Exemple #1
 bool inView()
     if (!view)
         return(true);       //If there is no script to make the camera follow the player, then assume we are in view
         if (view.isActiveAndEnabled)
             return(view.insideView(conversationCenterPoint, outsideCameraBuffer.x, outsideCameraBuffer.y));
             return(true); //If the component is there but disabled, then we aren't moving the view so we'll just return true;
Exemple #2
    //Plays a sound effect if the specified position is within the camera's view. If cameraFollowPlayer does not exist then it will play the sound every time.
    //Buffer is added to the boundaries of the camera so pos can be a little outside of the view (negative buffer) or needs to be a little inside of the view (positive buffer)
    //By default the pos can be within one unit ouside of the view and the sound will still play.
    public void PlayIfOnScreen(AudioClip clip, Vector2 pos, float buffer = -1f, float randomizePitchMin = 1, float randomizePitchMax = 1)
        if (!cameraFollow)
            cameraFollow = Camera.main.GetComponent <cameraFollowPlayer>();

        bool play = true;

        if (cameraFollow)
            if (!cameraFollow.insideView(pos, buffer, buffer))
                play = false;

        if (play)
            Play(clip, randomizePitchMin, randomizePitchMax);