Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the <see cref="StructuralInfoModule"/> for this Graph without any fusing
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TShape">TBD</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TMat"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <param name="attributes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static StructuralInfoModule StructuralInfo <TShape, TMat>(IGraph <TShape, TMat> graph, Attributes attributes) where TShape : Shape
            var structuralInfo = new BuildStructuralInfo();

            // First perform normalization by descending the module tree and recording
            // information in the BuildStructuralInfo instance.

                var materializedValue = Descend <TMat>(graph.Module, Attributes.None, structuralInfo,
                                                       structuralInfo.CreateGroup(0), 0);

                // Then create a copy of the original Shape with the new copied ports.
                var shape = graph.Shape.CopyFromPorts(structuralInfo.NewInlets(graph.Shape.Inlets),

                // Extract the full topological information from the builder
                return(structuralInfo.ToInfo(shape, materializedValue.Select(pair => Tuple.Create(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList(), attributes));
            catch (Exception)
                if (IsDebug)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fuse everything that is not forbidden via AsyncBoundary attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TShape">TBD</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TMat">TBD</typeparam>
        /// <param name="graph">TBD</param>
        /// <returns>TBD</returns>
        public static Streams.Fusing.FusedGraph <TShape, TMat> Aggressive <TShape, TMat>(IGraph <TShape, TMat> graph)
            where TShape : Shape
            if (graph is Streams.Fusing.FusedGraph <TShape, TMat> fusedGraph)

            var structInfo = new BuildStructuralInfo();

            // First perform normalization by descending the module tree and recording information in the BuildStructuralInfo instance.
            LinkedList <KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode> > materializedValue;

                materializedValue = Descend <TMat>(graph.Module, Attributes.None, structInfo,
                                                   structInfo.CreateGroup(0), 0);
                if (IsDebug)

            // Then create a copy of the original Shape with the new copied ports.
            var shape = graph.Shape.CopyFromPorts(structInfo.NewInlets(graph.Shape.Inlets),

            // Extract the full topological information from the builder before removing assembly-internal (fused) wirings in the next step.
            var info = structInfo.ToInfo(shape,
                                         materializedValue.Select(pair => Tuple.Create(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList());

            // Perform the fusing of `structInfo.groups` into GraphModules (leaving them as they are for non - fusable modules).
            var modules = Fuse(structInfo);

            // Now we have everything ready for a FusedModule.
            var module = new FusedModule(

            if (StreamLayout.IsDebug)
            if (IsDebug)

            return(new Streams.Fusing.FusedGraph <TShape, TMat>(module, (TShape)shape));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a normalization step for the graph that also collects the needed
        /// information for later fusing. The goal is to transform an arbitrarily deep
        /// module tree into one that has exactly two levels: all direct submodules are
        /// CopiedModules where each contains exactly one atomic module. This way all
        /// modules have their own identity and all necessary port copies have been
        /// made. The upstreams/downstreams in the BuildStructuralInfo are rewritten
        /// to point to the shapes of the copied modules.
        /// The materialized value computation is rewritten as well in that all
        /// leaf nodes point to the copied modules and all nested computations are
        /// "inlined", resulting in only one big computation tree for the whole
        /// normalized overall module. The contained MaterializedValueSource stages
        /// are also rewritten to point to the copied MaterializedValueNodes. This
        /// correspondence is then used during materialization to trigger these sources
        /// when "their" node has received its value.
        /// </summary>
        private static LinkedList <KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode> > Descend <T>(
            IModule module,
            Attributes inheritedAttributes,
            BuildStructuralInfo structInfo,
            ISet <IModule> openGroup,
            int indent)
            var isAsync = module is GraphStageModule || module is GraphModule
                ? module.Attributes.Contains(Attributes.AsyncBoundary.Instance)
                : module.IsAtomic || module.Attributes.Contains(Attributes.AsyncBoundary.Instance);

            if (IsDebug)
                    $"entering {module.GetType().Name} (hash={module.GetHashCode()}, async={isAsync}, name={module.Attributes.GetNameLifted()}, dispatcher={GetDispatcher(module)})");
            var localGroup = isAsync ? structInfo.CreateGroup(indent) : openGroup;

            if (module.IsAtomic)
                GraphModule graphModule;
                if ((graphModule = module as GraphModule) != null)
                    if (!isAsync)
                        if (IsDebug)
                                $"dissolving graph module {module.ToString().Replace("\n", $"\n{string.Empty.PadLeft(indent*2)}")}");
                        // need to dissolve previously fused GraphStages to allow further fusion
                        var attributes = inheritedAttributes.And(module.Attributes);
                        return(new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode> >(
                                       sub => Descend <T>(sub, attributes, structInfo, localGroup, indent + 1))));
                         * Importing a GraphModule that has an AsyncBoundary attribute is a little more work:
                         *  - we need to copy all the CopiedModules that are in matValIDs
                         *  - we need to rewrite the corresponding MaterializedValueNodes
                         *  - we need to match up the new (copied) GraphModule shape with the individual Shape copies
                         *  - we need to register the contained modules but take care to not include the internal
                         *    wirings into the final result, see also `struct.removeInternalWires()`
                        if (IsDebug)
                                $"graph module {module.ToString().Replace("\n", $"\n{string.Empty.PadLeft(indent*2)}")}");

                        var oldShape = graphModule.Shape;
                        var mvids    = graphModule.MaterializedValueIds;

                        // storing the old Shape in arrays for in-place updating as we clone the contained GraphStages
                        var oldIns  = oldShape.Inlets.ToArray();
                        var oldOuts = oldShape.Outlets.ToArray();

