Exemple #1
        private CurrencyAmount presentValueFromProductPresentValue(ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade trade, RatesProvider ratesProvider, LegalEntityDiscountingProvider discountingProvider, CurrencyAmount productPresentValue)
            CurrencyAmount pvProduct = productPresentValue.multipliedBy(trade.Quantity);
            CurrencyAmount pvPayment = presentValueSettlement(trade, ratesProvider, discountingProvider);

Exemple #2
        private CurrencyAmount presentValueFromProductPresentValue(ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade trade, LegalEntityDiscountingProvider provider, CurrencyAmount productPresentValue)
            CurrencyAmount pvProduct = productPresentValue.multipliedBy(trade.Quantity);
            CurrencyAmount pvPayment = presentValuePayment(trade, provider);

Exemple #3
        public virtual void coverage()
            KnownAmountRateComputation test = KnownAmountRateComputation.of(GBP_P1000);

            KnownAmountRateComputation test2 = KnownAmountRateComputation.of(GBP_P1000.plus(100));

            coverBeanEquals(test, test2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the present value of the swaption trade.
        /// <para>
        /// The result is expressed using the currency of the swapion.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the swaption trade </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="hwProvider">  the Hull-White model parameter trade </param>
        /// <returns> the present value </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount presentValue(ResolvedSwaptionTrade trade, RatesProvider ratesProvider, HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantParametersProvider hwProvider)
            ResolvedSwaption product   = trade.Product;
            CurrencyAmount   pvProduct = PRICER_PRODUCT.presentValue(product, ratesProvider, hwProvider);
            Payment          premium   = trade.Premium;
            CurrencyAmount   pvPremium = PRICER_PREMIUM.presentValue(premium, ratesProvider);

        public virtual void test_presentValue()
            MultiCurrencyAmount computed1 = PRICER.presentValue(CAP_ONE_LEG, RATES, VOLS);
            MultiCurrencyAmount computed2 = PRICER.presentValue(CAP_TWO_LEGS, RATES, VOLS);
            CurrencyAmount      cap       = PRICER_CAP_LEG.presentValue(CAP_LEG, RATES, VOLS);
            CurrencyAmount      pay       = PRICER_PAY_LEG.presentValue(PAY_LEG, RATES);

            assertEquals(computed1, MultiCurrencyAmount.of(cap));
            assertEquals(computed2, MultiCurrencyAmount.of(cap.plus(pay)));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the present value of the swaption trade.
        /// <para>
        /// The result is expressed using the currency of the swaption.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the swaption trade </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="swaptionVolatilities">  the volatilities </param>
        /// <returns> the present value </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount presentValue(ResolvedSwaptionTrade trade, RatesProvider ratesProvider, SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities)
            // product
            ResolvedSwaption product   = trade.Product;
            CurrencyAmount   pvProduct = isCash(product) ? cashParYieldPricer.presentValue(product, ratesProvider, swaptionVolatilities) : physicalPricer.presentValue(product, ratesProvider, swaptionVolatilities);
            // premium
            Payment        premium   = trade.Premium;
            CurrencyAmount pvPremium = paymentPricer.presentValue(premium, ratesProvider);

            // total
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the present value of the trade.
        /// <para>
        /// The present value of the product is based on the valuation date.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// This method can calculate the clean or dirty present value, see <seealso cref="PriceType"/>.
        /// If calculating the clean value, the accrued interest is calculated based on the step-in date.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the trade </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="priceType">  the price type </param>
        /// <param name="refData">  the reference data </param>
        /// <returns> the price </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount presentValue(ResolvedCdsTrade trade, CreditRatesProvider ratesProvider, PriceType priceType, ReferenceData refData)
            CurrencyAmount pvProduct = productPricer.presentValue(trade.Product, ratesProvider, ratesProvider.ValuationDate, priceType, refData);

            if (!trade.UpfrontFee.Present)
            Payment        upfront   = trade.UpfrontFee.get();
            CurrencyAmount pvUpfront = upfrontPricer.presentValue(upfront, ratesProvider.discountFactors(upfront.Currency).toDiscountFactors());

