private Image DrawFoundCharOnPicture(Image img, RecognizedCharData charData)
            using (var db = new DirectBitmap(img.Width, img.Height))
                using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(db.Bitmap))
                    graphics.DrawImage(img, Point.Empty);

                using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(db.Bitmap))
                    graphics.DrawImage(img, Point.Empty);

                var xMax = charData.Coords.X + charData.Pattern.GetLength(0);
                var yMax = charData.Coords.Y + charData.Pattern.GetLength(1);

                var x = 0;
                for (var i = charData.Coords.X; i < xMax; i++, x++)
                    var y = 0;
                    for (var j = charData.Coords.Y; j < yMax; j++, y++)
                        if (charData.Pattern[x, y])
                            db.SetPixel(i, j, Color.Red);

        public RecognitionTrainingForm(RecognizedCharData charData, bool[,] image)


            Image adjustedOriginalPicture = DrawFoundCharOnPicture(image, charData);

            pictureBox2.Image = adjustedOriginalPicture;
            _selectedText     = string.Empty;
        private string AddNewPattern(RecognizedCharData sym, string manualChar, bool[,] curPattern)
            var pat = Texts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Text == manualChar);

            if (pat != null)


        private Image DrawFoundCharOnPicture(bool[,] image, RecognizedCharData charData)
            var w = image.GetLength(0);
            var h = image.GetLength(1);

            var charWidth = charData.Pattern.GetLength(0);
            var charYMax  = charData.Coords.Y + charData.Pattern.GetLength(1);

            using (var db = new DirectBitmap(w, h))
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                        if (image[x, y])
                            db.Bits[y * w + x] = -1; // white
                            db.Bits[y * w + x] = -16777216; // black

                    if (y >= charData.Coords.Y && y < charYMax)
                        var charY = y - charData.Coords.Y;
                        for (int x = 0; x < charWidth; x++)
                            if (charData.Pattern[x, charY])
                                db.Bits[y * w + x + charData.Coords.X] = -65536; // red

        private static void SplitIn2Chars(List <RecognizedCharData> ret, RecognizedCharData charData)
            var xSize = charData.Pattern.GetLength(0);
            var maxX  = xSize / 2;
            var maxY  = charData.Pattern.GetLength(1);

            var c1 = new bool[maxX, maxY];
            var c2 = new bool[maxX, maxY];

            for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++)
                    c1[x, y] = charData.Pattern[x, y];

            var start = xSize - maxX;

            for (int x = xSize - maxX; x < xSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++)
                    c2[x - start, y] = charData.Pattern[x, y];

            ret.Add(new RecognizedCharData(charData.Coords.X, charData.Coords.Y, (byte)charData.Coords.Y)
                Pattern = c1
            ret.Add(new RecognizedCharData(start, charData.Coords.Y, (byte)charData.Coords.Y)
                Pattern = c2
Exemple #6
        private static void SplitIn2Chars(List <RecognizedCharData> ret, RecognizedCharData charData)
            var xSize = charData.Pattern.GetLength(0);
            var maxX  = xSize / 2;
            var maxY  = charData.Pattern.GetLength(1);

            var c1 = new bool[maxX, maxY];
            var c2 = new bool[maxX, maxY];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                    c1[i, j] = charData.Pattern[i, j];

            var start = xSize - maxX;

            for (int i = xSize - maxX; i < xSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                    c2[i - start, j] = charData.Pattern[i, j];

            ret.Add(new RecognizedCharData(charData.Coords.X, charData.Coords.Y)
                Pattern = c1
            ret.Add(new RecognizedCharData(start, charData.Coords.Y)
                Pattern = c2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sym"></param>
        /// <param name="image">Used to display the context when entering a character.</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="onlyNumbers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string FindMatchingChar(RecognizedCharData sym, bool[,] image, float tolerance = 0.3f, bool onlyNumbers = false)
            var recognizedPattern = new Pattern(sym.Pattern, sym.YOffset);

            //// debug
            //var letterWasSortedOutByAperture = false;

