private bool _disposedValue; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!_disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    _location = null;
                _disposedValue = true;
 public FileWriter(string fileName)
     _location = new EntryLocation()
         FileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName)
     if (File.Exists(fileName))
         var oldFileName = $"{fileName}.old";
         if (File.Exists(oldFileName))
         File.Move(fileName, oldFileName);
     _stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.CreateNew);
     _writer = new StreamWriter(_stream);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a file reader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">file name</param>
        /// <param name="tabWidth">tab width, using for replace tab with whitespace</param>
        public FileReader(string fileName, int tabWidth = 4)
            if (tabWidth > 0)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (var i = 0; i < tabWidth; i++)
                    sb.Append(" ");
                _tabHolder = sb.ToString();
                TabWidth   = tabWidth;

            _location = new EntryLocation()
                FileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName)
            LastLine = null;

            _stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
            _reader = new StreamReader(_stream);
Exemple #4
        public static Expression ConvertToExpression(string src, HashSet <MenuEntry> entries,
                                                     EntryLocation location, out List <MenuEntry> dependsOn)
            // using "[number]" to replace all symbols,
            // using "{number}" to replace nest atomic expression

            dependsOn = null;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src))
                dependsOn = new List <MenuEntry>();
            var symbols = new List <MenuEntry>();
            // three constant expression
            var exprs = new List <Expression>
                ExprN, //id = 0
                ExprM, //id = 1
                ExprY, //id = 2

                // add all string's as constant symbol, and mark as "[id]" in source
                var srcTemp = FindStringRegex.Replace(src, match =>
                    if (match.Groups["markL"].Value != match.Groups["markR"].Value)
                        throw new Exception($"Quotes mark are not in pairs. source = {src}.");

                    var str = match.Groups["string"].Value;
                    var id  = GetIndexOfEntry(symbols, str, true);
                    if (id >= 0)

                    var entry = new MenuEntry()
                        EntryType = MenuEntryType.Config,
                        Value     = str,
                        IsConst   = true, // constant for strings
                    entry.Attributes.Add(new MenuAttribute()
                        AttributeType  = MenuAttributeType.ValueType,
                        ExpressionType = MenuAttributeType.String

                    return($"[{symbols.Count - 1}]");
                // storage constant symbol count
                var constSymbolCopunt = symbols.Count;

                // add all no-constant symbols, and mark as "[id]" in source
                srcTemp = FindSymbolRegex.Replace(srcTemp, match =>
                    var name = match.Groups["name"].Value;
                    // replace "n" "m" "y" with constant expression "{0}" "{1}" "{2}"
                    if (IsTristateRegex.IsMatch(name))
                        Enum.TryParse(name, true, out TristateValue type);
                    // if we have add the same symbol, just insert the "[id]"
                    var id = GetIndexOfEntry(symbols, name);
                    if (id >= 0)

                    var entry = entries.FirstOrDefault(menuEntry => menuEntry.Name == name);
                    if (entry == null)
                        throw new Exception($"Entry do not exist, entry name = {name}");
                    return($"[{symbols.Count - 1}]");

                // string to expression
                // NestExpressionRegex will find atomic expression with "()" at the outside.
                while (NestExpressionRegex.IsMatch(srcTemp))
                    // replace "([n]\{n} op [m]\{m})" to "{x}"
                    srcTemp = NestExpressionRegex.Replace(srcTemp, matchNest =>
                        var exprStr = matchNest.Groups["expr"].Value;
                        return(CreateFlatExpression(exprStr, exprs, symbols));
                // replace "[n]\{n} op [m]\{m}" to "{x}"
                srcTemp = CreateFlatExpression(srcTemp, exprs, symbols);

                // generate final expression, here the string should only have one "[number]" or one "{number}".
                Expression result     = null;
                var        matchIndex = FindIndexRegex.Match(srcTemp);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchIndex.Groups["expr"].Value))
                    result = exprs[int.Parse(matchIndex.Groups["expr"].Value)];
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchIndex.Groups["symbol"].Value))
                    // create expression here when string only has one symbol
                    result = new Expression()
                        Type  = ExpressionType.None,
                        Right = new ExpressionData(

                // depends on are the no constant symbols
                dependsOn = symbols.GetRange(constSymbolCopunt,
                                             symbols.Count - constSymbolCopunt);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // if depends on symbol do not exist, set expression as null, and depends on list as empty.
                Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Message}. {location}", Brushes.Red);
                dependsOn = new List <MenuEntry>();
 public ParseException(string message,
                       Exception innerException, EntryLocation location)
     : base(message, innerException)
     Location = location;
 public ParseException(EntryLocation location)
     Location = location;