Exemple #1
        internal static TextLineRun CreateRunForText(StringRange stringRange, TextRun textRun, double widthLeft, bool emergencyWrap, bool breakOnTabs)
            var run = new TextLineRun
                StringRange = stringRange,
                TextRun     = textRun,
                Length      = textRun.Length

            var formattedText = new FormattedText
                Text     = stringRange.ToString(),
                Typeface = new Typeface(run.Typeface, run.FontSize)

            run._formattedText = formattedText;

            var size = formattedText.Measure();

            run._formattedTextSize = size;

            run.Width = size.Width;


        public void TextEmbeddedObject_Should_Have_Valid_Baseline()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            int runWidth = 50;

            TextLine textLine = Mock.Of <TextLine>(
                t => t.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace == runWidth);

            SpecialCharacterTextRun f = new SpecialCharacterTextRun(
                new FormattedTextElement("BEL", 1)
                TextLine = textLine

            Mock <TextSource> ts = new Mock <TextSource>();

            ts.Setup(s => s.GetTextRun(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(f);

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(ts.Object, 0, 0, 1, CreateDefaultParagraphProperties());

            Assert.AreEqual(MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAscent, run.Baseline);
        public void Tab_Line_Run_Should_Have_Same_Width_As_Indentation_Size()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s1 = new SimpleTextSource(

            SimpleTextSource s2 = new SimpleTextSource(
                "    a",

            var textParagraphProperties = new TextParagraphProperties()
                DefaultIncrementalTab = 4 * MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance,
                Indent = 4

            TextLineRun run1 = TextLineRun.Create(s1, 0, 0, 32000, textParagraphProperties);
            TextLineRun run2 = TextLineRun.Create(s2, 0, 0, 32000, textParagraphProperties);

        public void Spaces_Plus_Tab_Line_Run_Should_Have_Correct_Glyph_Widths()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(
                " \t ",

            var paragraphProperties = CreateDefaultParagraphProperties();

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, 32000, paragraphProperties);

            double[] expectedLengths = new double[]
                MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 1,
                MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 1 + paragraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab,
                MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 2 + paragraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedLengths[i], run.GetDistanceFromCharacter(i));
        private static TextLineRun CreateTextLineRun(StringRange stringRange, TextRun textRun, int length, TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties)
            var run = new TextLineRun
                StringRange = stringRange,
                TextRun     = textRun,
                Length      = length

            var tf            = run.Typeface;
            var formattedText = new FormattedText
                Text     = stringRange.ToString(run.Length),
                Typeface = new Typeface(tf.FontFamily, tf.Style, tf.Weight),
                FontSize = run.FontSize

            run._formattedText = formattedText;

            var size = formattedText.Bounds.Size;

            run._formattedTextSize = size;

            run.Width = size.Width;

            run._glyphWidths = new GlyphWidths(

Exemple #6
        internal static TextLineRun CreateRunForText(StringRange stringRange, TextRun textRun, double widthLeft, bool emergencyWrap, bool breakOnTabs)
            var run = new TextLineRun
                StringRange = stringRange,
                TextRun     = textRun,
                Length      = textRun.Length

            var tf            = run.Typeface;
            var formattedText = new FormattedText
                Text     = stringRange.ToString(),
                Typeface = new Typeface(tf.FontFamily, tf.Style, tf.Weight),
                FontSize = run.FontSize

            run._formattedText = formattedText;

            var size = formattedText.Bounds.Size;

            run._formattedTextSize = size;

            run.Width = size.Width;

            run._glyphWidths = new GlyphWidths(

Exemple #7
        internal static TextLineImpl Create(TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties, int firstIndex, double availableWidth, TextSource textSource)
            var index         = firstIndex;
            var visibleLength = 0;
            var widthLeft     = paragraphProperties.TextWrapping == TextWrapping.Wrap && availableWidth > 0 ? availableWidth : double.MaxValue;

            widthLeft -= paragraphProperties.Margin.Left + paragraphProperties.Margin.Right;

            if (widthLeft < paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.FontSize)
                widthLeft = paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.FontSize;

