public void onDeleteRoomDone( roomEventObj)
     if (roomEventObj.getData() != null)
         Debug.WriteLine("onDeleteRoom " + roomEventObj.getData().getId() + " " + roomEventObj.getResult());
 public void onGetLiveUserInfoDone( eventObj)
     if (eventObj.getResult() == WarpResponseResultCode.SUCCESS)
         // Join the room where the friend is playing
         GlobalContext.GameRoomId = eventObj.getLocationId();
 public void onGetLiveUserInfoDone( eventObj)
     if (eventObj.getResult() == WarpResponseResultCode.SUCCESS)
         // Join the room where the friend is playing
         GlobalContext.GameRoomId = eventObj.getLocationId();
         // remote user is either off line or has not joined any room yet. Create one and wait for him.
         WarpClient.GetInstance().CreateTurnRoom("TurnBasedRoom", GlobalContext.localUsername, 2, GlobalContext.tableProperties,GlobalContext.turnTime);
Exemple #4
		// This will be called after the user presses Login on the LoginPage and a session has been established using the App42 cloud API's
		//	this then connects and creates a session with the AppWarp API's which will be used for initial chat establishment and update
		//	messages for things like online status and message types.
		public void onConnectDone( eventObj)
			byte result = eventObj.getResult();
			string errorMsg = string.Empty;

			// If the connection was successful check which mode the call was made in and do the desired operation
			if (result == WarpResponseResultCode.SUCCESS)
				AppServices.operationSuccessful = true;

				if (AppServices.appWarpConnectMode == appWarpConnectModes.sendAllUpdates)
					foreach (FriendsListEntry friend in AppServices.friendsData.friendsList)
						if (friend.isOnline)
							AppServices.appWarpLastSentToUsername = friend.username;
							if (friend.sessionEstablished)
								AppServices.warpClient.sendPrivateUpdate(friend.username, MessageBuilder.buildOnlineStatusUpdateBytes(true, friend.encryptionKey));
								AppServices.warpClient.sendPrivateUpdate(friend.username, MessageBuilder.buildOnlineStatusUpdateBytes(true, AppServices.defaultEncryptionKey));
				AppServices.appWarpConnectMode = appWarpConnectModes.justConnect;
				AppServices.appWarpLoggedIn = true;
			else if (result == WarpResponseResultCode.CONNECTION_ERROR_RECOVERABLE)
			else if (result == WarpResponseResultCode.SUCCESS_RECOVERED)
			else if (result == WarpResponseResultCode.AUTH_ERROR)
				errorMsg = "Connect Authentication Error: Attempting to connect without initializing the API keys.";
			else if (result == WarpResponseResultCode.BAD_REQUEST)
				errorMsg = "Bad Request: The entered username does not exist.";
			else if (result == WarpResponseResultCode.CONNECTION_ERR)
				errorMsg = "Network Connection Error: Please check your network connection and try again.";
				errorMsg = "Unknown Error: Please check your network connection and the entered username and try again.";

			AppServices.operationSuccessful = false;
			AppServices.errorMessage = errorMsg;
			AppServices.appWarpLoggedIn = true;
 public void onCreateRoomDone( eventObj)
     UIDispatcher.Execute(delegate() { tblmessage.Text = "Create Room Result :" + eventObj.getResult(); });
 public void onCreateRoomDone( eventObj)
     status = "onCreateRoomDone "+eventObj.getResult();
     WarpClient.GetInstance().JoinRoom(eventObj.getData ().getId ());
     Context.isRoomCreator = true;