            //string aperturesString = string.Empty;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            //    if (i % 2 == 0)
            //        aperturesString += "|";
            //    aperturesString += ((recognizedPattern.Apertures >> i) & 1) == 1 ? "▬" : " ";
            //Debug.WriteLine($"Apertures: {aperturesString}");

            var widthRecognized            = recognizedPattern.Width;
            var heightRecognized           = recognizedPattern.Height;
            var recognizedHeightWithOffset = heightRecognized + sym.Coords.Y;

            float  bestMatchDifference = float.MaxValue;
            string bestMatch           = null;
            int    maxAllowedSet       = (int)(recognizedPattern.SetPixels * (1 + tolerance)) + 1;
            int    minAllowedSet       = (int)(recognizedPattern.SetPixels * (1 - tolerance));

            foreach (var c in Texts)
                // if only numbers are expected, skip non numerical patterns
                if (onlyNumbers && !OnlyNumbersChars.Contains(c.Text))

                foreach (var pattern in c.Patterns)
                    if (HammingWeight.SetBitCount((byte)(pattern.Apertures ^ recognizedPattern.Apertures)) > 1 ||
                        Math.Abs(pattern.YOffset - recognizedPattern.YOffset) > 3

                    //var currentLetterWasSortedOutByAperture = pattern.Apertures != recognizedPattern.Apertures;

                    int minWidth  = Math.Min(pattern.Width, widthRecognized);
                    int maxWidth  = Math.Max(pattern.Width, widthRecognized);
                    var widthDiff = maxWidth - minWidth;
                    if (pattern.SetPixels > maxAllowedSet ||
                        pattern.SetPixels < minAllowedSet ||
                        (widthDiff > 2 && widthDiff > maxWidth * 0.2))
                        continue;                                                   // if dimensions is too different ignore pattern
                    int minHeight  = Math.Min(pattern.Height, heightRecognized);
                    int maxHeight  = Math.Max(pattern.Height, heightRecognized);
                    var heightDiff = maxHeight - minHeight;
                    if (heightDiff > 2 && heightDiff > maxHeight * 0.2)

                    var allowedDifference = pattern.SetPixels * 2 * tolerance;

                    // Attempted to do offset shifting here but got too many false recognitions here, might need some tweaking.
                    //var minOffsetX = xSizeFound > 2 ? -1 : 0;
                    //var maxOffsetX = xSizeFound > 2 ? 1 : 0;
                    //var minOffsetY = xSizeFound > 2 ? -1 : 0;
                    //var maxOffsetY = xSizeFound > 2 ? 1 : 0;

                    //for (var offSetX = minOffsetX; offSetX <= maxOffsetX; offSetX++)
                    //    for (var offSetY = minOffsetY; offSetY <= maxOffsetY; offSetY++)
                    //    {
                    var dif  = 0f;
                    var fail = false;

                    // y offset. Small character at the baseline like dots have mostly empty pixels.
                    var yStart = Math.Min(sym.Coords.Y, pattern.YOffset);
                    var patternHeightWithOffset = pattern.Height + pattern.YOffset;

                    Pattern overlappingPattern; // the pattern that is more than 1 px larger than the other. testing that margin is simpler.
                    int     widthTesting;
                    if (widthRecognized > pattern.Width)
                        widthTesting       = widthRecognized;
                        overlappingPattern = recognizedPattern;
                        widthTesting       = pattern.Width;
                        overlappingPattern = pattern;
                    var widthMinPlusOne = Math.Min(widthRecognized, pattern.Width) + 1;

                    // pixels too far outside of the narrower pattern never have a match or a possible neighbor in the other one, they can be sorted out fast
                    if (widthTesting - widthMinPlusOne > 0)
                        for (int y = 0; !fail && y < overlappingPattern.Height; y++)
                            for (var x = widthMinPlusOne; x < widthTesting; x++)
                                if (overlappingPattern[x, y])
                                    dif += 1;
                                    if (dif > allowedDifference)
                                        fail = true;

                    for (var y = yStart; !fail && y < recognizedHeightWithOffset && y < patternHeightWithOffset; y++)
                        //var curPatternY = y;// + offSetY;
                        var patternYIndex    = y - pattern.YOffset;
                        var recognizedYIndex = y - sym.Coords.Y;

                        for (var x = 0; x < widthMinPlusOne; x++)
                            //var curPatternX = x;// + offSetX;
                            //if (curPatternX < 0 || curPatternY < 0) continue;
                            //if (y >= heightRecognized || x >= widthRecognized) continue;

                            var cHave = recognizedYIndex >= 0 && x < widthRecognized && recognizedPattern[x, recognizedYIndex];
                            var pHave = patternYIndex >= 0 && x < pattern.Width && pattern[x, patternYIndex];