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the current cash of the bond trade.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the trade </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider, used to determine price index values </param>
        /// <returns> the current cash </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount currentCash(ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade trade, RatesProvider ratesProvider)
            LocalDate      valuationDate  = ratesProvider.ValuationDate;
            LocalDate      settlementDate = this.settlementDate(trade, valuationDate);
            CurrencyAmount cashProduct    = productPricer.currentCash(trade.Product, ratesProvider, settlementDate);

            if (!trade.Settlement.Present)
            BondPaymentPeriod settlePeriod = trade.Settlement.get().Payment;
            double            cashSettle   = settlePeriod.PaymentDate.isEqual(valuationDate) ? netAmount(trade, ratesProvider).Amount : 0d;

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the current cash of the fixed coupon bond trade.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the trade </param>
        /// <param name="valuationDate">  the valuation date </param>
        /// <returns> the current cash amount </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount currentCash(ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade trade, LocalDate valuationDate)
            Payment        upfrontPayment = this.upfrontPayment(trade);
            Currency       currency       = upfrontPayment.Currency; // assumes single currency is involved in trade
            CurrencyAmount currentCash    = CurrencyAmount.zero(currency);

            if (upfrontPayment.Date.Equals(valuationDate))
                currentCash = currentCash.plus(upfrontPayment.Value);
            if (trade.Settlement.Present)
                LocalDate settlementDate        = trade.Settlement.get().SettlementDate;
                ResolvedFixedCouponBond product = trade.Product;
                if (!settlementDate.isAfter(valuationDate))
                    double  cashCoupon  = product.hasExCouponPeriod() ? 0d : currentCashCouponPayment(product, valuationDate);
                    Payment payment     = product.NominalPayment;
                    double  cashNominal = payment.Date.isEqual(valuationDate) ? payment.Amount : 0d;
                    currentCash = currentCash.plus(CurrencyAmount.of(currency, (cashCoupon + cashNominal) * trade.Quantity));
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the present value of a bill trade with z-spread.
        /// <para>
        /// If the settlement details are provided, the present value is the sum of the underlying product's present value
        /// multiplied by the quantity and the present value of the settlement payment if still due at the valuation date.
        /// If not it is the underlying product's present value multiplied by the quantity.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The z-spread is a parallel shift applied to continuously compounded rates or periodic compounded rates of
        /// the issuer discounting curve. The z-spread is applied only on the legal entity curve, not on the repo curve used
        /// for the settlement amount.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the trade </param>
        /// <param name="provider">  the discounting provider </param>
        /// <param name="zSpread">  the z-spread </param>
        /// <param name="compoundedRateType">  the compounded rate type </param>
        /// <param name="periodsPerYear">  the number of periods per year </param>
        /// <returns> the present value </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount presentValueWithZSpread(ResolvedBillTrade trade, LegalEntityDiscountingProvider provider, double zSpread, CompoundedRateType compoundedRateType, int periodsPerYear)
            if (provider.ValuationDate.isAfter(trade.Product.Notional.Date))
                return(CurrencyAmount.of(trade.Product.Currency, 0.0d));
            CurrencyAmount pvProduct = productPricer.presentValueWithZSpread(trade.Product, provider, zSpread, compoundedRateType, periodsPerYear).multipliedBy(trade.Quantity);

            if (trade.Settlement.Present)
                RepoCurveDiscountFactors repoDf   = DiscountingBillProductPricer.repoCurveDf(trade.Product, provider);
                CurrencyAmount           pvSettle = paymentPricer.presentValue(trade.Settlement.get(), repoDf.DiscountFactors);
        public virtual void test_presentValueWithZSpread_periodic_noExcoupon()
            CurrencyAmount computed = PRICER.presentValueWithZSpread(PRODUCT_NO_EXCOUPON, PROVIDER, Z_SPREAD, PERIODIC, PERIOD_PER_YEAR);
            CurrencyAmount expected = PRICER_NOMINAL.presentValueWithSpread(PRODUCT.NominalPayment, DSC_FACTORS_ISSUER, Z_SPREAD, PERIODIC, PERIOD_PER_YEAR);
            int            size     = PRODUCT.PeriodicPayments.size();
            double         pvcCupon = 0d;

