Exemple #1
    void writeDataToFile()
        string updatedGameData = "";

        //Compile the array back to a single string
        foreach (string gd in gameData)
            updatedGameData = updatedGameData + gd + ",";

        //Chop off the last comma
        int index = updatedGameData.LastIndexOf(',');

        updatedGameData = updatedGameData.Substring(0, index);

        //Then update the data file

        //refresh the game data array
    public void updateGameDataPort()
        string updatedGameData = "";

        //Save the last port chosen into the game Data array
        gameData[5] = lastPortChosen.portName;

        //Compile the array back to a single string
        foreach (string gd in gameData)
            updatedGameData = updatedGameData + gd + ",";

        //Chop off the last comma
        int index = updatedGameData.LastIndexOf(',');

        updatedGameData = updatedGameData.Substring(0, index);

        //Then update the data file