                            // if the bits are different, check if the total number of different bits is too large for a match and if to ignore this pattern
                            if (cHave != pHave)
                                // tolerance of difference if a nearby bit is equal
                                dif += IsNearby(cHave ? pattern.Data : recognizedPattern.Data, x, cHave ? patternYIndex : recognizedYIndex) ? 0.4f : 1f;
                                if (dif > allowedDifference)
                                    fail = true;

                    if (!fail && bestMatchDifference > dif)
                        if (dif == 0)
                            //Debug.WriteLine($"matched with {c.Text} (dif: {dif})");
                            //if (currentLetterWasSortedOutByAperture)
                            //    Debug.WriteLine("Would have been sorted out by Aperture");
                            return(c.Text); // there is no better match

                        //letterWasSortedOutByAperture = currentLetterWasSortedOutByAperture;
                        bestMatchDifference = dif;
                        bestMatch           = c.Text;
                    //    }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch))
                //Debug.WriteLine($"matched with {bestMatch} (dif: {bestMatchDifference})");
                //if (letterWasSortedOutByAperture)
                //    Debug.WriteLine("Would have been sorted out by Aperture");

            // no match was found

            if (!TrainingSettings.IsTrainingEnabled)
                return("�"); //string.Empty;

            var manualChar = new RecognitionTrainingForm(sym, image).Prompt();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manualChar))

            return(AddNewPattern(recognizedPattern, manualChar));
        public string FindMatchingChar(RecognizedCharData sym, Image originalImg, float tolerance = 0.15f, bool onlyNumbers = false)
            var curPattern = sym.Pattern;
            var xSizeFound = curPattern.GetLength(0);
            var ySizeFound = curPattern.GetLength(1);

            float  bestMatchDifference = float.MaxValue;
            string bestMatch           = null;

            foreach (var c in Texts)
                // if only numbers are expected, skip non numerical patterns
                if (onlyNumbers && !"0123456789.,%/:LEVEL".Contains(c.Text))

                foreach (var pattern in c.Patterns)
                    int minWidth = Math.Min(pattern.Width, ySizeFound);
                    int maxWidth = Math.Max(pattern.Width, ySizeFound);
                    if (maxWidth - minWidth > 3 && (maxWidth >> 1) > minWidth)
                        continue;                                                        // if width is too different ignore pattern
                    var possibleDif = ((pattern.Length + sym.Pattern.Length) / 2) * tolerance;
                    if (Math.Abs(pattern.Length - curPattern.Length) > possibleDif)

                    possibleDif = pattern.SetPixels * 4 * tolerance;

                    // Attempted to do offset shifting here but got too many false recognitions here, might need some tweaking.
                    //var minOffsetX = xSizeFound > 2 ? -1 : 0;
                    //var maxOffsetX = xSizeFound > 2 ? 1 : 0;
                    //var minOffsetY = xSizeFound > 2 ? -1 : 0;
                    //var maxOffsetY = xSizeFound > 2 ? 1 : 0;

                    //for (var offSetX = minOffsetX; offSetX <= maxOffsetX; offSetX++)
                    //    for (var offSetY = minOffsetY; offSetY <= maxOffsetY; offSetY++)
                    //    {
                    var dif  = 0f;
                    var fail = false;

                    // TODO sort out small recognized patterns that would match 100 % of their size with a lot of patterns, e.g. dots

                    for (var x = 0; !fail && x < xSizeFound && x < pattern.Width; x++)
                        for (var y = 0; y < ySizeFound && y < pattern.Height; y++)
                            var curPatternX = x; // + offSetX;
                            var curPatternY = y; // + offSetY;
                            if (curPatternX >= 0 && curPatternY >= 0 && curPatternY < ySizeFound && curPatternX < xSizeFound)
                                var cHave = curPattern[curPatternX, curPatternY];
                                var pHave = pattern[x, y];

                                // if the bits are different, check if the total number of different bits is too large for a match and if to ignore this pattern
                                if (cHave != pHave)
                                    // tolerance of difference if a nearby bit is equal
                                    dif += IsNearby(cHave ? pattern.Data : curPattern, x, y) ? 0.4f : 1f;
                                    if (dif > possibleDif)
                                        fail = true;

                    if (!fail && bestMatchDifference > dif)
                        if (dif == 0)
                            return(c.Text); // there is no better match
                        bestMatchDifference = dif;
                        bestMatch           = c.Text;
                    //    }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch))

            // no match was found

            if (!TrainingSettings.IsTrainingEnabled)
                return("�"); //string.Empty;

            var manualChar = new RecognitionTrainingForm(sym, originalImg).Prompt();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manualChar))

            return(AddNewPattern(sym, manualChar, curPattern));