            TextLineRun prevRun = null;
            var         run     = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft);

            if (!run.IsEnd && run.Width <= widthLeft)
                index     += run.Length;
                widthLeft -= run.Width;
                prevRun    = run;
                run        = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft);

            var trailing = new TrailingInfo();
            var runs     = new List <TextLineRun>(2);

            if (prevRun != null)
                visibleLength += AddRunReturnVisibleLength(runs, prevRun);

            if (visibleLength >= MaxCharactersPerLine)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Too many characters per line");

            while (true)
                visibleLength += AddRunReturnVisibleLength(runs, run);
                index         += run.Length;
                widthLeft     -= run.Width;
                if (run.IsEnd || widthLeft <= 0)
                    if (!run.IsEnd && widthLeft <= 0)
                        //The text needs to be wrapped

                    trailing.SpaceWidth = 0;
                    UpdateTrailingInfo(runs, trailing);
                    return(new TextLineImpl(paragraphProperties, firstIndex, runs, trailing));

                run = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft);
Exemple #8
        internal static TextLineRun CreateRunForText(StringRange stringRange, TextRun textRun, double widthLeft, bool emergencyWrap, bool breakOnTabs)
            var tf            = textRun.Properties.Typeface;
            var formattedText = new FormattedText
                Text     = stringRange.ToString(),
                Typeface = new Typeface(tf.FontFamily, tf.Style, tf.Weight),
                FontSize = textRun.Properties.FontSize

            double x      = 0;
            int    offset = 0;
            int    lastWhitespaceIndex = -1;

            //Measure the width of the text that would fit in the space left
            while (x <= widthLeft && offset < textRun.Length)
                x += formattedText.HitTestTextPosition(offset).Width;

                if (x <= widthLeft)
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(stringRange[offset]))
                        lastWhitespaceIndex = offset;


            //Wrap at the last letter if there was no whitespace in the run
            if (lastWhitespaceIndex == -1 && x > widthLeft)
                lastWhitespaceIndex = offset;

            var run = new TextLineRun
                StringRange         = stringRange,
                TextRun             = textRun,
                Length              = textRun.Length,
                LastWhitespaceIndex = lastWhitespaceIndex

            run._formattedText = formattedText;

            var size = formattedText.Bounds.Size;

            run._formattedTextSize = size;

            run.Width = size.Width;


        private static TextLineRun PerformTextWrapping(TextLineRun run, double widthLeft, TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties)
            (int firstIndex, int trailingLength)characterHit = run.GetCharacterFromDistance(widthLeft);

            int lenForTextWrapping = FindPositionForTextWrapping(run.StringRange, characterHit.firstIndex);

Exemple #10
        private static int AddRunReturnVisibleLength(List <TextLineRun> runs, TextLineRun run)
            if (run.Length > 0)
                if (!run.IsEnd)

        private static TextLineRun CreateRunForTab(TextRun textRun, TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties)
            var tabRun      = new TextCharacters(TabString, textRun.Properties);
            var stringRange = tabRun.StringRange;
            var run         = new TextLineRun(1, tabRun)
                IsTab       = true,
                StringRange = stringRange,
                Width       = paragraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab

            run._glyphWidths = new double[] { run.Width };

        public void Text_Line_Run_Should_Update_StringRange_When_Word_Wrap()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(
                "0123456789 0123456789",

            var paragraphProperties = CreateDefaultParagraphProperties();

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 13, paragraphProperties);

            Assert.AreEqual("0123456789 ", run.StringRange.ToString());
        private static TextLineRun CreateRunForTab(TextRun textRun)
            var spaceRun    = new TextCharacters(" ", textRun.Properties);
            var stringRange = spaceRun.StringRange;
            var run         = new TextLineRun(1, spaceRun)
                IsTab       = true,
                StringRange = stringRange,
                // TODO: get from para props
                Width = 40


        public void Text_Line_Run_Should_Perform_Character_Line_Wrapping_When_Space_Not_Found()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(

            var paragraphProperties = CreateDefaultParagraphProperties();

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 3, paragraphProperties);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, run.Length);
        public void Simple_Run_Should_Have_Valid_Baseline()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(

            var paragraphProperties = CreateDefaultParagraphProperties();

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, 1, paragraphProperties);

            Assert.AreEqual(MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAscent, run.Baseline);
        public void Tab_Line_Run_Should_Have_Fixed_Glyph_Width()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(

            var paragraphProperties = CreateDefaultParagraphProperties();

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, 1, paragraphProperties);

            Assert.AreEqual(paragraphProperties.DefaultIncrementalTab, run.GetDistanceFromCharacter(1));
Exemple #17
        internal static TextLineImpl Create(TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties, int firstIndex, int paragraphLength, TextSource textSource)
            var         index         = firstIndex;
            var         visibleLength = 0;
            var         widthLeft     = paragraphLength > 0 ? paragraphLength : int.MaxValue;
            TextLineRun prevRun       = null;
            var         run           = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft);

            if (!run.IsEnd && run.Width <= widthLeft)
                index     += run.Length;
                widthLeft -= run.Width;
                prevRun    = run;
                run        = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft);

            var trailing = new TrailingInfo();
            var runs     = new List <TextLineRun>(2);

