Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all synonyms of the given word in the given part of speech and finds the most complex word in the set.
        /// Uses WordNet as thesaurus and weighted scores to determine which is most complex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="word">Word to get synonyms of.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">Part of speech of the given word. Used to find more accurate synonyms.</param>
        /// <returns>The most complex synonym of the given word in the given part of speech.</returns>
        public static string GetMostComplexSynyonymScoredWN(string word, Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech pos)
            // TODO: Lemmatization?

            if (pos == Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech.Unknown)
                // We're gonna have some serious problems (namely, a NullReferenceException) if we don't back out of this right now.

            string[] synonymsArr = Lexicon.FindSynonyms(word, pos, false);

            if (synonymsArr == null || synonymsArr.Length == 0)

            List <string> synonyms            = new List <string>(synonymsArr);
            string        mostComplexSynyonym = "";
            double        mostComplexScore    = 0.0;

            #region Synonym collection setup
            if (!synonyms.Contains <string>(word))

            #region Most complex synonym find
            foreach (string cs in synonyms)
                double csScore = WordRater.GetTotalScore(cs);
                if (mostComplexSynyonym == "" || csScore > mostComplexScore)
                    mostComplexSynyonym = cs;
                    mostComplexScore    = csScore;


        public HomeController(IOptions <TwitterCrawlerConfig> config)
            posTagger           = new PosTagger();
            twitterCrawler      = new TwitterCrawler(config);
            tokenizer           = new Tokenizer();
            tokenAnalyser       = new TokenAnalyser();
            tweetAnalyser       = new TweetAnalyser();
            wordRater           = new WordRater();
            sentimentCalculator = new SentimentCalculator();
            preprocessor        = new Preprocessor();
            parseTreeAnalyser   = new ParseTreeAnalyser();

            networkSendClientSocket    = new NetworkClientSocket(NetworkSendClientPort, NetworkClientHost);
            networkReceiveClientSocket = new NetworkClientSocket(NetworkReceiveClientPort, NetworkClientHost);

            serializer   = new Serializer();
            deserializer = new Deserializer();

            tester = new Tester();