void FeedReceivedCallback(string message)
     Debug.Log("FeedReceivedCallback message: " + message);
       Feed feed = new Feed(message);
       Debug.Log("Feed received: " + feed);
       foreach (Card card in feed.Cards) {
     Debug.Log("Card: " + card);
 void FeedReceivedCallback(string message)
     Debug.Log("FeedReceivedCallback message: " + message);
       Feed feed = new Feed(message);
       Debug.Log("Feed received: " + feed);
       foreach (Card card in feed.Cards) {
     Debug.Log("Card: " + card);
       // Here we are testing the Unity SDK by manually logging the first card's click and impression in the news feed.
       // We should only log the card's click and impression when the news feed isn't displayed by Appboy but in Unity.