            if (prevRun != null)
                visibleLength += AddRunReturnVisibleLength(runs, prevRun);

            if (visibleLength >= MaxCharactersPerLine)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Too many characters per line");

            while (run.IsEnd || run.Width <= widthLeft)
                visibleLength += AddRunReturnVisibleLength(runs, run);
                index         += run.Length;
                widthLeft     -= run.Width;
                if (run.IsEnd)
                    trailing.SpaceWidth = 0;
                    UpdateTrailingInfo(runs, trailing);
                    return(new TextLineImpl(paragraphProperties, firstIndex, runs, trailing));

                run = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft);

        public void Text_Line_Run_Should_Not_Wrap_Line_When_There_Is_Enough_Available_Space()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(

            var paragraphProperties = CreateDefaultParagraphProperties();

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, 32000, paragraphProperties);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, run.Length);
Exemple #19
        private TextLineImpl(TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties, int firstIndex, List <TextLineRun> runs, TrailingInfo trailing)
            var top    = 0.0;
            var height = 0.0;

            var index = 0;

            _runs = new TextLineRun[runs.Count];

            foreach (var run in runs)
                _runs[index++] = run;

                if (run.Length <= 0)

                if (run.IsEnd)
                    trailing.Count += run.Length;
                    top      = Math.Max(top, run.Height - run.Baseline);
                    height   = Math.Max(height, run.Height);
                    Baseline = Math.Max(Baseline, run.Baseline);

                Length += run.Length;
                WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace += run.Width;

            Height = Math.Max(height, Baseline + top);

            if (Height <= 0)
                Height   = TextLineRun.GetDefaultLineHeight(paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.FontMetrics);
                Baseline = TextLineRun.GetDefaultBaseline(paragraphProperties.DefaultTextRunProperties.FontMetrics);

            FirstIndex = firstIndex;
            TrailingWhitespaceLength = trailing.Count;
            Width = WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace - trailing.SpaceWidth;
        internal static TextLineRun CreateRunForText(
            StringRange stringRange,
            TextRun textRun,
            double widthLeft,
            TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties)
            TextLineRun run = CreateTextLineRun(stringRange, textRun, textRun.Length, paragraphProperties);

            if (run.Width <= widthLeft)

            TextLineRun wrapped = PerformTextWrapping(run, widthLeft, paragraphProperties);

            wrapped.Width = run.Width;
        public void Text_Line_Run_Should_Have_Valid_Glyph_Widths()
            using var app = UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices().With(
                                                          renderInterface: new MockPlatformRenderInterface(),
                                                          fontManagerImpl: new MockFontManagerImpl(),
                                                          formattedTextImpl: Mock.Of <IFormattedTextImpl>()));

            SimpleTextSource s = new SimpleTextSource(

            TextLineRun run = TextLineRun.Create(s, 0, 0, 32000, CreateDefaultParagraphProperties());

            Assert.AreEqual(MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 0, run.GetDistanceFromCharacter(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 1, run.GetDistanceFromCharacter(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 2, run.GetDistanceFromCharacter(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(MockGlyphTypeface.GlyphAdvance * 3, run.GetDistanceFromCharacter(3));
Exemple #22
        internal static TextLineImpl Create(TextParagraphProperties paragraphProperties, int firstIndex, int paragraphLength, TextSource textSource)
            var         index         = firstIndex;
            var         visibleLength = 0;
            var         widthLeft     = paragraphProperties.TextWrapping == TextWrapping.Wrap && paragraphLength > 0 ? paragraphLength : double.MaxValue;
            TextLineRun prevRun       = null;
            var         run           = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft, paragraphProperties);

            if (!run.IsEnd && run.Width <= widthLeft)
                index     += run.Length;
                widthLeft -= run.Width;
                prevRun    = run;
                run        = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft, paragraphProperties);

            var trailing = new TrailingInfo();
            var runs     = new List <TextLineRun>(2);

            if (prevRun != null)
                visibleLength += AddRunReturnVisibleLength(runs, prevRun);

            while (true)
                visibleLength += AddRunReturnVisibleLength(runs, run);
                index         += run.Length;
                widthLeft     -= run.Width;
                if (run.IsEnd || widthLeft <= 0)
                    trailing.SpaceWidth = 0;
                    UpdateTrailingInfo(runs, trailing);
                    return(new TextLineImpl(paragraphProperties, firstIndex, runs, trailing));

                run = TextLineRun.Create(textSource, index, firstIndex, widthLeft, paragraphProperties);

                if (run.Width > widthLeft)
                    return(new TextLineImpl(paragraphProperties, firstIndex, runs, trailing));