Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies one step of the async highlighting against the main scheme.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether another step should be called.</returns>
        protected bool StepHiliteMain(AsyncHighlightState state)
            if (!state.Enum.MoveNext())
                state.ActualSearchHits = state.Words; // As the main scheme has succeeded, the original word list is the same as the final one
                return(false);                        // Over!

            // Get the current word
            WordPtr word = (WordPtr)state.Enum.Current;

            if (word.StartOffset < 0)
                return(StartHiliteBackup(state));                  // Fallback to the backup scheme
            // Choose a color for highlighting this word

            // Select the supposed search hit location
            Select(word.StartOffset, word.Text.Length);

            // Check whether we've selected the proper thing
            if (String.Compare(SelectedText, word.Text, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Main highlighting expected to find \"{0}\" but got \"{1}\", aborting.", word.Text, SelectedText), "[JRTB]");
                return(StartHiliteBackup(state));                  // Fallback to the backup scheme

            // Apply the coloring!!
            Win32Declarations.SendMessage(Handle, EditMessage.SETCHARFORMAT, SCF.SELECTION, ref state.Fmt);

            return(true);            // Call more
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates the async highlighting of the search hits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="words">Words to be highlighted. MUST belong to a single document section.</param>
        public void HighlightWords(WordPtr[] words)
            #region Preconditions
            if (words == null)

            // Validness check
            WordPtr.AssertValid(words, true);
            #endregion Preconditions

            _wordsSearchHits = null;             // Here the real search hits will be stored; in case of main highlighting they correspond to the ones passed in
            _statuswriter    = Core.UIManager.GetStatusWriter(this, StatusPane.UI);
            _statuswriter.ShowStatus("Highlighting search hits in the document…");

            // Initiate the async hilite process
            _stateHilite = new AsyncHighlightState(words);
            if (StartHiliteMain(_stateHilite))
                Core.UserInterfaceAP.QueueJobAt(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(500), "Highlight the search hits.", new MethodInvoker(StepHilite));                       // Succeeded — queue execution
            {             // Failed — deinitialize
                _stateHilite = null;
                _statuswriter = null;
                Trace.WriteLine("Failed to initiate the main highlighting scheme.", "[JRTB]");
Exemple #3
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            WordPtr inst1 = (WordPtr)x, inst2 = (WordPtr)y;

            if (inst1.SectionId < inst2.SectionId)

            if (inst1.SectionId > inst2.SectionId)

            if (inst1.StartOffset < inst2.StartOffset)

            if (inst1.StartOffset > inst2.StartOffset)

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies one step of the async highlighting against the backup scheme.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether another step should be called.</returns>
        protected bool StepHiliteBackup(AsyncHighlightState state)
            if (state.CurPos < 0)              // Should we pick a new word form for searching it?
                if (!state.Enum.MoveNext())
                {                 // Completed!!
                    // Sort the search hits in order of appearance and supply to the storage
                    state.ActualSearchHitsCache.Sort(new WordPtrOffsetComparer());
                    state.ActualSearchHits = (WordPtr[])state.ActualSearchHitsCache.ToArray(typeof(WordPtr)); // Take the search hits
                    return(false);                                                                            // Finish it
                state.CurPos = 0;                                                                             // Start looking for it from the beginning
            string  sOriginal     = (string)state.Enum.Current;
            WordPtr wordSearchHit = (WordPtr)state.HashWordForms[sOriginal];

            // Choose a color for highlighting the hits of this text

            // Look for the next entry, starting from the very place we left it the prev time
            int nOldPos = state.CurPos;

            state.CurPos = Find(wordSearchHit.Text, state.CurPos, RichTextBoxFinds.NoHighlight | RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord);
            if (state.CurPos < 0)        // If not found, will be negative
                return(true);            // Switch to looking for the next entry, or complete the process if there are no more
            if (state.CurPos <= nOldPos) // Sometimes the Find function will return a result BEFORE the search start :)
            {                            // Switch to looking for the next entry, or complete the process if there are no more
                state.CurPos = -1;

