalState.CurrentQueueGroupId = pass.LastRenderQueue + 1;
						if ( setSchemeOperation != null )
							//Restoring the scheme after the queues have been rendered
							QueueRenderSystemOp( finalState, new RSRestoreSchemeOperation( setSchemeOperation ) );
						finalState.FindVisibleObjects = true;
						finalState.MaterialScheme = target.MaterialScheme;
						finalState.ShadowsEnabled = target.ShadowsEnabled;
					case CompositorPassType.RenderQuad:
						srcmat = pass.Material;
						if ( srcmat == null )
							// No material -- warn user
								"Warning in compilation of Compositor {0}: No material defined for composition pass.", this.compositor.Name );
						if ( srcmat.SupportedTechniques.Count == 0 )
							// No supported techniques -- warn user
								"Warning in compilation of Compositor {0}: material {1} has no supported techniques.", this.compositor.Name,
								srcmat.Name );

						srctech = srcmat.GetBestTechnique( 0 );
						// Create local material
						mat = CreateLocalMaterial( srcmat.Name );
						// Copy and adapt passes from source material
						for ( var i = 0; i < srctech.PassCount; i++ )
							var srcpass = srctech.GetPass( i );
							// Create new target pass
							targetPass = mat.GetTechnique( 0 ).CreatePass();
							srcpass.CopyTo( targetPass );
							// Set up inputs
							for ( var x = 0; x < pass.InputsCount; x++ )
								var inp = pass.GetInput( x );
								if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( inp.Name ) )
									if ( x < targetPass.TextureUnitStatesCount )
										targetPass.GetTextureUnitState( x ).SetTextureName( GetTextureInstance( inp.Name, inp.MrtIndex ).Name );
										// Texture unit not there
											"Warning in compilation of Compositor {0}: material {1} texture unit {2} out of bounds.",
											srcmat.Name, x );
							} //end for inputs.length
						} //end for passcount

						var rsQuadOperation = new RSQuadOperation( this, pass.Identifier, mat );
						float left, top, right, bottom;
						if ( pass.GetQuadCorners( out left, out top, out right, out bottom ) )
							rsQuadOperation.SetQuadCorners( left, top, right, bottom );
						rsQuadOperation.SetQuadFarCorners( pass.QuadFarCorners, pass.QuadFarCornersViewSpace );
						QueueRenderSystemOp( finalState, rsQuadOperation );
					case CompositorPassType.RenderCustom:
						var customOperation = CompositorManager.Instance.CustomCompositionPasses[ pass.CustomType ].CreateOperation(
							this, pass );
						QueueRenderSystemOp( finalState, customOperation );