public List <RateLimitRule> GetMatchingRules(ClientRequestIdentity identity)
            var limits   = new List <RateLimitRule>();
            var policies = _policyStore.Get($"{_options.IpPolicyPrefix}");

            if (policies != null && policies.IpRules != null && policies.IpRules.Any())
                // search for rules with IP intervals containing client IP
                var matchPolicies = policies.IpRules.Where(r => _ipParser.ContainsIp(r.Ip, identity.ClientIp)).AsEnumerable();
                var rules         = new List <RateLimitRule>();
                foreach (var item in matchPolicies)

                foreach (var rule in rules)
                    var regex = new Regex(rule.UrlRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    var match = regex.Match(identity.HttpVerb + ":" + identity.Path);
                    if (match.Success)

            // get the most restrictive limit for each period
            limits = limits.GroupBy(l => l.Period).Select(l => l.OrderBy(x => x.Limit)).Select(l => l.First()).ToList();

            // search for matching general rules
            if (_options.GeneralRules != null)
                var matchingGeneralLimits = new List <RateLimitRule>();

                foreach (var generalRule in _options.GeneralRules)
                    var regex = new Regex(generalRule.UrlRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    var match = regex.Match(identity.HttpVerb + ":" + identity.Path);
                    if (match.Success)

                // get the most restrictive general limit for each period
                var generalLimits = matchingGeneralLimits.GroupBy(l => l.Period).Select(l => l.OrderBy(x => x.Limit)).Select(l => l.First()).ToList();

                foreach (var generalLimit in generalLimits)
                    // add general rule if no specific rule is declared for the specified period
                    if (!limits.Exists(l => l.Period == generalLimit.Period))

            foreach (var item in limits)
                //parse period text into time spans
                item.PeriodTimespan = _core.ConvertToTimeSpan(item.Period);

            limits = limits.OrderBy(l => l.PeriodTimespan).ToList();
            if (_options.StackBlockedRequests)

 public RateLimitCounter ProcessRequest(ClientRequestIdentity requestIdentity, RateLimitRule rule)
     return(_core.ProcessRequest(requestIdentity, rule));
 public RateLimitHeaders GetRateLimitHeaders(ClientRequestIdentity requestIdentity, RateLimitRule rule)
     return(_core.GetRateLimitHeaders(requestIdentity, rule));
Exemple #4
 public virtual void LogBlockedRequest(HttpContext httpContext, ClientRequestIdentity identity, RateLimitCounter counter, RateLimitRule rule)
     _logger.LogInformation($"Request {identity.HttpVerb}:{identity.Path} from ClientId {identity.ClientId} has been blocked, quota {rule.Limit}/{rule.Period} exceeded by {counter.TotalRequests}. Blocked by rule {rule.UrlRegex}, TraceIdentifier {httpContext.TraceIdentifier}.");