            for (int i = 2; i < size; ++i)
                FixedCouponBondPaymentPeriod payment = PRODUCT.PeriodicPayments.get(i);
                pvcCupon += PRICER_COUPON.presentValueWithSpread(payment, IssuerCurveDiscountFactors.of(DSC_FACTORS_ISSUER, GROUP_ISSUER), Z_SPREAD, PERIODIC, PERIOD_PER_YEAR);
            expected = expected.plus(pvcCupon);
            assertEquals(computed.Currency, EUR);
            assertEquals(computed.Amount, expected.Amount, NOTIONAL * TOL);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the present value of the settlement of the bond trade from the clean price with z-spread.
        /// <para>
        /// Since the sign of the settlement notional is opposite to that of the product, negative amount will be returned
        /// for positive quantity of trade.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The z-spread is a parallel shift applied to continuously compounded rates or periodic
        /// compounded rates of the discounting curve.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trade">  the trade </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider, used to determine price index values </param>
        /// <param name="discountingProvider">  the discount factors provider </param>
        /// <param name="refData">  the reference data used to calculate the settlement date </param>
        /// <param name="zSpread">  the z-spread </param>
        /// <param name="compoundedRateType">  the compounded rate type </param>
        /// <param name="periodsPerYear">  the number of periods per year </param>
        /// <param name="cleanRealPrice">  the clean real price </param>
        /// <returns> the present value of the settlement </returns>
        public virtual CurrencyAmount presentValueFromCleanPriceWithZSpread(ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade trade, RatesProvider ratesProvider, LegalEntityDiscountingProvider discountingProvider, ReferenceData refData, double cleanRealPrice, double zSpread, CompoundedRateType compoundedRateType, int periodsPerYear)
            validate(ratesProvider, discountingProvider);
            LocalDate valuationDate          = ratesProvider.ValuationDate;
            ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond bond  = trade.Product;
            LocalDate standardSettlementDate = bond.calculateSettlementDateFromValuation(valuationDate, refData);
            LocalDate tradeSettlementDate    = settlementDate(trade, valuationDate);
            RepoCurveDiscountFactors repoDf  = DiscountingCapitalIndexedBondProductPricer.repoCurveDf(bond, discountingProvider);
            double         df         = repoDf.discountFactor(standardSettlementDate);
            CurrencyAmount pvStandard = forecastValueStandardFromCleanPrice(bond, ratesProvider, standardSettlementDate, cleanRealPrice).multipliedBy(df);

            if (standardSettlementDate.isEqual(tradeSettlementDate))
                return(presentValueFromProductPresentValue(trade, ratesProvider, discountingProvider, pvStandard));
            // check coupon payment between two settlement dates
            IssuerCurveDiscountFactors issuerDf = DiscountingCapitalIndexedBondProductPricer.issuerCurveDf(bond, discountingProvider);
            double pvDiff = 0d;

            if (standardSettlementDate.isAfter(tradeSettlementDate))
                pvDiff = -productPricer.presentValueCouponWithZSpread(bond, ratesProvider, issuerDf, tradeSettlementDate, standardSettlementDate, zSpread, compoundedRateType, periodsPerYear);
                pvDiff = productPricer.presentValueCouponWithZSpread(bond, ratesProvider, issuerDf, standardSettlementDate, tradeSettlementDate, zSpread, compoundedRateType, periodsPerYear);
            return(presentValueFromProductPresentValue(trade, ratesProvider, discountingProvider, pvStandard.plus(pvDiff)));