                        var newIds = mvids.OfType <CopiedModule>().Select(x =>
                            var newShape = x.Shape.DeepCopy();
                            IModule copy = new CopiedModule(newShape, x.Attributes, x.CopyOf);

                            // rewrite shape: first the inlets
                            var oldIn = x.Shape.Inlets.GetEnumerator();
                            var newIn = newShape.Inlets.GetEnumerator();
                            while (oldIn.MoveNext() && newIn.MoveNext())
                                var idx = Array.IndexOf(oldIns, oldIn.Current);
                                if (idx >= 0)
                                    oldIns[idx] = newIn.Current;

                            // ... then the outlets
                            var oldOut = x.Shape.Outlets.GetEnumerator();
                            var newOut = newShape.Outlets.GetEnumerator();
                            while (oldOut.MoveNext() && newOut.MoveNext())
                                var idx = Array.IndexOf(oldOuts, oldOut.Current);
                                if (idx >= 0)
                                    oldOuts[idx] = newOut.Current;

                            // need to add the module so that the structural (internal) wirings can be rewritten as well
                            // but these modules must not be added to any of the groups
                            structInfo.AddModule(copy, new HashSet <IModule>(), inheritedAttributes, indent, x.Shape);
                            structInfo.RegisterInternals(newShape, indent);

                        var newGraphModule = new GraphModule(graphModule.Assembly,
                                                             oldShape.CopyFromPorts(oldIns.ToImmutableArray(), oldOuts.ToImmutableArray()),
                                                             graphModule.Attributes, newIds);
                        // make sure to add all the port mappings from old GraphModule Shape to new shape
                        structInfo.AddModule(newGraphModule, localGroup, inheritedAttributes, indent, oldShape);
                        // now compute the list of all materialized value computation updates
                        var result = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode> >(
                                (t, i) =>
                                new KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode>(t,
                                                                                   new Atomic(newIds[i]))));
                        result.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode>(module,
                                                                                          new Atomic(newGraphModule)));
                    if (IsDebug)
                        Log(indent, $"atomic module {module}");
                    var result = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode> >();
                        new KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode>(module,
                                                                           structInfo.AddModule(module, localGroup, inheritedAttributes, indent))
                var allAttributes = inheritedAttributes.And(module.Attributes);
                if (module is CopiedModule copied)
                    var result = Descend <T>(copied.CopyOf, allAttributes, structInfo, localGroup, indent + 1);
                    if (result.Count == 0)
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Descend returned empty result from CopiedModule");

                    result.AddFirst(new KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode>(copied, result.First.Value.Value));

                    structInfo.Rewire(copied.CopyOf.Shape, copied.Shape, indent);
                    // we need to keep track of all MaterializedValueSource nodes that get pushed into the current
                    // computation context (i.e. that need the same value).

                    // now descend into submodules and collect their computations (plus updates to `struct`)
                    var subMatBuilder = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode>();
                    foreach (var sub in module.SubModules)
                        var res = Descend <T>(sub, allAttributes, structInfo, localGroup, indent + 1);
                        foreach (var r in res)
                            // key may already be in builder, we overwrite
                            subMatBuilder[r.Key] = r.Value;
                    var subMat = subMatBuilder.ToImmutable();
                    if (IsDebug)
                            $"subMat\n  {string.Empty.PadLeft(indent*2)}{string.Join("\n  " + string.Empty.PadLeft(indent*2), subMat.Select(p => $"{p.Key.GetType().Name}[{p.Key.GetHashCode()}] -> {p.Value}"))}");

                    // we need to remove all wirings that this module copied from nested modules so that we don’t do wirings twice
                    var oldDownstreams =
                        (module as FusedModule)?.Info.Downstreams.ToImmutableHashSet()
                        ?? module.Downstreams.ToImmutableHashSet();

                    var down = module.SubModules.Aggregate(oldDownstreams, (set, m) => set.Except(m.Downstreams));
                    foreach (var entry in down)
                        structInfo.Wire(entry.Key, entry.Value, indent);

                    // now rewrite the materialized value computation based on the copied modules and their computation nodes
                    var matNodeMapping = new Dictionary <IMaterializedValueNode, IMaterializedValueNode>();
                    var newMat         = RewriteMaterializer(subMat, module.MaterializedValueComputation, matNodeMapping);
                    // and finally rewire all MaterializedValueSources to their new computation nodes
                    var materializedSources = structInfo.ExitMaterializationContext();
                    foreach (var c in materializedSources)
                        if (IsDebug)
                            Log(indent, $"materialized value source: {structInfo.Hash(c)}");
                        var ms = (IMaterializedValueSource)((GraphStageModule)c.CopyOf).Stage;

                        IMaterializedValueNode mapped;
                        if (ms.Computation is Atomic atomic)
                            mapped = subMat[atomic.Module];
                        else if (ms.Computation == StreamLayout.Ignore.Instance)
                            mapped = ms.Computation;
                            mapped = matNodeMapping[ms.Computation];

                        var outputType = ms.Outlet.GetType().GetGenericArguments().First();
                        var materializedValueSourceType = typeof(MaterializedValueSource <>).MakeGenericType(outputType);
                        var newSrc      = (IMaterializedValueSource)Activator.CreateInstance(materializedValueSourceType, mapped, ms.Outlet);
                        var replacement = new CopiedModule(c.Shape, c.Attributes, newSrc.Module);
                        structInfo.Replace(c, replacement, localGroup);

                    // the result for each level is the materialized value computation
                    var result = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode> >();
                    result.AddFirst(new KeyValuePair <IModule, IMaterializedValueNode>(module, newMat));