Exemple #1
        private void InitializeStandardBoard()
            // Clear all the squares

            // Setup white
            const string WHITE = "RNBQKBNRPPPPPPPP";
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                _board[i] = new Piece(WHITE[i]);

            // Setup black
            const string BLACK = "pppppppprnbqkbnr";
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                _board[i + 48] = new Piece(BLACK[i]);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct from Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN), 
        /// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fen"></param>
        public Board(string fen)
            var parts = fen.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 6);
            if (parts.Length != 6)
                throw new ArgumentException("fen is in an incorrect format. It does not have 6 parts.");

            var ranks = parts[0].Split(new[] { '/' });
            if (ranks.Length != 8)
                throw new ArgumentException("fen is in an incorrect format. The first part does not have 8 ranks.");

            // Setup the board
            int i = 0;
            // FEN starts with rank 8 and ends with rank 1
            for (int r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
                foreach (char p in ranks[r])
                    if (char.IsDigit(p))
                        // Blank squares to skip
                        int skip = p - '0';
                        if (skip > 8)
                            throw new ArgumentException("fen is in an incorrect format.");
                        i += skip;
                        if (i > 63)
                            throw new ArgumentException("fen is in an incorrect format.");
                        _board[i++] = new Piece(p);

            // Active Colour
            _activeColour = parts[1].ToLowerInvariant() == "w" ? PieceColour.White : PieceColour.Black;

            // Castling availability
            _whiteKingside = false;
            _whiteQueenside = false;
            _blackKingside = false;
            _blackQueenside = false;
            foreach (char c in parts[2])
                switch (c)
                    case 'K':
                        _whiteKingside = true;
                    case 'Q':
                        _whiteQueenside = true;
                    case 'k':
                        _blackKingside = true;
                    case 'q':
                        _blackQueenside = true;

            // En passant target square
            _enPassantTarget = IndexFromSquare(parts[3]);

            // Halfmove clock
            if (!Int32.TryParse(parts[4], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _halfMoveClock))
                throw new ArgumentException("fen is in an incorrect format. Halfmove clock is not an int.");

            // Fullmove number
            if (!Int32.TryParse(parts[5], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _fullMoveNumber))
                throw new ArgumentException("fen is in an incorrect format. Fullmove number is not an int.");
Exemple #3
 private void InitializeBlankBoard()
     for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
         _board[i] = new Piece();