            // Add the search hit data
            WordPtr hit = wordSearchHit;             // Make a copy of the hit

            hit.StartOffset = state.CurPos;          // The actual starting offset

            // Select the supposed search hit location
            Select(state.CurPos, wordSearchHit.Text.Length);
            state.CurPos += wordSearchHit.Text.Length;             // Skip the already-found entry (otherwise we'll keep finding it again and again, eternally)

            // Apply the coloring!!
            Win32Declarations.SendMessage(Handle, EditMessage.SETCHARFORMAT, SCF.SELECTION, ref state.Fmt);

            return(true);            // Try looking for the next entry
Exemple #5
        public static void  GetHighlightedTerms(Entry entry, string[] lexemes, out WordPtr[] anchors)
            anchors = new WordPtr[entry.Count];

            Trace.WriteLine("HighlightTerms -- the following terms were processed for highlighting: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < entry.Count; i++)
                InstanceOffset instance = entry.Instance(i);
                uint           offset   = instance.Offset;
                string         Lexeme   = lexemes[instance.BaseID];

                anchors[i].Original    = Lexeme;
                anchors[i].Text        = ReconstructWordform(offset, Lexeme, OMEnv.DictionaryServer);
                anchors[i].StartOffset = instance.OffsetNormal;
                anchors[i].SectionId   = (int)instance.SectionId;
                anchors[i].Section     = DocSectionHelper.FullNameByOrder(instance.SectionId);

//  trace section
                Trace.WriteLine("      [" + anchors[i].Text + "] at " + instance.OffsetNormal +
                                ", section " + anchors[i].Section + ", sentence " + instance.Sentence);
//  end trace section
            Array.Sort(anchors, new AnchorComparer());
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Init instance.
 /// </summary>
 internal Marker(char marker, WordPtr data)
     _markingChar = marker;
     _offsetData  = data;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives the formatted content with markers injected, collects the markers, updates the offsets and returns the content with markers cleaned up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content with the markers.</param>
        /// <param name="offsets">Returns the updated offsets from the <see cref="InjectMarkers"/> method. Note that the number of offsets may decrease if some of the markers go out while formatting.</param>
        /// <returns>The cleaned up content without the markers.</returns>
        public string CollectMarkers(string content, out WordPtr[] offsets)
            if (_markers == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The object must be first initialized by the InjectMarkers call.");
            if (_markers.Count == 0)            // No markers injected in the text
                offsets = null;

            // Locate markers
            int       pos;
            ArrayList markers = new ArrayList(_markers.Count);                          // Collect here (some may need to be removed)

            foreach (Marker marker in _markers)
                // Locate the marker
                pos = content.IndexOf(marker._markingChar);
                marker._offsetData.StartOffset = pos;
                if (pos != -1)                  // If the marker was found in the stream, keep it. Otherwise, drop by not adding to the new storage
                    Trace.WriteLine("[MFO] Warning! A marker was filtered out due to absense in the formatted stream.");                        // Pos == -1
                // TODO: what to do if marker is duplicated?
                // 1) use the first
                // 2) assume it's a bug and dispose of both offsets, leaving the marker chars intact
                // 3) add offsets for both
            _markers = markers;                 // Keep the filtered set of markers
            if (_markers.Count == 0)            // No markers left in the text
                Trace.WriteLine("[MFO] Error! No markers were found in the formatted stream.");
                offsets = null;

            // Arrange in order of appearance
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
            {                   // This means that some markers had indeed equal positions, which must not happen
                Trace.WriteLine("[MFO] Error! Some of the markers had equal positions in the formatted stream. Cancelling further processing.");
                offsets = null;

            // Cut off and refresh offsets, collect the new offsets
            pos = 0;                    // Current position
            int           shift    = 0; // Number of cut-out chars to shift the subsequent offsets by
            StringBuilder stripped = new StringBuilder(content.Length);

            offsets = new WordPtr[_markers.Count];
            foreach (Marker marker in _markers)
                // Maintenance
                stripped.Append(content.Substring(pos, marker._offsetData.StartOffset - pos));
                pos = marker._offsetData.StartOffset + 1;                       // Beyond the marker
                marker._offsetData.StartOffset -= shift;                        // Encounter the cut-off markers

                // Collect
                offsets[shift] = marker._offsetData;

                // Advance

            // Copy content after the last marker
            stripped.Append(content.Substring(pos, content.Length - pos));

            return(stripped.ToString(  ));